Garmin Forerunner 935 or Fenix 5?



  • jamszy
    jamszy Posts: 123 Member
    I've read they are essentially the same watches under the hood. The Fenix 5 is double the weight of the 935, but lacks contemporary looks. I decided on the 935 for this reason after eyeing the Fenix 5X for a while.
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    I have read a bunch of forums and my decision still isn't easier. I came across dwMap, which is an amazing app for mapping. I got to try it out on my 920 this weekend and now I'm trying to decide if I even get the 935 or 5x. I also found out that there have been lots of reported GPS accuracy and signal issues with the 5x. These issues are not on the 935. I know Garmin is good about getting in fixes, so this is scaring me off yet. I definitely like the look of the 5x a lot, and I wear the quick release kit for my 920, so I am used to a bulky watch on my wrist. @jamszy I have read they are mostly the same internal hardware as well. I am definitely holding off until 935 is available before I decide.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    GPS accuracy is better in the 5X than in the 3 or 3 HR.
  • twinmom_112002
    twinmom_112002 Posts: 739 Member
    I went to REI yesterday and the weight of the Fenix 5S was almost double that of my 235 and not any smaller. I'm thinking that would be noticeable at the end of a tiring long run....
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    From what I have found, with the Garmin 920xt with quick release kit, the thickness and weight are just under the 5x. So for me at least, the weight and bulkiness of the 5X wouldn't be much a change. And @NorthCascades the GPS is better for the 5x vs. 3 or 3 HR per reviews, but based on current complaints to Garmin, the 5x's GPS is not as accurate or quick as the 935.
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member

    For thickness, see if you can try one on at a retail store. That's pretty subjective, and your own opinion is the one that matters (to you).

    I've heard that the Forerunner line has better GPS reception than the Fenix line. The internet's theory is that the metal bezel in the Fenix isn't an ideal first-stage antenna, and the plastic Forerunner bodies aren't part of the antenna, it's all inside the watch, and works better. I haven't heard anything specific to the 935 but the 735 is better at this than the F3 or F3HR. I'd be surprised if the 935 wasn't better at this. I'm not thrilled, but it's good enough for my purposes.

    Here's a long ride I did with the 5X, you can zoom in and see what you think:
  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    Yeah, I am hoping a vendor will have one at the Broad Street Expo this weekend so I can try it on. In regards to the ride, it looks pretty smooth for the most...some spots look like it hopped off, but pretty decent. I am wondering how it does in city areas...I typically won't be anywhere as building-dense as NYC, but I plan on doing races in DC next year, as well as some in Philly this year, and they all run by some slightly congested tall building areas. My friend just got his 935 and is already going nuts about it and the GPS accuracy...and he just came from the 735, so I have no concerns about the 935. Guess this decision might come down to bulk and compromise, lol.
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    I got to hold both watches over the weekend at the expo for the Pittsburgh Marathon. OMG - The 5x is HUGE. And heavy. I mean noticeably heavy compared to my 630. And the 935 actually seemed lighter than my 630.

    I really, really, really, want the maps but that thing is huge... :)
  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    Stronglifts is a good program and will make the watch seem less heavy. :wink:

  • NorthCascades
    NorthCascades Posts: 10,968 Member
    I'm really happy with the new power gauge. It should be there in the 935 too so this won't help anybody decide. But it's a welcome little feature that wasn't there in the older watches. They have a similar HR gauge but this is great for cyclists.

    The icon covering zone 5 is the rear-view radar. Again it works with either watch, and with Edge units too.

  • daj150
    daj150 Posts: 815 Member
    @dewd2 So you are going to make me jealous I didn't sign up for Pitt this year AND you got to see both watches. Way to rub salt in the wound. :p
  • dewd2
    dewd2 Posts: 2,445 Member
    I'll be there next year (with my new watch). :D