New Years Eve Challege anyone?



  • hazelnutflav
    hazelnutflav Posts: 391 Member
    i started my NYE CHALLENGE back in may, but i will like to continue with you guys, my goal is to be 190 by then, also i only step on the scale once a month, if that ok with you, count me in :)
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    We can all do what works for us. We all have differernt goals, we are different weights and it will be great. I went to zumba and burned over 1000 calories with my hrm. I am heading to have lunch now. Cheers everyone :) Feel free to add me :)
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Starting weight (current weight) 275.6. Will reevaluate short term goals 1st of aug. I know I would like to be at 265 by end of aug.
  • clairibou1
    clairibou1 Posts: 124
    I am down for this! I want to be at my goal weight, 125, by then! That way, instead of making yet ANOTHER New Years' Resolution to get fit, I can congratulate myself for sticking with it and losing the weight!
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    :laugh: I would love to join all of you in the New Years Challenge, such a great reason to celebrate!. I am 135 now. I would like to lose about 10 more pounds...I hope by NYE to be maintaining and doing well! It does not matter what day you choose for weigh in, I'm there!:drinker:
  • redcurlygirl
    YES!!! My goal all year long has been to be at my goal weight by then, as it's my favorite day of the year! I know that I may not make it to my total goal weight, but I'm hoping to be as close as I can possibly be by then. We can do it!!!
  • readingboy
    readingboy Posts: 24
    I'm up for the challenge. I'm currently at 220 and would love to be 180 by then. New Years Eve is a perfect deadline for me. I'm still trying to figure out my exercise routine, so this will help me make a decision and stick to it.

    I'm relatiely new here, so forgive the question: How does this work? Do we all check on on this thread, or is there another method?

    Thanks for starting this!
  • fiona1980
    fiona1980 Posts: 7
    I would like to be 126lb (9 st by new years eve-the weight I was at 21 lol! I am 145lbs at the moment so it should be do able.
  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    I'd definitely love to join, as my older sister is getting married on Jan 6th in Costa Rica!!
    My dress that was ordered was a few sizes to small on PURPOSE. Which isn't really nice, but it's definitely working for me to be motivated to fit into a size 6 -- I'm a 11/13 right now.

    My main goal is to weigh down to about 120-125lbs, which is about 45lbs to lose & MAINTAIN that loss :happy:

    Good luck everyone!! I KNOW we can do this! :glasses:
  • Trixtabella
    Trixtabella Posts: 471 Member
    I am in I want to be in my skinny jeans by NYE so that would be awesome.
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Everyday I will post a challenge whether it be diet related or fitness related. Let's all try to do this. I am also gonna put some tips I've found that help me. We can all do this. We deserve this. We are going to be banging on new years.
  • sweetsapphire85
    My name is Megan (Meg) I'm 25 and a full time graduate student working towards becoming a licensed social worker. It takes a lot of time between classes and internship and living on my own my weight as crept up to 150. at my best weight I was at 120 and felt the best so I'm looking forward to that and Jeans that arent size 12. I also have a dress I love that doesn't fit me since I've gained 20 pounds that in another month i'm going to start trying on on a weekly basis to see if i can fit in it again.

    I'm in, I weigh every day (although I shouldn't I know) But usually count my weigh ins on Fridays. I'm doing the lean by Halloween challenge which i'm hoping I'll be down to 130 and have 10 more to go to make it to my goal weight which is perfect for the new years deadline.

    Starting weight:146
    Goal Weight: 120
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    I am so excited that everyone seems to be as motivated as I am. I had a LONG day. I was with 3 boys ages, 8., 10, and 12. Let me tell you. I have been up since 330am couldnt sleep. I went and did my Saturday Zumba class, then came home to laundry and my doggie GNASH, picked up all the boys and we went to cicis pizza I did remotely good. I burned 1032 calories at zumba wow I was suprised. Then to top the day off the boys wanted to play baseball. More exercise I did not log. I had a great day.

    Tomorrow I challenge you to do at least 30 min of Cardio. No matter the kind. Just move. Dance, walk your dog, at the gym, just do something. Try to do it with a SMILE. I hope you all have a great night. We can all do this because it is mind over matter and I am determined to win this NYE Battle.

  • paulahhhh
    paulahhhh Posts: 283
    Going to the gym tomorrow with my best friend! Will definitely be doing our 45min cardio & 3 reps of ab workouts :D

    Good luck everyone!
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Sounds great!! My cardio today will be packing and moving boxes! I won't be on tomorrow except through the droid app because I'm moving from WV to Ann Arbor, MI and we won't have internet at the house til Tues! I plan to weigh in on Tues this week and after a looooong 8 hr drive, I will do some walking tomorrow night.Anxious to get back into my routine!! And can't wait to start the challenge!
  • Crawford718
    Crawford718 Posts: 6 Member
    I actually have a wedding to attend on New Years Eve and I wanna get a sparkly hot dress for the occasion. So my goal shall be to be at a weight of 145 by then!!! Lets do this!!
  • karen_s
    karen_s Posts: 4 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Karen and new to MFP. A NYE challenge is perfect timing for me. I'd like to be at 175 by January 1. That means losing 31 pounds in the next 5 months.

    I plan to go take a 30 minute walk this morning to meet our daily challenge--thanks for the motivation!
  • lelliebugh
    lelliebugh Posts: 340 Member
    Hey everyone, I hope you all had a great day. I worked all day then went to my parents for a visit. I did play with my dog and got my cardio in. She is a little jack russell terrier.

    Tomorrows challenge, Eat Breakfast. I do not like breakfast food, I am not a morning eater, But I am challenging everyone to eat a good breakfast..

    I am off work tomorrow, so I will be working on things with a spreadsheet for us. If anyone has any tips, ideas, or questions let me know.

    You are all gorgeous and have a great night,
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    ..I missed Sundays Challenge..didn't checkin...busy day...trying to organize! Got a 18 treadmill walk in tonight before going to bed...I'm 135..trying to shoot for at least 1 pound by the end of the month. What day will be the check in day?
    Good luck to all!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 906 Member
    Thanks Lesley for organizing!! I love the idea of checking in every day with a focus. I am a breakfast eater, so I'll be ready for tomorrow's challenge. I plan on least drinking more water tomorrow because that has been my weakest area.