PCOS in need of Support!!

Hello, I'm 24 & have had PCOS since I was 16. Weight is a constant battle which I still haven't fought- looking for friends and inspiration- ADD ME!!


  • shellyleighann23
    shellyleighann23 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi I am new and recently diagnosed with pcos. If you would like to be diet buddies that would be great!
  • Jejebear
    Jejebear Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hello all,
    I am 25 years old and was just diagnosed last week that I have PCOS and I jumped on the wagon to fitness. I use myfitnesspal and fitbit to track both exercise and food intake.

    I am looking for some friends to help each other along out journey.

  • MotivatedMom17
    MotivatedMom17 Posts: 9 Member
    I just realized this morning after watching some videos and then doing some research that I likely have this as well. it would also explain a lot.
    I'm also looking for friends to share this journey with!
    I've heard diet and exercise are the two number one things that help with PCOS though!
    So, we're all on the right track!
  • DwerryMouse
    DwerryMouse Posts: 24 Member
    Hey all, I'm a newbie too and I was diagnosed with pcos about a year ago. After weighing myself last weekend and discovering I'm at my heaviest I've ever been. I decided it's time I made the lifestyle change before it's too late and I develop diabetes. Already have insulin resistance and prescribed metformin for pcos. Feeling good about the future and looking forward to the first weigh in, even though I know it will mainly be lost water weight I'm looking forward to seeing the number on the scales reduce! Feel free to add me :smiley:
  • lainamarie74
    lainamarie74 Posts: 6 Member
    I just posted my first blog about this. I've had PCOS since forever. I'm 42 and finally finding some success with the help of Phentermine and metformin. Not sure what will happen after I reach my goal weight and get off of Phentermine, but I've lost 33 pounds since November. I have also managed to have two babies at the ages of 30 and 35. This syndrome is a tough one. Don't give up. Add me if you'd like ! Nice to meet you all.