What do you do to support others in their weight/fitness goals?

Much of what is posted here is focusing on the problems we have with achieving our weight and fitness goals, but a thread started by @STLBADGIRL:


This got me thinking: What do we do to help those you care about to achieve theirs?

For my wife I engage - I ask how her workout was, how far/fast she ran and how she's feeling. As I do the laundry I ensure that workout gear is washed and ready for the next workout. (Thank goodness for the advent of scent boosters - Science!)

For my kids I motivate - we wake up every morning and do calisthenics together. In the evenings we play baseball, play soccer, go for a walk/run, and play Dance Party or some similar game to get us moving.

At work - I schedule an hour each day for anyone who wants to work out. I cancel our meeting room and we take walking meetings whenever possible using teleconferences. Our one to ones are conducted while we walk or working out.

People at the gym - I listen and learn from those more experienced and once comfortable pass this knowledge on to others. I welcome newcomers and try to put them at ease. My sensei put it best "Getting here is the hardest part. Once you're here it is easy to train." Give others a reason to come can be as simple as a friendly face.

What do you do to encourage and motivate those around you?


  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited April 2017
    My hubby and I are gym buddies. We compare new muscles. :p

    I take my son to his boxing practices, 4 nights a week, 1.5 hours per. This was his choice of sport, so no motivation needed from me.

    I smile and am friendly to new people at the gym. The gym manager loves to introduce me to the people he is signing up, so I make sure to smile and tell them my name.

    At work, not much. One guy is a competitive bodybuilder and we feed off each other. I walk on my breaks with one female. My secretary is always saying she wants to lose weight, but when I or bodybuilder guy tell her to log her food into MFP, that's "too hard." I've had the conversation with her three different times (her initiation, not mine), so I'm letting that one go.
  • __TMac__
    __TMac__ Posts: 1,665 Member
    Hubs and I are losing together, so we tackle the logging together, and put the brakes on when the other is feeling weak. He's not yet exercising, but I continue to invite him to come with me to the gym. We also like to hike, so I'm planning some good spring and summer hikes for us. And I tell him how hot he is on a daily basis. ;)

    My daughter is learning about the benefits of exercise (physically and mentally), so I've decided to leave my bike on the indoor trainer so she can hop on when the mood strikes. I just grab it for each outdoor ride, then put it back.

    My mother is sedentary, but likes to meet me for lunch, so I've started suggesting that we go for a walk first.

    I could do more. I'll think about that. Thanks for the thread.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    Oh, and I try to put helpful advice (and the chart!) on these threads whenever possible!

    That counts, right?!?
  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    I try to smile and be supportive to people who are looking uncertain in the gym. I do research and share what I learned with my husband (even though he is not losing weight at the moment) but only if he shows some interest in learning more about my different meals (with the new foods/flavors). We don't have kids, but I want to build healthy habits so that when we do, I can be fit and active with them.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I ask my husband what he wants me to do to help him with his goals. A lot of the time he asks me to try to keep cookies and things out of the house. If I want to bake, I take the goodies to work or to my friends. I also cheer him on as he does pull ups and watch our dogs while he goes to the gym (home gym but the dogs LOVE to join him and be distracting).

    I have a girlfriend with similar goals. We snapchat each other how our progress is going. I find it very motivating to share my weight with her (knowing it will disappear lol).
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    I try to be supportive of what they're doing, unless it's something I feel is hurting them/will hurt them in the long run. I remember times when getting a simple w2g "pat on the head" was enough to keep me on track until I could hold myself up.

    Hubby was ordered by our GP to lose weight because she wouldn't put him on stronger HBP meds as she feels losing weight will be a greater help than more drugs. I flat-out told him if he wants me to do something to help (like eat my potato chips and such in another room), I'll do it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    Wife and I are both pretty into fitness and we support each other namely by trading off home and kid duties to give each other time to train. We also both attend each other's events/races and cheer each other on (though unfortunately, I won't be able to join her in Portugal for her half in Oct). We always ask each other, "how was the run/ride" or "how were your lifts tonight?"

    As my kid's go, we have introduced them to a variety of sports and whatnot...my youngest (4) hasn't really settled on anything yet though I think he's going to end up being quite the little soccer player...my oldest (7) is really into Jiu Jitsu. Mom and dad are there most of the time to cheer them on and congratulate on a job well done. We're also pretty active as a family...my oldest just got a new bike with gears for his birthday so he's really into going on "long" family rides...we did about 10.5 miles on Easter and much of it was uphill...he killed it...my young gun still rides in the pedal along trailer. We also like hiking and I'm going to take them to the rock climbing gym one of these days as I think they will really dig it. All in all, my wife and I are trying to be good examples...and I think we are as they see being active and regular training as pretty much normal everyday things to be doing.

    On the work front, I encourage everyone...and in particular my staff to participate in the fitness contract program...if they participate, they can have 30 minutes per day paid during the work day to go exercise.

    My gym is a small studio gym so most of us know each other pretty well and we talk and inquire about various goals and congratulate each other when we accomplish something we've been working towards. My coach is currently training for an Oly lifting meet and last night he hit a PR on his clean so I towel snapped him in the *kitten* and told him good job...

  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    I ask my husband to walk with me on the trails and my kids too. One of my daughters is a photographer so I sometimes use that as an enticement for her. My husband is very supportive of my being low carb and tries really hard when its his night to cook even though I know it baffles him. On the flip side, he has discovered new dishes that he enjoys because of my way of eating.
  • MrsSeager
    MrsSeager Posts: 82 Member
    I have been pretty open about my weight loss with those around me..coworkers, family, friends. They all have been very supportive and don't "tempt" me with food decisions like eating out or getting cocktails after work. My husband and I both made the decision to make healthy choices when it comes to food. He started going to the gym and I got some fitness equipment for our house. We hold each other accountable.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    My gym is a small studio gym so most of us know each other pretty well and we talk and inquire about various goals and congratulate each other when we accomplish something we've been working towards. My coach is currently training for an Oly lifting meet and last night he hit a PR on his clean so I towel snapped him in the *kitten* and told him good job...

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    I like to have chocolate every day. My husband doesn't want to include it in his cals and he doesn't want to see it, so by his request I put it away, either in my closet or in the back of the fridge.

    When he wants to eat a lighter dinner or a specific dinner I eat the same thing.

    We take long walks each weekend; hikes here and there, or walks through a "pleasure" place, like through certain towns we really like.

    I don't buy his "trigger" foods.

    BTW, these are all vice versa as well.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Temptation bundle. DH fell out of his exercise routine, and the only way I've been able to coax him into walking 4 mi with me is to go to the Mexican place 2 mi away for a frozen margarita. Makes it worth it to him.
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    This is an awesome thread...and that's amazing what you do at home and at work to keep everyone active... And it seems like it is team building for at home and at work.

    My daughter is involved in sports and I take her to the gym with me to weight lift (that was a struggle at first) but she loves the way her body looks now, and she also attends Zumba with me. She eats what I eat, but I will let her eat out once a week and once on the weekend.

    I told her I do not want it to be hard for her when she grows up like it was for me.

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    STLBADGIRL wrote: »
    This is an awesome thread...and that's amazing what you do at home and at work to keep everyone active... And it seems like it is team building for at home and at work.

    My daughter is involved in sports and I take her to the gym with me to weight lift (that was a struggle at first) but she loves the way her body looks now, and she also attends Zumba with me. She eats what I eat, but I will let her eat out once a week and once on the weekend.

    I told her I do not want it to be hard for her when she grows up like it was for me.

    What a good mom. <3
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    I'm very competitive with my husband. The first to 100000 steps each week gets to give the other a chore to do. We always choose the one that neither of us wants to do :D

    We run together and get each other through those tough mental times.

    We hike and cycle together also. I prep all the food and log it in both diary's. He washes all the work out gear and makes sure the next batch is by the bed for morning.

    I have given up 30 minutes 3 times a week to help some one at work do the couch to 5k in the evenings.
  • CSARdiver
    CSARdiver Posts: 6,252 Member
    edited April 2017
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Wife and I are both pretty into fitness and we support each other namely by trading off home and kid duties to give each other time to train. We also both attend each other's events/races and cheer each other on (though unfortunately, I won't be able to join her in Portugal for her half in Oct). We always ask each other, "how was the run/ride" or "how were your lifts tonight?"

    My wife and I have the same and we help one another out by splitting the schedule. She gets up at 3:45 am to hit TRX. I make sure the kids get up, ready and deployed at school & daycare. She does the afternoon pickup while I hit the gym after work.

    I'm at a big gym, but a small group of multisport people all workout after work and we cheer each other on. I just started lifting heavier and that group is fantastic - loud and motivating.

    I just realized that my wife is not on my Fitbit friends list. @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld That's a great idea!
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Wife and I are both pretty into fitness and we support each other namely by trading off home and kid duties to give each other time to train. We also both attend each other's events/races and cheer each other on (though unfortunately, I won't be able to join her in Portugal for her half in Oct). We always ask each other, "how was the run/ride" or "how were your lifts tonight?"

    My wife and I have the same and we help one another out by splitting the schedule. She gets up at 3:45 am to hit TRX. I make sure the kids get up, ready and deployed at school & daycare. She does the afternoon pickup while I hit the gym after work.

    I'm at a big gym, but a small group of multisport people all workout after work and we cheer each other on. I just started lifting heavier and that group is fantastic - loud and motivating.

    I just realized that my wife is not on my Fitbit friends list. @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld That's a great idea!

    She has my respect. Sure, I can get UP at 3:45 am, exercising at that time of day is awesome.
  • cross2bear
    cross2bear Posts: 1,106 Member
    Oh, and I try to put helpful advice (and the chart!) on these threads whenever possible!

    That counts, right?!?

    Darn right it does!

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    CSARdiver wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Wife and I are both pretty into fitness and we support each other namely by trading off home and kid duties to give each other time to train. We also both attend each other's events/races and cheer each other on (though unfortunately, I won't be able to join her in Portugal for her half in Oct). We always ask each other, "how was the run/ride" or "how were your lifts tonight?"

    My wife and I have the same and we help one another out by splitting the schedule. She gets up at 3:45 am to hit TRX. I make sure the kids get up, ready and deployed at school & daycare. She does the afternoon pickup while I hit the gym after work.

    I'm at a big gym, but a small group of multisport people all workout after work and we cheer each other on. I just started lifting heavier and that group is fantastic - loud and motivating.

    I just realized that my wife is not on my Fitbit friends list. @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld That's a great idea!

    Don't blame me when she beats you ;)

    It's one of the few things we can be competitive with. He beats me hands down at running, cycling etc but steps is something I can beat him at.
    STLBADGIRL Posts: 1,693 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    STLBADGIRL wrote: »
    This is an awesome thread...and that's amazing what you do at home and at work to keep everyone active... And it seems like it is team building for at home and at work.

    My daughter is involved in sports and I take her to the gym with me to weight lift (that was a struggle at first) but she loves the way her body looks now, and she also attends Zumba with me. She eats what I eat, but I will let her eat out once a week and once on the weekend.

    I told her I do not want it to be hard for her when she grows up like it was for me.

    What a good mom. <3

    Thank you!