Is too much exercise counter productive..?



  • gamerbabe14
    gamerbabe14 Posts: 876 Member
    edited April 2017
    Some sensible replies at last, thanks everyone for answering. Generally, I reckon my Polar HRM is not too far out, although, personally I am cautious of eating back more than about 50% to allow for a margin of error. I find the arrogance of some self-proclaimed experts astounding, eg: immediately assuming my calorie calculation is wrong, that I can't possibly burn 500cal in 2 dog walks - I live in the country and travel miles through fields, often with a 10k vest. The whole point is, I think, that I am burning a lot and not fuelling back sufficiently. I have managed to lose 21lbs in the past 3.5 months with my crappy HRM though, so something works. On the whole, I reckon I have been working with too big a defecit, hence, starving hungry in the evening. I had been eating back up to a third, and will up this to 50%. Thanks again to those who took the time to reply. Oh, and to those with 20+ thousand posts, please get a life...

    You answered your own question while simultaneously putting repliers down.
  • KinoM
    KinoM Posts: 359 Member
    No arrogance here, many people run into difficulty in accurately estimating calorie burns. You didn't include details of HRMs or weighted vest running when you posted originally, so I asked a question. Asking questions in order to help solve an issue for someone on a bulletin board is the helpful end of these forums, don't knock those trying to assist.
  • gearhead426hemi
    gearhead426hemi Posts: 919 Member
    Opinions are like *kitten* everyone's got one so here's mine.

    Health and workout advise brings out the worst in people who are genuinely trying to help. Now that being said there are some people who workout and diet for a month and all of a sudden they feel like experts on all aspects of health and fitness. I generally look at it like this, I don't take advise from people who don't have the physique that I am trying to achieve.

    The best fitness and health advise I got was from a retired body builder. He said if your hungry.. Eat.. just make sure you are eating the proper foods to fuel your body. If you are taking the time to workout then you need to push it until you have nothing left. C.T. Fletcher says it best, "It's still your mother f-ing set".
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    You're supposed to fuel your fitness...If you're expending a lot of energy and not properly fueling then obviously you would be hungry...
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I very much doubt you can burn 500 calories walking the dog. I think you are grossly overestimating your calorie burns. But to your question, no, I don't think more exercise is counterproductive. I think restricting your diet too much is counterproductive.

    We don't always walk, often jog cross-country. Twice a day, often wearing a 10kg weighted vest, which equates to weight lost so far. Calories measured via Polar FT4. So no, not 'estimating' anything.. and I would burn 500 calories an hour in the gym also - not difficult when working hard...

    Your Polar measures your heart rate. It doesn't measure your calories.