Looking for friends. Where are you from?



  • Fitfromfat17
    Fitfromfat17 Posts: 56 Member
    Australia here!
    Everyone feel free to add me :)
  • DWBalboa
    DWBalboa Posts: 37,259 Member
    DW from Norfolk Va.
  • ngaydean
    ngaydean Posts: 5 Member
    hey all. I am a 60 year young woman from Door County Wisconsin. I have been lurking for a couple of weeks but decided to break out and say Hi
  • JustRobby1
    JustRobby1 Posts: 674 Member
    I'm Robby and I am from Chicago, Illinois. I am 40+ pounds down, but most of my original MFP buds are no longer active, so my feed is pretty lonely these days. I would love some additional partners in crime. I log daily and my diary is open.
  • mrsticks1984
    mrsticks1984 Posts: 3 Member
    Hey all. My name is Nathan and I'm the Dallas Texas area. I started at 206lbs. and I'm currently 191lbs. I'm happy where I am but I am now focusing on intentional diet and workout program. Always interested in new friends.
  • ejsilvi
    ejsilvi Posts: 205 Member
    From Pennsylvania
  • TJ_Slade
    TJ_Slade Posts: 22 Member
    TJ. Louisville KY. Down about 12 pounds so far and have been developing a personal gym routine revolving around strength training.

    Focusing primarily on improved health, eating better, and creating a general healthy lifestyle. Trying not to get too hung up on the weight loss part, knowing that will quickly follow once the other aspects are developed.
  • houndoglover37
    houndoglover37 Posts: 3 Member
    Originally from Northern California but live in Portland Oregon now...80+ pounds to lose!
  • Dc_United305
    Dc_United305 Posts: 128 Member
    Im from central florida!! :)
  • jjvf3390
    jjvf3390 Posts: 4 Member
    Hey im from New Mexico so i am right next door but i am just starting out. Looking to loose 20 lbs and to tone up. Maybe you can give me some tips lol my biggest issue is the discipline it takes but hopefully through this community i can get the back up needed. Nice to meet you the name is Jay.
  • tacastan
    tacastan Posts: 55 Member
    Northern California transplant from Colorado.
  • goolhc
    goolhc Posts: 91 Member
    Amersfoort, The netherlands
  • EileenHJ
    EileenHJ Posts: 29 Member
    Hi Eileen from Ireland - 20lbs to loose as well. Feel free to add me :):smiley::wink:
  • 1chuy
    1chuy Posts: 96 Member
    New Mexico
  • ryry77
    ryry77 Posts: 10 Member
    Maryland here and 20 to go as well, ad me
  • dgsocwrkr
    dgsocwrkr Posts: 9 Member
    Ohio too! O-H
    Sending a friend request
  • BaddS4
    BaddS4 Posts: 302 Member
    Bonjour, Mark from Canada!!! Feel free to add me!! :smile:
  • brettr23
    brettr23 Posts: 115 Member
  • perkymommy
    perkymommy Posts: 1,642 Member
    Hi everyone! From Texas, originally Tennessee. I have successfully lost about 65 lbs the last year but having trouble getting more off. Still about 20 lbs to go to hit my ultimate goal. Looking for like minded adults who can share in the journey. Thanks!

    You are beautiful astrosfan! Way to go on the weight loss!

    Feel free to friend me if you need more friends. You are definitely doing a great job!
  • dave6857
    dave6857 Posts: 8 Member
    Charlotte, NC here...feel free to add me!