Goals and Motivation

sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
I have been doing a lot of thinking lately and I am having a hard time with defining my fitness goals.

When I am bulking/cutting it is easy.. there is my goal.. to gain, to lose..I feel like I have a purpose and go after it and just focus on what I am doing. But at times I feel like I ignore the “bigger picture” because I really don’t know where it is taking me.

At some point soon I want to hang out at maintenance. And the idea kind of freaks me out because I really don’t know what I will be doing there. Sure, I can recomp.. ok great, look better, get stronger, more fit.. but for me is seems like a temporary holding period until I can figure out my next steps.

I don’t really have an interest in athletic performance (marathons, races etc), powerlifting or competitive bodybuilding. I would say my goals tend to be more aesthetic based and it seems to be what drives me the most… but where will that take me? While I love the strength that comes with lifting and always strive to progress and get stronger, I know having just strength goals would not be enough to keep me motivated. And aesthetically, I am not sure how long I can keep chasing some ideal of how I want to look, I feel like I am just going to get frustrated at some point.

Maybe hearing what others are doing can help push me in the right mindset and direction here.

So what keeps you going… what are your fitness goals and why/how do they motivate you?


  • accelerashawn
    accelerashawn Posts: 470 Member
    I've changed my mind more than I've changed my two daughter's diapers. (my wife would probably laugh at that cuz i hardly ever changed diapers...)

    Anyway i've gone from wanting to be the biggest baddest mofo on the block, to just wanting to be strong AF, to just wanting to be fit, to not giving a *kitten*...and now i'm kind of on the rebound from not giving a *kitten*.

    What motivates me now is the fact that strength helps me in everyday life. I lift my riding lawnmower up on jack stands to work on the deck...i (with the help of my badass wife) carried a monster fridge through a door way too small for the fridge...i can throw my 3 year old 15 feet in the air above a pool which she freakin loves...I can also smack the *kitten* out of a golf and tennis ball, run faster, jump higher...all these little things.

    The focus on full ROM also helps me stay flexible and strong in awkward positions so my risk of injury is much less these days than back when i was just a bro.

    Lifting also allows me to eat more food without getting fat...or as fat...haha. My little girls also think i'm big and strong and i want them to keep thinking that...

    On Southwest Airlines flights, people are less likely to want to sit next to me because of my muscular girth...haha

    So really it's just the accumulation of all these little bonuses that lifting gives my every day life that keeps me interested.
  • Sharon_C
    Sharon_C Posts: 2,132 Member
    I still have some weigh to lose and gains to make in the gym. I'm not interested in a continual bulk and cut cycle, although I'd like to maybe try it once after I'm finished losing originally. I'm not sure what my goal is either and I hope I'll know it when I see it. Less weight, more muscles, obviously, but how much less weight and many more muscles is the question. I think I'll be happy hanging out at maintenance and recomping eventually.

    I'm in the same boat as you. I don't know what my ultimate goal is and what I'll do once I reach it. In my mind it seems like I'll never reach my goal.

    LOL, I wasn't much help was I?

  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    I'm in a similar situation. In the past I've had very clear goals - bulk, cut, get faster, etc. Whatever I wanted to be dictated what I did, both in terms of exercise and nutrition.

    I no longer have those goals, and I'm floundering. I kinda think I've come to terms with the idea of maintaining/recomping for a while. Mentally I'm good with it, but emotionally it just feels half-assed... which doesn't sit well with me.

    On a related note... I've always had this ideal for what I wanted to look like. But I don't really know how to get there. Some days I think I just need to cut enough fat. Other days I think I need to add significant muscle. ultimately, I have no idea. And not knowing makes it hard for me to commit to a program, since I have no idea if that program is doing what I need it to do. There's some cart-before-the-horse going on there, but it's still an issue for me. I'm consulting with a coach, and hopefully that helps clarify my path.

    So that's me. I'm curious to see what kind of feedback you get.
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I have been lifting for around 12 years. There are periods of time that I am very motivated and have specific goals, and there's are periods of time that going to the gym it's just that, routine. And then there's times I don't go to the gym for two months.

    Right now my goal is cutting. I will probably do some kind of growing/gaining after summer is over. But I am at a point in my life where fitness goals are not a top priority. Not like they used to be, at least. And I also don't have any athletic or competing interests/goals.

    I think it's perfectly normal to kind of "take it easy" sometime and just maintain. It's a good mental vacation too.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    My goals float on how my health is and what my body can and can't do physically because of it. Sometimes I have to push some goals to the side for months or years until I'm feeling better, but I'm always reaching to do something I couldn't yesterday.

    My current goal is to hold a state record in powerlifting. I'm 9 days out and competing beltless because of rib muscle tears. I still have a decent chance if not now, this fall I should hit that goal unless a bad flare up or something.

    In the end, my goals may change but the idea of progressing as far as my body governs me is really all that matters.

  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    My goals are primarily strength based with a bit of aesthetics thrown in.

    I mean, I'd definitely pick a deadlift PB over getting my body to look a certain way (within my genetic limitations) - but who says they have to be competing with each other?

    I definitely want to get stronger. That's my main goal. That's why I'm doing a progressive overload program.

    If a byproduct of the program is change in body composition, I'll take it!

    As for motivation...what motivates me is seeing my progress and seeing how far I've come in only a year (less than that actually) and it really gets me excited for the future. I may not be platform ready yet...I still have tons of work to do, but one of these days, I will be and that keeps me motivated even when I am struggling.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    I know you said no athletic goals, such as races... but what about races that require you to be fast and strong? running a 5k in under 24 minutes is no small task, and requires as much strength as it does endurance and speed. Or Obstacle Course Races? those definitely require strength and endurance.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thank you everyone for sharing your goals and input. I appreciate it!

    I have a bit to think about. While focusing on my physique is great, I think I need to incorporate other goals when I begin maintenance. Strength, agility.. I am not a racer but maybe I can get into something there... but come to think of it, I do love yoga. I am not super flexible or great at it, but I am determined and I love making progress, so maybe I can focus more on that.
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    I like just being strong and fit for my age. That keeps me going. I recently bought a rowing machine to add to my stationary bike and use them both 4 mornings a week before work. I'm 62 and my idol is a 95 year old woman I met who said she bikes daily with a bike that has movable arms "600 times". Over 30 years my senior and she still bikes to keep in shape!! We can be in good shape, or not. Our choice.
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I think you're maybe putting too much pressure on what it is that you should want or seeking to be driven. Since you have been doing this consistently for a long time and you already look bomb ;) it might be time to sit back and adjust your outlook on your fitness. Try not thinking too much of it and doing what feels good for you. I mean, exercising is a need for your body, like eating. I have found that with diet I need to find a sustainable way of eating that allows me to not feel on a diet. I think you might have to approach your training in the same way. It is part of your life and it is a need. Nothing keeps you from switching things up and trying new activities or programs (like trying new recipes) but you know what works for you and your committed. Pat yourself on the back and enjoy where you are and what your body can do, but never take it for granted and keep up with the ''preventative maintenance'' ;) Being active feels good and you might want to shift your focus towards that. You've done well and it might be time to get on cruise control until maybe another concrete goal comes to your mind and heart and fuels the next part of your journey. ♥
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    edited April 2017
    Is there anything in your day-to-day life you'd like to be better at? While I don't usually train specifically for those reasons, I do find them to be some of the most satisfying. I'm guy, with an ego... so the more things I can do without having to ask for help, the better.
  • sardelsa
    sardelsa Posts: 9,812 Member
    Thank you @xmarye, I will definitely take your words into consideration.

    @jjpptt2 ... I would love to be more flexible and be better at yoga, as well as being able to lift my own bodyweight more easily - L-sits, headstands, more pull-ups.. I want to be able to do pistol squats too.. so maybe I should be incorporating more calisthenics into my workouts
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    sardelsa wrote: »
    Thank you @xmarye, I will definitely take your words into consideration.

    @jjpptt2 ... I would love to be more flexible and be better at yoga, as well as being able to lift my own bodyweight more easily - L-sits, headstands, more pull-ups.. I want to be able to do pistol squats too.. so maybe I should be incorporating more calisthenics into my workouts

    Don't look now, but that almost sounds like direction! *wink*