How many daily calories do you eat?



  • ItsAllMental819
    ItsAllMental819 Posts: 68 Member
    Around 2000 Ave. daily per week right now... It does evolve depending on how I feel. Maintainance would be 2600 & my macros are 40/30/30 (P/F/C)
  • princess0lexi
    princess0lexi Posts: 3,938 Member
    1300, wish i could eat less but with a eating disorder thats really bad
  • canihazcarbs
    canihazcarbs Posts: 18 Member
    edited April 2017
    1500 to lose 2lb a week. 5'8 male, 162lb, 30yr old.
  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    ~1700, lifting 5x a week, and HIIT cardio 5-6x a week and STILL hungry :wink:
  • CreatureComforts13
    CreatureComforts13 Posts: 6 Member
    Currently MFP is set to 1400 a day (losing 1lb per week), but today is my first day and I was completely satisfied with 1200. We'll see if that continues when I get back to the gym!
  • meggie1418
    meggie1418 Posts: 19 Member
    I was averaging about 1,000 a day but watched a youtube video and found out wow I am not eating enough and the girl had a link to her maco calculator and now I am eating 1355 calories a day and feel so so much better!!
  • KrystalAmbro
    KrystalAmbro Posts: 10 Member
    edited April 2017
    MFP is set for 2,700 a day (gain 1-2 pounds a week),which includes my job of being on my feet all day. However, I am a runner so the intake is above 3,000. Struggling to reach that many calories right now, but I'm getting closer
  • jdarn001
    jdarn001 Posts: 5 Member
    I started at 1760 and that worked well for the first 75 pounds, now I am at 1500 with a total weight loss of 93 pounds. I don't get hungry because I choose bulky low calorie vegetables often. With a bad back I can't run but I started walking slow pace in the beginning, and now I can often do as much as seven miles in a day at about an 18 minute mile pace.
  • Brookieb1326
    Brookieb1326 Posts: 41 Member
    1780 on days that I do not workout, and 2300 on days that I do workout.
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,571 Member
    I set my goal at 1700 but usually eat closer to 1900 on average. I'm not losing. This is maintenance. In fact I might be gaining. I should check. (I'm really not a great example of success).
  • edwill3456
    edwill3456 Posts: 59 Member
    I'm 6'1 183lbs. I'm 21 years old. I'm pretty active so I eat around 2800 to maintain.
  • AnnaSmith5
    AnnaSmith5 Posts: 1 Member
    I am vegan so I have to make sure I get enough protein usually 1000 to 1200 but I am recuperating with knee injury so very limited activity and I am under doctors care and get regular labs - I have lost 10# in a month
  • nitalouise1959
    nitalouise1959 Posts: 2 Member
    1200 t0 1300
  • Candyb38
    Candyb38 Posts: 44 Member
    ~1700, lifting 5x a week, and HIIT cardio 5-6x a week and STILL hungry :wink:

    Youre probably not eating enough. Youre burning off a lot of calories probably WAY more than youre taking in. Get some more protein in.
  • zilkah
    zilkah Posts: 207 Member
    Currently between 1400-1600 might raise that soon !
  • tsortsor
    tsortsor Posts: 830 Member
    Usually around 4000
  • dreous44
    dreous44 Posts: 17 Member
    1500-1700 calories with 3 workouts a week and have lost 16 pounds in 2 months. Im a bigger guy though so it wouldn't apply to you. I would just do 500-700 less calories than your BMR. guaranteed weight loss.
  • chris_james17
    chris_james17 Posts: 52 Member
    I'm eating 1750-1800