need to get more protein in my diet...



  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    You are right she came asking for help but if she has specific medical conditions then she should work with someone specifically trained in nutrition to help her

    Specifically mentioning medical issues in any thread if you are asking for advice is handy - her CHF wasn't mentioned here but in another thread - also on a similar topic

    It makes it hard for anyone on MFP to give good/accurate advice when we have to go hunting for additional information (as in this case)

    I know I'm not perfect with my eating, to include the donuts I have on a regular basis but it's about the whole picture
  • davisfanny
    davisfanny Posts: 35 Member
    Yeah I don't have any issues and I didn't ask if I did. I only was asking about things to eat with high protein. Yes I drink Red Bull and no I don't eat chips everyday. I never said hey can anyone point out what I'm eating wrong?? Only looking forward positive feedback not someone to point out my issues. So thank you to those who gave me great feedback!!
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    All steps in the right direction count. I think @lemurcat12 gave you some great options.

    It seems to me you are pretty new to meal planning.

    Perhaps pick one meal a day to improve. As you get one meal under control you can move on to the other.

    Because of my diabetic training I automatically try and get fruits/veggies along with a balance of protein and carbs in to every meal. (Fats always find a way to sneak in).

    Once a week we have breakfast at Tim Horton's. I am finally satisfied with the BLT bagel even though it has twice the carbs than what is really needed. When the local Timmies ran out of lettuce I did not hide my disappointment well. The meal just doesn't seem right without the veggies any more.