Ketogenic weight loss challenge



  • macchiatto
    macchiatto Posts: 2,890 Member
    everyone else has covered what I would suggest in terms of electrolytes, joining the low carbers group, etc. I started keto in Nov '15. More recently I've shifted to LCHF (in maintenance; experimenting a bit with different carb levels) but keto/LCHF has been a great fit for me. It's not for everyone but like pp said I think if you keep an eye on electrolytes, have some good support, and get the hang of it, you can find out for sure if it's right for you.

    (I did have some experience doing low carb/low fat/high protein previously. It worked for a while in that I lost my stubborn last 10 lbs of baby weight and reversed my prediabetes and high triglycerides, but having discovered LCHF, I wouldn't go back to that! I've been much happier on it and my digestive system likes it better, too. :))
  • SouthGippyGirl
    SouthGippyGirl Posts: 76 Member
    I've been on my weightloss journey for over 3 years to get to this point. Lots of ups and downs and soul searching. Keto and intermittent fasting is what has eventually led to my 52kg weightloss. I'm no longer pre-diabetic, I'm no longer on antidepressants, I'm no longer controlled by food cravings, I no longer feel guilty about my food choices.
    I suggest the book The Obesity Code by Dr Jason Fung to anyone who wants to learn the truth about our body and how it responds to food.
    If you think keto is hard, choose your hard. Hard to practice a new lifestyle? Or hard to be unhealthy and overweight?
    Take baby steps. Focus on changing one habit at a time. Practice that habit until it becomes normal. Then switch to a new habit. Create a new lifestyle that you enjoy or else it won't be a lifestyle you will enjoy living and it will be unmaintainable.
  • goldcoastgirl78
    goldcoastgirl78 Posts: 7 Member
    Please join me in! I've been doing keto for 2 weeks and have dropped 5kg (roughly 10lbs) and I feel so good. Inflammation is right down and I'm eating so many greens, never hungry. I just love this way of eating.
    I would like to join this group but I'm vegan. Does a group exist for that? Specifically one with delicious recipes that don't have me cooking tofu every other day lol

    There are heaps of vegan keto recipes. I'm eating a tonne of it myself due to food allergies. I'm dairy and egg free. I've been eating vegan pesto, coconut cream smoothies, soups, keto muffins with biocheese, replacing egg with chia. It is so doable. Will be happy to share recipes with you
  • bunkahes
    bunkahes Posts: 216 Member
    Hey add me, I am in, my doc just put me on a meat and veggie diet, no fruit,no high carbs, no sugars I need some encouragement.
  • MissMercii
    MissMercii Posts: 1 Member
    Hey add me I'm pretty new with mfp! I've been doing keto since July of last year and I've lost about 45 pounds! It's nice to see a keto thread on here and I'm always looking for more keto buddies, I've recently stalled out so I'm getting a bit stricter with my diet. I'm trying to get down to a size 10/12 before I have to go wedding dress shopping. Feel free to ask questions or add me.
  • RMZ2014
    RMZ2014 Posts: 31 Member
    I would like to join the group as well. I did a keto diet about a year ago with good results, improved energy, weight loss, but unfortunately fell off the wagon. I am back on now for 2 whole days:) and would like some support and good recipe sharing. Please add me if you like.
  • heartless305
    heartless305 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello All,

    I'm on keto and this is my 3rd day so far. Unfortunately, today was hard figuring out what to eat. My job gave us free food and there were sandwiches, pasta, that type of stuff. I took some salad and a sandwich, ate the sandwich without the bread, but was so hungry afterward. Tonight I plan on having leftover spicy curried cabbage, and curried chicken or just a shake after my workout at the gym. I am going to join LCDF group right now! Feel free to ad me.
  • laurens47
    laurens47 Posts: 117 Member
    edited April 2017
    @kschorns Research! Is it sustainable to you? Long term? Could you remain consistent? I understand the factor of losing weight using the keto method, but please do your research and understand how to properly do it, why and what this "diet" was developed for and why it could/is beneficial for YOU. All it takes is a calorie deficit for weight loss, regardless of what type of foods you decide to eat. I like the keto diet, but I hate when things become all the "new way to lose weight" when this type of diet was first developed in the 1920's for children who had seizure disorders.

    Edit to tag.
  • SarcasticBlondie
    SarcasticBlondie Posts: 836 Member
    I've been Keto since Jan 1st. Anyone can add me.
  • tararrajacobson86
    tararrajacobson86 Posts: 1 Member
  • ggoss10
    ggoss10 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello! My husband and I are starting a keto diet on May 1st! Would love encouragement and community! Good luck everyone changing our lives for the better!