Looking for friends trying to lose the last 25 pounds

I've lost 70 pounds, but Im struggling with the last 25 pounds! Looking for motivation in the same boat. 4otqev3487gm.jpg


  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    You look great! I've got about 25 left to lose. I haven't lost near as much as you...lost 15 and 25ish to go:)
  • newheavensearth
    newheavensearth Posts: 870 Member
    Same goal here! You look great!
  • KatyBell164
    KatyBell164 Posts: 104 Member
    Added you both!
  • jfp420
    jfp420 Posts: 186 Member
    You're doing great! I have 15- 20 lbs to lose. I'm thinking that I will see how I look after the 15 and see if I need to keep going.
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    im 100 down 10-20 to go. I have pics but i get yelled at when i post them on here because people have issues with them -.- lol add me :)
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Me too....have 10-20 to lose. Currently I'm at a weight where I feel good, and get lots of compliments. That makes me lazy with tracking and counting calories! I feel like I need to tighten things up.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    im 100 down 10-20 to go. I have pics but i get yelled at when i post them on here because people have issues with them -.- lol add me :)

    Why would you get yelled at when you post pics? You look great in your profile pic!
  • JaydedMiss
    JaydedMiss Posts: 4,286 Member
    suruda wrote: »
    JaydedMiss wrote: »
    im 100 down 10-20 to go. I have pics but i get yelled at when i post them on here because people have issues with them -.- lol add me :)

    Why would you get yelled at when you post pics? You look great in your profile pic!

    thanks :) people are sensitive :p
  • circusmamasarah
    circusmamasarah Posts: 50 Member
    I have about 10-15 to go. Feel free to add me.
  • GrumpyHeadmistress
    GrumpyHeadmistress Posts: 666 Member
    Lost 90lbs, about 20-25 left. Feel free to add me!
  • 2Luverly
    2Luverly Posts: 143 Member
    I've lost 22. I've got 17 pounds to reach my goal weight... I may try for more ... we'll see. Add me if you're interested in more MFP friends.
  • pinklife1117
    pinklife1117 Posts: 79 Member
    Same here! I'll add u
  • sunny_d22
    sunny_d22 Posts: 316 Member
    I've lost 56. I'm trying to lose another 10-15. I know it's going to take awhile so trying to be patient and stick to my plan.
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    You can add me! I lost about 70 lb a few years back. I've had a few backslides but now I'm just trying to get back to where I'm comfortable. Maybe about 15-20 lb. We'll see!

    You've made fantastic progress and look great! :smiley:
  • erinlane93
    erinlane93 Posts: 170 Member
    You look amazing! I've got another 38 pounds to loose
  • SCoil123
    SCoil123 Posts: 2,110 Member
    Lost 90lb and maintained 3 years before gaining about 30lb of that back. Now I'm here losing that with 10 more lbs to go. I sent you a request
  • shoofly435
    shoofly435 Posts: 74 Member
    WOW great job! Add me I've got another 25 to go.
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Same here. Feel free to add me for motivation and support
  • becky1390
    becky1390 Posts: 16 Member
    you look great! i've got about 21 more pounds to lose as well. add me if you'd like :)