Any vegetarians out there??



  • driventotheend
    I'm a vegetarian, have been one for 8 years now. Please add me, I am just starting out and would like to have some friends on here to motivate and encourage each other!
  • martielou
    martielou Posts: 50 Member
    Veg for 11 years; vegan for the last year &1/2. Love the switch! I've been using fatfreevegan and happy herbivore blogs for great recipes! Check them out! :)
  • Paperthinwaferthin
    Paperthinwaferthin Posts: 16 Member
    I've been a vegetarian for 6 months (although I fish,which isn't reallymy choice)
    I also try to cut as much dairy as possible out of my diet :)

    My iron is pretty bad (I was just able to donate blood. Seriously just) so I'm eating spinach like a crazy lady :D
  • IamnotJessica
    I've been a vegetarian for about 7 years now.
    The boyf keeps telling me it's making me ill though!!

    I'm quite worried as to what I'm going to eat when I get to uni. I've made a budget plan and I'll be living off about 7 quid a day. Quorn isn't exactly cheap and I highly doubt I'll have the pennies to create amazing home cookery. I'm scared I'll be living off pot noodles!! Any ideas?
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    vegetarian here..
  • Thamantha
    Thamantha Posts: 102 Member

    Making things yourself can be much cheaper, although somewhat time consuming. You can buy bread flour and make your own bread. Use plain flour to make your own noodles or pasta. Making things in large quantities and then freeze a few portions is a good time and money saver. My partner makes a spag bol with quorn and lots of veggies. He will make enough for 8 portions each time and then we freeze six of them. It is a versatile meal as you can have the bolognaise part with a baked potato, or in a crepe, as well as with spaghetti. I do the same thing with a kidney bean chilli.
    Find out what time the supermarkets reduce their produce for a quick sale, and pop along then to see if there is anything worth getting (i often end up with cheap ingredients for tasty soups).
    Another tip for watching your budget is to make a plan in advance of what meals you will eat that week. Then make your shopping list using your meal plan and only buy the things on that list.

    I'm unemployed at the moment so my weekly food budget (for 2 people) is £30. It goes a long way if you are not buying convenience foods, and have the time to make things yourself.
  • TanyaED
    TanyaED Posts: 11
    Hi, I've been veggie for 3 years now and for the most part, it's been great. Unfortunately, I'm struggling with my iron and protein levels and I've been on iron tablets for the past 4 years. I'm looking to improve that though, so that I can hopefully progress to becoming a vegan (possibly! still unsure)
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Yup, I have been vegetarian since I was 13, and am in freakishly good health!
  • karen_s
    karen_s Posts: 4 Member
    I've been vegetarian for almost 17 years. Hoping to be vegan for 2012, but giving up dairy is proving to be difficult.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    My roommate used to be vegetarian, then vegan, then vegetarian again. She says it made her crazy (basically) so now she's incorporating meat back into her diet :)
  • BettyMargaret
    BettyMargaret Posts: 407 Member
    I am vegetarian and have been since September 5th, 2010! I have passively lost 66 pounds as of today and I will never go back to being a meatasaurus! I really wish you would ALL add me! (that's my wish for the day!)
  • amyschaefer
    I have been vegetarian for 19 years. I have had three babies and nursed them each for well over a year with no meat. I do struggle with getting enough protein so I have a drink with milk and protein powder everyday.
  • Oyinda91
    Oyinda91 Posts: 3
    hi i've been a vegetarian for a couple of months now and before that i was a pescatarian. the transition has been a little hard cause i feel like i am not getting enough protein lol.
  • comcatee
    comcatee Posts: 48 Member
    me! 5 and a half years now :) i think it was more difficult for me to give up marshmallows (gelatin) than it was to give up meat lol!
  • harlanJEN
    harlanJEN Posts: 1,089 Member
    Greetings ! I've been "mostly VEG" for years. I don't care for meat and prefer to eat anything but meat. Once in a while, I will have some turkey, chicken or fish. Not often, but once in a blue moon. I'm B-12 deficient, haven't paid much attention to it, take a supplement. I've recently decided to take better control of my nutrition and my weight. I'm doing well with carbs, protein, fiber - working on my sugars now. Then specific nutrients - such as B-12 : ) My iron is good. Feel free to add me - that would be great. I"m currently working on losing the same 50 pounds I've been losing since I was 16. You know it how it goes : ( I'm planning that this time I will finally get it right !!
  • IamnotJessica

    Making things yourself can be much cheaper, although somewhat time consuming. You can buy bread flour and make your own bread. Use plain flour to make your own noodles or pasta. Making things in large quantities and then freeze a few portions is a good time and money saver. My partner makes a spag bol with quorn and lots of veggies. He will make enough for 8 portions each time and then we freeze six of them. It is a versatile meal as you can have the bolognaise part with a baked potato, or in a crepe, as well as with spaghetti. I do the same thing with a kidney bean chilli.
    Find out what time the supermarkets reduce their produce for a quick sale, and pop along then to see if there is anything worth getting (i often end up with cheap ingredients for tasty soups).
    Another tip for watching your budget is to make a plan in advance of what meals you will eat that week. Then make your shopping list using your meal plan and only buy the things on that list.

    I'm unemployed at the moment so my weekly food budget (for 2 people) is £30. It goes a long way if you are not buying convenience foods, and have the time to make things yourself.

    Thanks for the advice. I'll be a bit better than most at budgetting because I don't drink.
    I'm not even sure if my accom has a freezer you know, it's not listed! Surely it would though. Good idea with the supermarkets too that one didn't cross my mind. Should have considering the amount of times I've nipped into Tesco to get all the cheap bakery stuff haha!!

    Thanks again!
  • jessradtke
    jessradtke Posts: 418 Member
    I was either vegetarian or vegan for many years. I've lost track of exactly how many total years it was, but I was a kid when I started the process and I'm 40 now. About 15 of those years I was vegan, and at other times I followed variations on vegetarianism (macrobiotic, ovo-vegetarian, ovo-lacto vegetarian, raw vegan). In all those years I never had ANY issues with B12, iron, etc. I've been "mostly vegetarian" for about 5 or 6 years now. I still prefer to eat lots of raw, mostly plant based foods, but am not as strict as I used to be for various reasons. I still do not support factory farming, but will occasionally eat free range chicken or wild caught seafood. I also drink raw milk from a local grass fed herd, and I raise my own chickens for eggs so that I know which hen the eggs come from and what the hens' diet consists of.
  • Finding_Tina
    Finding_Tina Posts: 48 Member
    I have been a lacto-ovo vegetarian since 1991.
  • RoseCoreling
    RoseCoreling Posts: 55 Member
    Wow there are a lot of us out here!! Vegetarian for 16 years now, raising my son as a veg (and my husband "converted" right afer we got married)! Anyone feel free to add me, im always looking to meet new veg heads out there!! :)
  • ErikaSwenson
    ErikaSwenson Posts: 160 Member
    Hey! Vegetarian for the past 3 years but just started eating fish a couple weeks ago. Hopefully you will still add me as a friend? :)