T.H.E (Trying Hard Everyday) Team: May 6, 2011 Thread



  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    hi all

    Not having a happy day. I've put on a pound, and i have been so good this week aswell. I think this is the first week where i haven't had a day where i've gone over. I really wanted to lose more than a pound.which is pretty much my average weekly loss. I lost a pound on monday and it's back on with an extra one today. I'm so peed off with it.
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
  • Hi ladies

    I thought I was doing good but then spent a week eating everything my kid was eating :( I need help getting back on track. I'm getting married in two months and would like to at least fit in my dress lol Any help would be great even just a friend to talk to would be nice all my friends r guys and they really don't get the weight thing
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I found you guys again!!!!!!!!
  • pawprint061
    pawprint061 Posts: 640
    I found you guys again!!!!!!!!
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    Misty...it is a nightmare eating different from the rest of the household. My oh and kids are so bloomin fussy they don't like anything, and i get so fed up of having to cook seperate meals all the time that i give in too easily. Put a post-it with the wood Wedding in caps on the fridge or the cupboard you keep your worst food in. Keep telling yourself it's only 2 months, only 2 months. Don't look any further than that. You never know by then you might be in the habit. After the wedding is over you can think of something else.
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    I weighed myself today. 237 is what the scale showed :heart: but I don't think it will count since I can't put full weight on my right foot yet. It would be nice though. :laugh:
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Okay I'm back and gonna give this one more shot.. I am going to give it 6 months.. If in six months I don't have a good handle on it I'm gonna consult a DR... My husband said just stick with it for 6 months and then I am with ya on considering other options.. So Here I am again.. I need motivation, support and people who will log and keep it up with me.. I need people who want to go that extra mile.. Chat on messenger ect... I need this.. Is there anyone else that needs as much support as I do?
  • mizzbrittz
    mizzbrittz Posts: 10
    Hi I'm Brittany and I'd love to join you ladies!
  • Tennessee2019
    Tennessee2019 Posts: 676 Member
    2011 has NOT been a good year for me!!!
    My grandmother passed away on February 4th:brokenheart:
    I had surgery on June 24th & am unable to exercise the way I want to:grumble:
    My Father In Law passed away 30 minutes after I got home from my surgery:cry:
    My other grandmother passed away on July 21st.Her funeral is Thursday. :sad:
    I will NOT be wearing mascara on Thursday because even if it is waterproof, it will not stay on with the amount of tears that will be flowing from my eyes.
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Ok here I am AGAIN trying to get back on track. Anita I will help you if you help me. I've gained 10lbs since Easter. So now I have to work at getting that off before I get any headway on losing again. I've kept off 37lbs so that is good!

    Hawaiian Dreamer I am so sorry this year has been so rough. I will keep you in my prayers. Things just have to get better for you.

    Hello Mizz nice to have you here. Our little group seems to have dwindled but hopefully we can be a support for you.

    Kelly: glad you found the group. I was afraid I'd not find the group it's been so long since I have been on. Last time I was on Cyndi was saying she was going to start us a new thread and it looks like she never did THANK GOD LOL.

    A gal at work had been on weight watchers for a little over a year and lost 100 lbs and was looking great...then she got pregnant with twins and gained all of it back. The twins are 2 yrs old now and she wants to lose so bad again. We talked about helping one another out. I thought we were going to make a plan together but we didn't talk anymore about it....well this weekend she posted on facebook that she had lost 6 lbs in her first week of trying to lose. She posted her weight and what she had lost. well I am about 17 lbs less than her...and I plan to keep it that way LOL. When she was pregnant with the twins it was summer and she was sooo hot and one day I showed up to work and she said to me..."I am sooo hot I almost called you this morning to ask to borrow one of your sun dresses". And she was HUGE with twins....it really hurt my feelings because I KNEW I wasn't that big. SO now I can't let her get smaller than me out of principle...so there is MY motivation LOL. So yesterday I went and bought myself some foods for the week and hopefully I can get back on track.

    Good luck this week gals. My goal for the week is to post on here and log my food every day for the week and to drink water. I can't say how much water yet but I don't drink water usually so even if I get one glass of water in me I've done well LOL.

    Have a great day and Please ladies talk to me I need it. I need to know you are listening and care. I will try to let you know I am listening and I care too.

    Luv to all

  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    woohoo nice to see people back on here. I was beginning to look for other groups. Anita i too would appreciate some support. I'm on messenger and facebook. I'm at uni in september and i should have lost loads more by now.

    Vicky Cornes - Facebook
    mycatscalledkis - msn

    i've bought the book "The Beck Diet Solution"

    In desperation to help me stay on track. It's all about using cognative therapy on yourself to help you stick to your diet of choice. there is no eating plan it tells you to pick 2 diets incase one doesn't suit you you should have a back-up. You write yourself lists and it says index cards but i've wrote a list. The first list, you do on the first day of reading the book, advantages of losing weight and you list everything from feeling healthier, to will fell more confident etc and your meant to read this list twice a day every day to keep you focused. I've only had it a few days, i'll let you know how it works :)

    Dreamer...i'm so sorry you've had such an awful year. I really hope if improves for you now.

    omg Deb..that was an awful comment to make, yes you stay a few lbs at least ahead of her. What brilliant motivation.

    Glad to see some of you guys back here.
  • nitag
    nitag Posts: 706 Member
    Just wanted to check in ... I am running late for work.. I will check in on the posts when I get there....

    Everyone have a great day.... Talk to ya in a bit...

  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Well I managed to log my food for 2 days. Yesterday I lost 2 lbs. Today I threw up my breakfast and snack. So I don't know how many calories I really had today. Still not feeling well so I will make this short. Hope everyone else is doing well.

    Hawaiian how is your foot?

    How are you doing today painten?

    Where is Nita..it's after work LOL

    Does anyone else show up?

    Brittney how was your day??

    Somebody talk to me LOL
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I've had a cough for 2 weeks and on saturday i woke up and my cough had been joined by a cold. I've been gluggling down cough medicine which it didn't occur to me must be a zillion cals as it's all full of sugar and throat lozengers which are about 20 cals a piece. I need it though so i'm having it. i'v retold the OH he's got to shoot me or something to put me out of my misery if i'm still coughing tomorrow.

    On the bright side my eating has been pretty good :)

    How's everyone else?
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    I'm still feeling sick so not eating too much, I lost 4 lbs yesterday from throwing up. So I've lost 6 lbs since Monday. I need to lose 6 more to get to my -32lbs weight. Then I can make some headway on losing again. I'm eating chicken noodle soup right now, hope it makes my tummy better.

    Sorry about your cough Painten. Have you had it checked out by a doctor? Two weeks is a long to have a cough without the cold.
    Take care.

  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals!!!!

    I've checked in here several times and heard Vicky's echoes "Is anybody out there...there...theree...there..." I wanted to reply but was too embarrassed for not sticking with it. Life has been very busy, I've not put my diet in the forefront and have probably gain 5 pounds...twice...this summer so far. At least I'm not where I started!

    Dreamer, thanks for asking me to be your "friend". You have been on my mind many times these last few weeks. How's the foot doing? So sorry it's been a tough year for you...too many losses! I had a Nana! She left us when I was 17...so glad you got more time with yours. We're here for you, honey!

    Deb...been keeping my eye on you on FB. Happy about your "Grandma-hood"...now get fit and healthy so you can REALLY enjoy them! Keeping ahead of the game with your co-worker is a good motivation too.

    Vicky, sorry you and Deb are under the weather. That's a relative condition, as under the weather in Washington State is REALLY ill...it's been a rather chilly summer so far...even on the East side! Watch that cough...it can turn into something quite serious if not checked.

    Okay...off to bed. See ya tomorrow!

    Happy Losing....*Ü*....Vicki
  • CrazybeeRX
    CrazybeeRX Posts: 288 Member
    Yippeeeee Vicki posted!! NIce to see you my friend. i have missed you. My first grand son is due here in 3 weeks....I am excited to meet him. My second grand son is due in 16 weeks.

    My youngest son Just came home from Belize. He loved it there and wants to go back...I am NOT ready for him to go anywhere...not even to work LOL. I want him home with ME.

    I know it's not a nice thing to want to stay less weight than my co-worker, but it really did hurt my feelings and I can't let her ever think she can wear my clothes again. She did ask me not too long ago to borrow a dress to wear to a wedding. I took her 2 dresses that were too big for me and one she couldn't wear it didn't fit...the other one was ok. Part of the problem is I have bigger boobs than her and she couldn't fit the boob part of the dress LOL.

    I am headed to bed. Still not feeling real well. I did get in 2 15 minute walks today. If I lose weight this week I can't record it cause I gained since I was on last and I didn't change my ticker. I'll be glad to get down to my lowest weight again so I can get to change my ticker.

  • vikalyn
    vikalyn Posts: 155
    Howdy Gals,

    Hehehehehehe...couldn't fit the boob part, huh Deb? Makes me giggle...:laugh: Serves her right (oh, sorry, that wasn't very gracious was it)

    Good job with the walk..

    Hi Nita, glad to see more of you. I know time is tight, but give us a little more of yourself! We can't help if we don't know your struggles. They may seem trivial to you, but they ARE what is keeping you from your goal.

    I am NOT dieting this week, nor exercising, or trying (very hard). I just want to get through the weekend being "normal". THEN we'll see what next week brings.

    Happy Losing...*Ü* Vicki
  • Painten
    Painten Posts: 499 Member
    I think my cough is getting better. I managed to sleep last night. I did put several mugs of boiled water on the bedside cabinet to have a bit of steam. The doctor will just prescribe a cough linctus which does nothing anyway. This is the second time i've had a cough like this since January.

    Hi Brittany so sorry i didn't even notice your post earlier. I didn't meant o be so rude.

    Did Anita come back?

    1lb loss this week.
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