ZERO motivation to exercise... HELP!



  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    My daily motivation is the energized and accomplished feeling I get after a good workout. As a student I sit in class a lot. When I don't exercise, I feel lazy and unfulfilled. But if i hit it hard at the gym before class then sitting in class is a relaxing and needed thing that I've earned. Give 45 minutes of cardio a shot in the morning and focus on that good feeling you get afterwards. You may not get the same feeling I do - but try and see how it positively effects your day!
  • ValleyHooper
    ValleyHooper Posts: 1,993 Member
    I am feeling that way myself right now. I am so blah. I hate when I get like this. I hurt my knee and my back has been killing me so I took a few resting days. It seems like once I stop for awhile I cannot get back into the swing of things. I am always doing the yo-yo crap. Ugh!!! I need someone to come slap me and yell at me to get back at it. :D
  • ceceoplaymate
    ceceoplaymate Posts: 63 Member
    I understand this SO MUCH... my motivation is me. I one day stumbled into a zumba class...and before I knew it I bought a pass...then bought a membership. Then it was like one day I was going into other fitness classes, even enjoying these classes! Things came up and I stopped going and then moved across the country. Im back at it.... I started 15 days ago, I walked into to a zumba class and I am right where I was again :) I was a size 7/8 when I first started and I was LAZZYYY Lazy, I hated even walking up the stairs- so I so get it. Maybe try a class for the hell of it...zumba is fun :)
  • pyiiiii
    pyiiiii Posts: 1 Member
    I totally get this too. One of the things that helped for me were video games designed for dancing. Just Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, Dance Central, etc. It was fun, something I could do a little of on a busy day, and I didn't have to leave the house. If you have kids, they'll probably enjoy dancing with Mom too.
  • Out_of_Bubblegum
    Out_of_Bubblegum Posts: 2,220 Member
    @NorthCascades - The trouble is I don't find exercise fun. What does everyone else enjoy?

    Try different things.... Don't think about the effort, so much as what it will feel like to DO the thing, and go try it. If you had fun... do it again. Don't worry if your muscles are sore.. that goes away pretty soon...

    If you had fun the 2nd time.. then try it for a few more weeks. If you are still having fun.. you've found your THING.

    The idea is to start EASY.. and let yourself enjoy what you are doing, and as you get better at it, start to challenge yourself as your body adapts.

    You don't have to go from couch potato to world cup soccer athlete... you have to go from couch potato to showing up and having fun... that's where to start.
  • irishguy173
    irishguy173 Posts: 1 Member
    your reason to get fit should be your kids. making sure you're healthy and around for them for a long time. for simple exercise depending on their age go outside and run around with them. simple as that. no equipment or memberships. just having fun with your kids would give you a chance to get some cardio in and help with your health. it doesn't require any extra effort to love your kids and spend time being silly with them. you'd be suprised how quickly you'll get even just that little bit of fitness from doing it and it could be the turning point into making you enjoy a little bit of running
  • ZephieC
    ZephieC Posts: 162 Member
    I'm not much of an exerciser. My cardiovascular health is terrible. I'd really rather sit. I recently started trying to go for a walk on my lunch break and that led to walking/running intervals. Walking seemed too I usually go with a workmate who is in similar shape. We motivate each other. Going with someone is definitely more fun for me. I can see the improvement I've made so that motivates me to keep going...and the sun. I am so sick of winter that I'll do near anything to get outside when it is nice. I'm trying to get out and walk my dogs more too. I bought a cheap second hand exercise bike (like $20 cheap) and resistance bands. I know I'm not committed enough for a gym so I just try to add a bit here and there. As mentioned, if you find something you like that will really help. You could start slow too, park your car further away from the store, get off the elevator a few floors early and take the stairs. None of it is easy but you have to start somewhere. If you have kids, play with them. Take them on a bike ride or a walk, play tag at the park. Go for a walk with the girls, you'll end up chatting and you'll forget you're exercising :smile: ...well, maybe.
  • TimothyFish
    TimothyFish Posts: 4,925 Member
    I currently do no exercise. I am so unfit. I get puffed even doing a gentle walk! I'm a size 8-10 so I'm not too worried about my weight but I do worry about my heart and fitness and muscle wastage. Logically I know how beneficial and essential exercise is but I just can't get up and out of the house to do it! I envy fit people. I get asked to join gyms and mum boot camp sessions and walks in the mornings with the girls but I say no to everything! I don't know why! Maybe because I'm a busy working mum and I resent giving up my free time to exercise? Does anyone have any ideas to help motivate me??? PLEASE HELP ME TO GET OFF MY LAZY BUTT! Thanks in advance.

    Sell your car. Not having a car will save you about $5,000 per year and it will force you to find alternative transportation like walking or riding a bicycle.