
How do you stay motivated?


  • amiraammora
    amiraammora Posts: 33 Member
    There are a couple of things. Like looking at the mirror and seeing result!! And I surround myself with people who also want to be 'fit' and 'healthy'. That really motivate me :)
    Uhmm the last one is, that I remind myself to enjoy this journey
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    edited April 2017
    Some ways I stay motivated is by looking at old pics when I was overweight/obese. They are tough to look at, but it keeps me working hard so I don't go back there.

    Clothes keep me motivated. It's nice to have a lot of options compared to when I had to shop at the plus-sized stores. Being able to rock a bikini comfortably is very nice too.

    Loving what I see in the mirror and to see that all of my hard work has paid off - even though it has taken a long time.

    Fitness goals help me too. To see myself get stronger or building more endurance keeps me going.

    But feeling amazing, having a lot of energy and being in perfect health and not on any medications really, really keeps me going.

    When I was losing weight, seeing those inches drop and fitting into smaller and smaller clothes got expensive, but it motivated me to keep going.
  • goolhc
    goolhc Posts: 91 Member
    Logging my food Dailey, and focus on my goals. It really motivate me to see that i can already see the results after 21 days. But also all the positive story's here on the community. Only looking for some friends to help me to keep me going.
  • emar831
    emar831 Posts: 16 Member
    I just started my new journey with MFP. Logging my food every day as I eat it helps. I have also discovered the community and when I have a bad craving, I start reading everyone's posts and that helps too. I have taken before photos and keep them on my phone to look at when I am feeling unmotivated. Also, write your story. Write it all down and BE HONEST with yourself. How did you get to where you are and what can you do to reach your goals. Focus on what YOU did to get you where you are, not outside influences. Take responsibility. You do not have to share your story but I am planning on writing mine and considering sharing it with my friends on here, maybe the whole community, I dont know. I think this can be a wonderful motivational tool as anytime you feel defeated you can go back and read it to reiterate why you started this journey to begin with. Oh, and yell at yourself. I yell at myself in my mommy voice when I start to try to talk myself into picking up a burger at lunch or ordering pizza at dinner. I am not mean, I just have my skinny mommy voice in my head telling me not to do it and reiterating why I shouldn't do it and what I can do instead. It is hard, find whatever works for you. Good luck!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Seeing other people work hard keeps me motivated!
  • ilegare843
    ilegare843 Posts: 15 Member
    My friends on here keep me motivated
  • duanevaux
    duanevaux Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks for sharing guys! And when things get tough just remember why you started your journey! And good luck