Removing caffeine



  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,568 Member
    I'm a teacher. I generally cut back on caffeine during the summer, because I don't have to be at my summer job until 10 or 11 (depending on the day). I do it gradually, though, so I generally don't notice withdrawal.
  • tracibrown2
    tracibrown2 Posts: 3 Member
    I was extremely addicted and I went cold turkey. I developed a weird heart issue (read ectopic beats) as well as some tachycardia and it was suggested I cut back. I ended up removing it completely. It didn' t really help my issues I don't think but I'm not dependent on it.
  • TheChrissyT
    TheChrissyT Posts: 263 Member
    I've been completely surviving on caffeine for years. I drink an entire pot in the morning, and then 2-4 rockstar lemonades during the day. Just yesterday I decided I needed to cut way back before I do permanent damage to myself. I didn't do as well as I had hoped. 1 full pot of coffee and only 1 rockstar... tomorrow going to try to lose the rockstar. I don't know how I'll live without my coffee though. (probably longer and better)
  • Tommygirl_Swag
    Tommygirl_Swag Posts: 65 Member
    I use to drink caffeine often, but now I only drink it once in a blue moon; even after just a couple sips, I notice that I get really bad headaches from it.
  • cmazurek85
    cmazurek85 Posts: 99 Member
    I think I'm addicted to caffeine and removing it from my life right now. Anyone else felt they had this issue and removed it? If so, could you share with me the differences you experienced after consuming it after a while?

    When I was in college, I was addicted to coffee. After I graduated, I decided to cut back on coffee. I haven't looked back. the first few weeks were brutal. I had headaches, I slept a lot, and was irritable. someone told me to mix half caffeinated half decaf. Before anyone poo-poos on's not bad, so long as you get a good quality decaf coffee. I have a good grinder and French press at home (as well as an espresso machine), and I taste the difference when I buy better quality whole bean decaf coffee and grind it up right before im going to use it. I cycle between caffeinated and decaf coffee or I will mix both bean types together and proceed. I usually put more decaf than caffeinated beans. if you have equipment at home, I would recommend finding a small local coffee shop and getting coffee from them (vs the bigger places like starbucks and DD.)