What are your favorite fun ways of exercising?



  • DapperDassie
    DapperDassie Posts: 190 Member
    Sports! I know not everyone is into them, but I personally love combat sports, especially wrestling and boxing.

    I've recently started boxing :) boy is it a workout for sure
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,121 Member
    Cycling ... cycling LOTS!

    And hiking and canoeing ...
  • BeGrandLike
    BeGrandLike Posts: 184 Member
    Roller skating! I used to skate derby but I haven't the time now but I still gotta get in my skating fix. Badminton is fun, although it's not super-calorie-burning for me. I love cycling- give me a fresh sunny day, a bicycle and some countryside and I'm happy. And, of course, picking up heavy things and putting them down again. Can't beat it!
  • SpaceToaster
    SpaceToaster Posts: 4 Member
    Boxing is my fave sport. Been doing it for about 5 years & you can incorporate so many different exercises into the weekly training. I also really like gymnastics even though I suck at it.
  • Lillymoo01
    Lillymoo01 Posts: 2,865 Member
    Walking on relative flat terrain as it is about the only exercise I can do with my lovely knee. Would love to do hiking in the hills but the pain just isn't worth it. I do upper body strength training but don't enjoy it as much, just the results.
  • AmyOutOfControl
    AmyOutOfControl Posts: 1,425 Member
    Running early in the morning and watching the sun come up, hiking with my puppy, yoga, gardening

    I lift weights twice a week but I hate it. I hate the gym in general. I would rather be outside.
  • cozytimes
    cozytimes Posts: 111 Member
    long walks!
    going to the beach, boardwalks, nature trails, or just walking around your neighborhood.
  • inertiastrength
    inertiastrength Posts: 2,343 Member
    I love long walks. I lift a few times a week but that's more to maintain the lean mass I have. My training is pretty low volume so i don't really 'count' it. The deficit making difference comes from walking a lot for me.
  • bethanyka
    bethanyka Posts: 159 Member
    Walking my dogs. I have 3 - and 2 are puppies with lots of energy. In and out about 8 times a night, up and down the stairs, yesterday I got 15k steps and a lot of fresh air and nature and doggy QT
  • R2che
    R2che Posts: 189 Member
    Boxing! Broke my knee is November so anything high impact is out for me. So boxing is my new best friend :) that along with walking, love walking with my dog round where I keep my horse
  • MoiAussi93
    MoiAussi93 Posts: 1,948 Member
    Hiking is my favorite. I do that once or twice a week. Lots of fun, great scenery, and trails with lots of elevation gain burn far more calories than my standard runs.
  • MrsSeager
    MrsSeager Posts: 82 Member
    I love to take my kids for a walk in the woods in their stroeller, the thing has better suspension than my car, it's really fun for me and them!
  • dudemeister2014
    dudemeister2014 Posts: 16 Member
    Always Lifting!!! and SUP if the weathers good.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    Walking my kids to the park and playing outside for a little more then an hour (which goes by super duper fast!) burns almost 300 calories! I also do body weight strength training at home with an app on my phone (Ashy Bines Booty Challenge currently) or yoga videos from YouTube :) I love going on hikes but that doesn't happen so often. I also just found an evening Zumba class at the elementary school right around the corner so I would like to start going once a week starting next week :) I love swimming, but I don't have a pool or biking but I don't have a bicycle... Definitely something I'd like to invest in!

    I also wear my youngest in a carrier for extra calories burned while walking!!! ;)
  • daneejela
    daneejela Posts: 461 Member
    There are actually a lot of activities that I enjoy:
    - I looove walking <3, specially after sitting all day - I love walking around town, checking new arrivals, I love walking around my block with something interested on my ears (like something in the language I am learning), I love walking by the sea when I have the chance...
    - Hiking - it's like the walking on steroids :)
    - Roller skating <3 - wonderful activity
    - I am competitive so I like actually all competition sports (handball, basketball, tennis, volleyball..)
    - Gardening - this is something I have discovered lately and I truly enjoy caring for those small plants that will eventually give me this tasteful, healthy food.
    - Dancing <3 whether it a couple dance (like salsa) or solo dance in the living room, I really love it

    Sad thing is that I do it so rarely, despite I really enjoy it. I haven't played any team sport since high school, I rarely hike since everyone around me would theoretically go hiking but not so much in practice :D
    My partner is not that into dance, so I dropped that also. I work from home, so that eliminated walks to and from work. And I don't have a good skating track nearby where I live now :D
    I know, I lot of excuses, but I had to gripe a little. :)
  • jroy1999
    jroy1999 Posts: 27 Member
    Hiking/ walks with hubby and kids
    Zumba w/ my daughter
    Jumping on the trampoline!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    Hiking. :) However, I also do weights. It's just that those are not my favorite.
  • SpotLighttt
    SpotLighttt Posts: 174 Member
    Tennis! and Long walks along the countryside. Both are fun
  • Mikeyiscool182
    Mikeyiscool182 Posts: 35 Member
    Of all the exercise I do the one I actually love is hiking. There's nothing like hiking on trails in local parks looking out over the hill to see the Pacific Ocean and a beautiful sunrise.

    Couldn't agree more. I hike the Appalachian mountains every weekend.