Working out but not losing weight - need advice



  • fitmom4lifemfp
    fitmom4lifemfp Posts: 1,575 Member
    vjd317 wrote: »

    Diets do not work long term because your body will go into it's NATURAL response to starvation and stop losing weight - preparing for the "famine". You have to feed your body so it knows its ok to lower your weight.


    If you are really serious about dieting, absolutely no sugar or alcohol.

    Starvation mode while eating 1200 or more calories is not a thing. Adaptive thermogenesis is a thing, and after a fairly long period is not all that "starvation mode" is implied to be. Caloric deficit removes fat. As long as there is a deficit, you will lose weight.

    Sugar is not evil. As long as you are in your deficit, sugar doesn't matter. (You should limit it if you have other issues, but not for weight loss). If I have room in my calorie budget, I do not hesitate to have a treat if I want one. The fat/weight loss is totally consistent and sugar is not even close to being cut out of my food program.

    Wow no kidding. I certainly have never denied my sweet tooth. And I do have an occasional drink - but it's very infrequently. Still, no reason to not imbibe if you can afford the calories.
  • Meggers120Now
    Meggers120Now Posts: 74 Member
    Use measurements!! It takes 4 lbs of muscle to fill the space taken up by 1 lb of fat. The scale can lie lie lie. Also, low carb + low fat = NO NO. Your body will thank you for eating healthy fats with more energy, better skin, healthier hair and so many other things. Don't let the scale dictate your progress! Find other ways to measure success :smile: you got this.
  • illbethinoneday
    illbethinoneday Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice and encouragement! I really appreciate it!

    I definitely am feeling a lot stronger, and my clothes are fitting better. I'm not giving up!
  • KirbySmith46
    KirbySmith46 Posts: 198 Member
    Loug1983 wrote: »
    My guess would be water retention from the new exercise routine, it can take a few weeks to settle down and will mask any weight loss.

    Assuming you are tracking your calories accurately then you probably just need to be patient, and in the mean time get out the measuring tape, if you're seeing changes in your body but not on the scale then the tape measure might be the best indicator of progress right now!

    I agree with this 100%. Whenever I start a new workout routine, I see no results on the scale for 4 weeks, then whoosh!

  • TeamScorpioRI
    TeamScorpioRI Posts: 56 Member
    Use other metrics besides weight. Measure yourself, take body fat calculations, progress pics. Weight alone is not a good metric. I only lost .4lbs last week, but dropped 2% in body fat. If I wasn't looking at the complete picture, then I would be discouraged.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Is it TOM?

    Nope. I did try taking some holistic water pills to see if that would help. I feel a bit less bloated, but the scale hasn't really changed.

    What the hell is holistic water?
  • illbethinoneday
    illbethinoneday Posts: 9 Member
    Water pills, as a natural diuretic.
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    Are you eating back your exercise calories? How many calories are you figuring you burn, and how many of those do you eat back?
  • spiffychick85
    spiffychick85 Posts: 311 Member
    Is it TOM?

    Nope. I did try taking some holistic water pills to see if that would help. I feel a bit less bloated, but the scale hasn't really changed.

    What the hell is holistic water?

    I'm thinking something like "Holy Water" pills....ehh maybe that's the Catholic in me :D
  • Theace28
    Theace28 Posts: 5 Member
    1200 calories is not enough...especially if you're working out. I would up to 1500 and see how you go. I third using a measuring tape, chances are you have gained some muscle.

  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Theace28 wrote: »
    1200 calories is not enough...especially if you're working out. I would up to 1500 and see how you go. I third using a measuring tape, chances are you have gained some muscle.

    Yah probably no muscle gain.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Open your diary.
  • timma300
    timma300 Posts: 25 Member
    edited April 2017
    Theace28 wrote: »
    1200 calories is not enough...especially if you're working out. I would up to 1500 and see how you go. I third using a measuring tape, chances are you have gained some muscle.

    While I agree with the sentiment that 1200 calories is not enough if you are doing any kind of exercise, we do not know if OP is consuming 1200 kcal or NETTING 1200 kcal. It's very possible that she is eating 1500-1600 and still netting 1200 due to her exercise.

    What's more, she is not currently losing any weight. The reasons for this could be anything from water retention due to a new workout regimen, overinflated workout burns, or just plain old food diary inaccuracies. What we do know is that she is currently maintaining her weight either by A, eating/burning at her maintenance or B, water retention is currently masking her results (in which case she is actually losing). If she were to increase the amount of calories that she is consuming, she would either start gaining for possibility A or slow down and potentially halt her loss for possibility B.


    How do you measure your food? Do you use a food scale? Measuring cups? Eyeball it? When you workout, how do you calculate how many calories you burn? How much do you have to lose?

    Since your workout regimen is fairly rigorous and new, my bets are on water retention from that. But it can never hurt to take a step back and look at everything. Especially since a calorie deficit is much easier to create from diet than exercise, and you had previously plateaued before exercising.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    edited April 2017
    vjd317 wrote: »

    It sounds like you are doing everything right. The exercise takes consistency and time to have an impact and IT WILL have an impact. It's the right thing for your health and the right thing for your mind & body. It will also help you to look great as you lose more weight.

    1200 calories a day is the absolute lowest anyone should go. With working out, you really should increase your calories. Diets do not work long term because your body will go into it's NATURAL response to starvation and stop losing weight - preparing for the "famine". You have to feed your body so it knows its ok to lower your weight.

    Also if you are exercising, you should incorporate some GOOD for you carbs. Sweet potatoes, quinoa, rice, oats are all ok, just watch the portion sizes. Eat them in the morning with your protein and a small portion after a workout. Aim for equal protein and carbs. You might feel a lot more satiated and not need snacks. If you think you're retaining water, make sure you drink .5 oz for everything 1 lb of body weight per day (150 lbs = 75 oz water).

    If you are really serious about dieting, absolutely no sugar or alcohol. If you are willing to let the weight loss be a little slower (and live a little during) just limit sugar and alcohol. :wink:

    Last thing, love yourself. Be kind to your body. You are asking it to do a lot right now. It's not used to it. Be patient and consistent and really really appreciate what you have done and be proud of it. Nothing makes you feel more like giving up than feeling like you are already failing . Keep up the hard work. You WILL get there. I promise. :smiley:

    Sugar and alcohol do not prevent or decrease/slow down weight loss if the calories are logged and still within calories. Many here have lost at the expected rate including sugar and alcohol (or both). Weight loss comes down to consuming less calories than you burn, that's it.

    Starvation mode is a great stinking myth.
  • heidi4fox50
    heidi4fox50 Posts: 18 Member
    Every time I try to lose weight I go threw this I've decided this time to throw the scale out the window for ten weeks and see how things go. I think the stress alone from not worrying about the numbers on the scale has helped me a
    lot I know that is a lot easier said then done it took me years to finally do it.... but really I think what helps me the most is my favorite workout video " ten days to a better body" its interval training one min of cardio one min of weight training and every time I do it and commit I see a dramatic change in my body fast.
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    Is it TOM?

    Nope. I did try taking some holistic water pills to see if that would help. I feel a bit less bloated, but the scale hasn't really changed.

    What the hell is holistic water?

    I'm thinking they are homeopathic. So the water is diluted in water to the point there is no water left in the water but the memory of the water that was in the water is still in the water despite there being no water in the water.


    I need me some of that.
  • Silentpadna
    Silentpadna Posts: 1,306 Member
    Is it TOM?

    Nope. I did try taking some holistic water pills to see if that would help. I feel a bit less bloated, but the scale hasn't really changed.

    What the hell is holistic water?

    I'm thinking they are homeopathic. So the water is diluted in water to the point there is no water left in the water but the memory of the water that was in the water is still in the water despite there being no water in the water.


    Kinda murky actually.

    /great post!
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    Is it TOM?

    Nope. I did try taking some holistic water pills to see if that would help. I feel a bit less bloated, but the scale hasn't really changed.

    What the hell is holistic water?

    I'm thinking they are homeopathic. So the water is diluted in water to the point there is no water left in the water but the memory of the water that was in the water is still in the water despite there being no water in the water.


    Geez thanks... now I have to clean my screen :tongue:

    OP, it's not really necessary to counter water weight caused by muscle repair with a diuretic. It's actually a smidgen counter productive as your body needs that water to help heal the muscles. Give it time and it will go away on its own.