Cheers to you! How do you get your daily water in each day?



  • Selva_Jim
    Selva_Jim Posts: 3
    I tend to perspire heavily during exercise and I also have found that I don't get as sore after strength training or intense stretching if I keep hydrated. For me, I make a game of it and target 8 x 16oz cups/bottles of water per day, plus an extra 4 x 16oz for each hour of strenuous exercise/activity. So for a normal day, my goal is 8+4=12x16oz of water. I drink one immediately after weighing myself in the morning, another right before I leave the house to go to the gym, another two at the gym amidst exercise, another one at the water cooler on my way to my desk at work. Every time I go to the water cooler, I drink one there and refill to bring one back to my desk. Every time I take a "bio break", I go to the water cooler on the way back. By noon I've usually got 8 down, and the other four are pretty easy to fit in by the time I go to bed.

    Staying hydrated also seems to help with my appetite, and I feel that it helps balance the amount of sodium in the foods I eat. I have not had any issues with electrolyte depletion, but I have heard that this is a risk for some people depending on diet and water intake, so check with your healthcare professional. But if you target 8x8oz using a similar "game", you should have no problem.
  • springtrio
    springtrio Posts: 429 Member
    I have a 20oz. bottle. I fill up 6-ish times. I drink about a gallon of water a day, give or take a few ounces. I don't drink over 100oz. if I have a low impact exercise day or if I have an off day. I do always get my gallon in when I run 5 or more miles combined with other exercises. I only drink from the tap water unless you count my morning cup of coffee.
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    I have one of the BIG Tervis cups (24oz) so I know if I drink one full one, I will have had 3 glasses of water... I ONLY drink water out of it so I can CONSTATLY just fill it back up! Bought a BUNCH of straws to hand on hand... I have AT LEAST 2 glasses worth before I even drink my coffee in the AM! INVEST I PROMISE!! You WON't be dissappointed!!
  • birdlover97111
    birdlover97111 Posts: 346 Member
    I drink a minimum on 1 gallon of pure water per day. I have a gallon jug that I fill with filtered water in the morning and it goes with me everywhere. I don't count tea, coffee or any other beverage towards my water.
  • Bakins929
    Bakins929 Posts: 895 Member
    I have two 16.9 oz bottles of water at my desk and drink from them all day. When I empty one, I take both bottles upstairs to refill them and slam the second on the elevator on the way up. My goal is 1/2 gal per day due to Jack3D use on workout days to flush my kidneys.
  • LJCDuke11
    LJCDuke11 Posts: 103 Member
    and drink a glass of water (just 8 ozs! it's like 5 big gulps... you can do it!) before you eat you meals/snacks!!
  • MCYoung
    MCYoung Posts: 49 Member
    I have a 64oz travel mug that I fill with ice and water in the mornings. Usually by the time I am off work I have refilled the water and the ice is melting.... got my water in NO PROBLEM! :drinker:
  • mrdavidjk
    mrdavidjk Posts: 105
    since i started mft and realised how many calories i was consuming in sweet tea alone i cut the sugar out and eventually changed to water not i probably drink 10+ cups a day
  • SoCalSwimmerDude
    SoCalSwimmerDude Posts: 484 Member
    by drinking water

    either from my 56oz bottle or my 50oz bottle. I aim for 3 times but sometimes twice.

    haha yeah, by putting the glass to your lips, tipping your head back, the water goes in your mouth and you swallow...:laugh: :laugh:

    :laugh: Exactly. Mine typically comes from the fridge. I aim to get it through either a glass or a bottle. At times, it has ice cubes in it. :laugh: