What is your why?



  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    Honeymoon in December! & finally wear a bikini!!

    Congratulations on being a newly wed. That's exciting! There is something about comfortably wearing a bikini that's liberating #thanksforsharing
  • Hadassah18
    Hadassah18 Posts: 5 Member
    My reasons are endless but here are some: I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to not need to angle my camera just right so I can hide my double chin. I want to feel beautiful and healthy. I want to feel good in the shower. (does that make sense?) I want too be able to walk more than 20 minutes without my feet hurting. I want this and I need this so bad!
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    I need to get my sexy back. I lost a lot of confidence, posture changed, started feeling like I was a little quiet girl. that is not who I am. I cant fit any of the clothes in my closet, and I hate going clothes shopping because nothing fits. So I am doing this FOR ME!

    You can get sexy back! I'm glad that is not you. You deserve to be confident, have good posture and feel bold and heard! Most importantly you are doing it for you! #thanksforsharing
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    For the first time ever, I am my why. I have yo-yo dieted for more years than I care to count and my reasons for losing weight have always been other people or things. This time, I've done it for me. And, it's made all the difference. I've lost over fifteen pounds, I feel amazing, and I don't feel like it's something I HAVE to do...like I'm being forced. I'm choosing this for me, and that has changed everything. <3

    I commend you for being so honest. Many of us do things for "other people or things." It's time we do things for ourselves and with no apology or guilt. Congratulations on the weight loss! #thanksforsharing

    Thank you! It's been hard to not feel guilty or selfish, but as I lose more and more weight and feel better, I have found that our whole family has gotten happier.

    I guess it's true what they say: "When mom's happy, everyone's happy!"

    I couldn't have said it better. So true!!!!
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    My why is ME! I want to feel happy again and that I feel good about how my body looks. So I promised myself that in 2017 I'm going to work hard for it. I eat 'healthier' and excersies ( what I hated before). My why is really selfish but I'm doing this for me. I want to change

    "My why is ME"!!!! We don't hear that enough! There is nothing selfish about putting your health and selfcare first. It is necessary and the world is better for it. When people are whole, they are better contributors to the world! #thanksforsharing
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    Respecting my body as I age..turning 40 three years ago changed my mindset about healthy living.

    It really is mind over matter. I hope I remain open to change when I reach 43. You have my support! #thanksforsharing
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    edited April 2017
    Hadassah18 wrote: »
    My reasons are endless but here are some: I want to feel comfortable in my own skin. I want to not need to angle my camera just right so I can hide my double chin. I want to feel beautiful and healthy. I want to feel good in the shower. (does that make sense?) I want too be able to walk more than 20 minutes without my feet hurting. I want this and I need this so bad!

    Your reasons make perfect sense. I respect your honesty. We (myself included) too often don't share how we really feel and why we do what we do. You can do all those things and you can feel beautiful & healthy. "Everyday is a fresh start." You have my support! #thanksforsharing
  • turkey2swan
    turkey2swan Posts: 19 Member
    Well, my why is to live my life with purpose and squeeze every bit of fun-loving moment out of each day for the rest of my life. My why is to conquer my fears and anxieties. My why is because I want to be a mother and I need to make my body a safe place. My why is to begin to love me again. My why is because I'm worth it. My why is because I deserve to feel confident and proud of what my body can do physically and how balanced I am emotionally. My why is because it is no longer about what others think of me but what I think of me.

    I didn't come to this realization until the first day of Spring (March 20, 2017). The past several years have been incredibly hard for my family (emotionally, financially, mentally, and physically). With my weight getting up to almost 300lbs by December 2016 (297). In 2016 alone, my husband lost his job, we had to sell our house, pack and donate all our things to downsize so we could afford to rent on just my income alone, find a rental home and then move in, we had another miscarriage, my father passed away, planned a funeral and found a probate lawyer, and during all this time my husband was suffering from multiple diagnosis of mental health issues/was suicidal and has now gone through 2 partial hospitalizations programs. He is doing better now but it will take time and he is just now (almost 1.5 years later) feeling up to finding work again. Due to the stress of the last year, my BP went from average to "you could drop dead at any moment." I share all this because: 1) I felt a need to and 2) because no matter what is going on in your life recently or that has happened in your past - you deserve to LIVE LIFE and not just survive it.

    Everyone's WHY is incredible. That you have found a WHY means you have lived both the good and the bad and LEARNED from it. For how can you know what you want in life without first experiencing what you do not?
  • MySweetLavinia
    MySweetLavinia Posts: 90 Member
    @Goddess0921 Yes, you said it! My "why" is also me for the first time ever, and it makes all the difference. My entire mindset has changed and I can't believe how much better it is. I finally figured out that I'm important enough to take care of.

    My secondary why is that I'd like to have a child before I'm too old (and I'm rapidly getting there!). I have fertility issues and though losing weight might not solve them entirely, it will most likely help! But even that, as important as it is, takes a backseat right now to doing it for me.
  • Dumbbell69
    Dumbbell69 Posts: 199 Member
    Too feel and be healthy! Oh ... and to look good naked.
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    Well, my why is to live my life with purpose and squeeze every bit of fun-loving moment out of each day for the rest of my life. My why is to conquer my fears and anxieties. My why is because I want to be a mother and I need to make my body a safe place. My why is to begin to love me again. My why is because I'm worth it. My why is because I deserve to feel confident and proud of what my body can do physically and how balanced I am emotionally. My why is because it is no longer about what others think of me but what I think of me.

    I didn't come to this realization until the first day of Spring (March 20, 2017). The past several years have been incredibly hard for my family (emotionally, financially, mentally, and physically). With my weight getting up to almost 300lbs by December 2016 (297). In 2016 alone, my husband lost his job, we had to sell our house, pack and donate all our things to downsize so we could afford to rent on just my income alone, find a rental home and then move in, we had another miscarriage, my father passed away, planned a funeral and found a probate lawyer, and during all this time my husband was suffering from multiple diagnosis of mental health issues/was suicidal and has now gone through 2 partial hospitalizations programs. He is doing better now but it will take time and he is just now (almost 1.5 years later) feeling up to finding work again. Due to the stress of the last year, my BP went from average to "you could drop dead at any moment." I share all this because: 1) I felt a need to and 2) because no matter what is going on in your life recently or that has happened in your past - you deserve to LIVE LIFE and not just survive it.

    Everyone's WHY is incredible. That you have found a WHY means you have lived both the good and the bad and LEARNED from it. For how can you know what you want in life without first experiencing what you do not?

    These are amazing Whys. You deserve them all and you can do them all! You have been through too much. And the fact that you are here motivated to accomplish your whys is phenomenal. You are amazing! I don't know you but you amaze me. You are truly an inspiration!
    I'm lost for words at what you and your family have endured. I'm lost for words at your courage. My sincere condolences for all you have lost. Thank you for sharing your experience. And you definitely deserve to LIVE LIFE! You have my full support and I mean that. Please contact me, I want you to succeed and I know you will because you have a strength and heart of gold. <3
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    Dumbbell69 wrote: »
    Too feel and be healthy! Oh ... and to look good naked.

    You can do it!!!
  • eferata128
    eferata128 Posts: 6 Member
    I just want to prove to my self that I can do it. I've been trying to lose weight for years , and accomplishing this goal would prove to me that I'm actually capable of achieving something good
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    eferata128 wrote: »
    I just want to prove to my self that I can do it. I've been trying to lose weight for years , and accomplishing this goal would prove to me that I'm actually capable of achieving something good

    You sure can! With weight loss often our successes are the result of years of failure. I'm sure with each year that passed you failed better and now know what not to do :)
  • mrschwarten
    mrschwarten Posts: 194 Member
    Thank you for starting this thread, it's very motivating! And your personalized responses are so kind! You're a wonderful person :smiley:
  • FreshAndAlive
    FreshAndAlive Posts: 49 Member
    Thank you for starting this thread, it's very motivating! And your personalized responses are so kind! You're a wonderful person :smiley:

    It's my pleasure! We could all (myself included) use the motivation. I didn't anticipate how honest people would be. But I'm glad because we often don't give much thought to why we are choosing to invest in our health.Thankfully this forum allows people to share and to learn that although we may all come here to work on our health, different reasons bring us here and not to make assumptions about who & why people invest in health. Thank you, I appreciate it! :)