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Where do these ideas come from?

mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
I've been on MFP for a little over a year and I see over and over and over again "I'm working out x hours a day doing x, y, z and I'm not losing weight" or some variation of that, as though just working out to the point of exhaustion is the only way to lose weight. Where did the idea come from that you have to work yourself to death every day to lose weight?

The other thing that I see ALL THE TIME is the 1200 calorie benchmark for diets. Where did this come from that you have to eat 1200 calories to diet and lose weight? I know when I was a kid (12 years old) my mom put me on Weight Watchers and it was a 1200 calorie diet so for a long time I thought that was the appropriate calorie level to eat to diet. How or why did this become the "diet" calorie point when in reality, most people, even myself, can eat at least 1400-1500 (women) and still lose weight?

These things have just been on my mind because every day there are several threads where people think you have to work yourself to death and only eat 1200 calories in order to lose weight, and it drives me nuts.



  • mizsaratoga
    mizsaratoga Posts: 3 Member
    Slow is the way to go. Folks want quick loss, but if you want to get and stay at a healthy weight then the eating habits must become habits & normal day to day living choices. I heard someone say it takes 10 years to become an overnight sensation! I lost 30 pounds in 2 years & the low calories I need to maintain are okay. I still have my hunger days but I counter with exercise & getting right back to my normal eating that maintains my weight.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    Slow is the way to go. Folks want quick loss, but if you want to get and stay at a healthy weight then the eating habits must become habits & normal day to day living choices. I heard someone say it takes 10 years to become an overnight sensation! I lost 30 pounds in 2 years & the low calories I need to maintain are okay. I still have my hunger days but I counter with exercise & getting right back to my normal eating that maintains my weight.

    I know this, but why do most people still think you need to kill yourself and be miserable? I wonder if it's all these weightloss shows that show people working themselves to death. You really don't need to work out that hard or long to see big changes in strength and endurance.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    If one serving of potato chips is good, then the whole bag is great, because more is better. If losing half a pound a week is good, then losing a pound a week is great, because more is better. #skinny_fat_logic
  • smart127
    smart127 Posts: 1 Member
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    At some point, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to learn to find a food plan you can eat for the rest of your life and still be happy. Otherwise, that lost weight will find you again.

    This is ABSOLUTELY the key. We've all heard the phrases... "You are what you eat." "Food is medicine." "Garbage in - garbage out." Once you figure out how your body responds to food (and look PAST the SAD - Standard American Diet) and embrace it, adding a physical routine is the yang to that ying. You will be HAPPY. ;-)
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    In my opinion it's first of all the womens' magazines with titles like "Lose 10 lbs in one week with our diet plan" etc, etc. This gives people the idea that you (or someone) can really lose that amount in a week--just do everything the article says for a week. People think "Hey, it's only a week, I can do that to lose 10 lbs". Of course it's immpossible, but then you think something must be wrong with you--hence "starvation mode". With this mindset newbies are convinced that if this site works, then it must be a quick loss site. They are also afraid that they'll lose steam, and are all hyped to lose that weight as fast as possible. When they are told it's a long haul and better to slow down, it's a shock and they fight it tooth and nail. It goes against everything that's out there.
  • joemac1988
    joemac1988 Posts: 1,021 Member
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    How or why did this become the "diet" calorie point when in reality, most people, even myself, can eat at least 1400-1500 (women) and still lose weight?

    Hate to say it but you're still in that trap based on saying most people can...ANYTHING. Losing weight is a mathematical formula. Calories consumed < calories expended. Putting ANY number to it is false including 1400-1500. I have a friend that is shredded, 8 pack, show condition on over 5,000 calories a day because he burns more than that.

    I hope this doesn't come across as confrontational, that's not what I'm aiming for. Diplomacy requires more words than I feel like typing lol.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,219 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    How or why did this become the "diet" calorie point when in reality, most people, even myself, can eat at least 1400-1500 (women) and still lose weight?

    Hate to say it but you're still in that trap based on saying most people can...ANYTHING. Losing weight is a mathematical formula. Calories consumed < calories expended. Putting ANY number to it is false including 1400-1500. I have a friend that is shredded, 8 pack, show condition on over 5,000 calories a day because he burns more than that.

    I hope this doesn't come across as confrontational, that's not what I'm aiming for. Diplomacy requires more words than I feel like typing lol.

    I don't see how she's trapped into a certain thinking by acknowledging that most people can eat more than the minimum suggested 1200 calories or even 1500 calories. She was giving a sample range of calorie intake for weight loss based on her statistics (which is why she put 'woman' in parenthesis), not on a young and very active male. I'm 100% sure she realizes that there are plenty of people out there who easily lose weight or maintain weight at 2, 3, or 5 times the amount of calories she does. It's actually the reason she created this thread and coming back to your example you proved her point that your friend (or you, or me, or her) could lose weight on much more than 1200 calories.
  • Carillon_Campanello
    Carillon_Campanello Posts: 726 Member
    edited April 2017
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    How or why did this become the "diet" calorie point when in reality, most people, even myself, can eat at least 1400-1500 (women) and still lose weight?

    Hate to say it but you're still in that trap based on saying most people can...ANYTHING. Losing weight is a mathematical formula. Calories consumed < calories expended. Putting ANY number to it is false including 1400-1500. I have a friend that is shredded, 8 pack, show condition on over 5,000 calories a day because he burns more than that.

    I hope this doesn't come across as confrontational, that's not what I'm aiming for. Diplomacy requires more words than I feel like typing lol.

    Nope. Not confrontational. Could have even made your point with fewer words/keystrokes. See what I bolded and italicized. I think most would agree to that. You could even throw in the qualifier of the next few words of the next sentence if you felt the need. In general I agree with your sentiment.
  • Leah_62803
    Leah_62803 Posts: 292 Member
    I have several friends who "diet" all the time. They always do low carb or less than 1200 calories. I tried to explain to one of them that she could eat more and still lose weight but she argued with me and said that she GAINS weights if she eats over 1200 calories a day (she's about 5'4 and 150 lbs). I'm pretty sure she also tried to tell me that carbs turn into calories...
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    If you're a shortie like me, the 1200 calorie limit is the lowest I can go and still lose weight. I'm not in a hurry to take it off, but as someone who is barely 5' tall, if I eat too much more than that without working out an hour a day, I won't lose weight!

    1200 makes sense for shorties......but the one-size-fits-all approach is irksome. I know MFP has to bottom out somewhere.

    I'm not tall, but my niece is. The average height for women has changed since the.............1920's (?)
    I don't know if 1200 was around back in the 1920's....but it does seem like forever.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    How or why did this become the "diet" calorie point when in reality, most people, even myself, can eat at least 1400-1500 (women) and still lose weight?

    Hate to say it but you're still in that trap based on saying most people can...ANYTHING. Losing weight is a mathematical formula. Calories consumed < calories expended. Putting ANY number to it is false including 1400-1500. I have a friend that is shredded, 8 pack, show condition on over 5,000 calories a day because he burns more than that.

    I hope this doesn't come across as confrontational, that's not what I'm aiming for. Diplomacy requires more words than I feel like typing lol.

    But your friend isn't most people. He's not average Joe. Most people doesn't include the guy who works out like crazy, or is 6'6" and extremely muscular. So, my "most people" means the average person, which I would say a majority of people fall under. My statement stands.
  • mom22dogs
    mom22dogs Posts: 470 Member
    TeaBea wrote: »
    If you're a shortie like me, the 1200 calorie limit is the lowest I can go and still lose weight. I'm not in a hurry to take it off, but as someone who is barely 5' tall, if I eat too much more than that without working out an hour a day, I won't lose weight!

    1200 makes sense for shorties......but the one-size-fits-all approach is irksome. I know MFP has to bottom out somewhere.

    I'm not tall, but my niece is. The average height for women has changed since the.............1920's (?)
    I don't know if 1200 was around back in the 1920's....but it does seem like forever.

    I'm 5'0" tall and can lose weight on almost 1700 calories. My TDEE is just over 2200. I guess until the media changes what they put out there, it probably won't change.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    joemac1988 wrote: »
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    How or why did this become the "diet" calorie point when in reality, most people, even myself, can eat at least 1400-1500 (women) and still lose weight?

    Hate to say it but you're still in that trap based on saying most people can...ANYTHING. Losing weight is a mathematical formula. Calories consumed < calories expended. Putting ANY number to it is false including 1400-1500. I have a friend that is shredded, 8 pack, show condition on over 5,000 calories a day because he burns more than that.

    I hope this doesn't come across as confrontational, that's not what I'm aiming for. Diplomacy requires more words than I feel like typing lol.

    I disagree. By using the word "most," she indicated that it's not appropriate for everyone - and that it's not a "must" for anyone. As such, she is in no such trap at all.
  • Libby283
    Libby283 Posts: 288 Member
    mom22dogs wrote: »
    TeaBea wrote: »
    If you're a shortie like me, the 1200 calorie limit is the lowest I can go and still lose weight. I'm not in a hurry to take it off, but as someone who is barely 5' tall, if I eat too much more than that without working out an hour a day, I won't lose weight!

    1200 makes sense for shorties......but the one-size-fits-all approach is irksome. I know MFP has to bottom out somewhere.

    I'm not tall, but my niece is. The average height for women has changed since the.............1920's (?)
    I don't know if 1200 was around back in the 1920's....but it does seem like forever.

    I'm 5'0" tall and can lose weight on almost 1700 calories. My TDEE is just over 2200. I guess until the media changes what they put out there, it probably won't change.

    But I am 5'3" and I gain weight on 1700 calories a day. 1200-1300 and I just maintain the same weight. I lose at the 1000-1100 range. Go figure.

    As a teenager and through my 20's I could eat 2500 calories a day and stayed petite. That all changed in my 30's. Actually the moment I got on hormonal birth control. It is what it is though.
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    I think women's magazines and media. I feel like when I used to read that stuff they would always be talking about meal plans and it seemed like1500 calories is the "magic" calorie intake for women, which now that I know better is laughable to me. Obviously we are all the exact same size and activity level. Plus the "booty busting" workouts and what not. When people don't understand the whole picture they can come up with all sorts of "great" ideas.