Is it appropriate



  • VeryKatie
    VeryKatie Posts: 5,952 Member
    edited April 2017
    aylajane wrote: »
    bikemom06 wrote: »
    We have someone at my work that comes in and is a smoker and tries to cover it up with perfume. It is the worst smell ever. She smells like she rolled around in an ashtray and dumped the perfume bottle on her. It give me a headache every time she walks through my office.
    I'll take your perfumed lady if you take my smoker dude.

    My mother had a double lung transplant last year after being on O2 for over a year. I am sooooooooooo tired of taking her through the hospital entrance doors both before and after the transplant and having to walk through the "wall of smoke" from the smokers sitting outside the doors (despite some sign saying the policy is no smoking within a certain number of feet from the doors). Come on people!? Oxygen tanks not enough of a "push" to move away from the doors? Hopefully her new lungs wont be hurt by it. Have some common sense/decency. I wont even start on walmart...

    This! Sheesh, I went to a birth class yesterday and during the break I wanted to walk out into the patio area since it was too hot inside the room. Then one of the husbands lights up a cig right beside his pregnant wife and pollutes the air we are all breathing. Right outside a door. And we have a LAW saying you cannot smoke within 25 ft of an entrance/exit (these people need to start receiving fines). I feel worst for her baby. I can (and did) walk away. She could choose to as well. But that baby gets no choice and might get developmental problems because of it. Didn't help that I already thought the guy should get punched for being SUPER annoying during the class and wasting everyone's time.
  • Minina567
    Minina567 Posts: 15 Member
    guys stink more lol
  • janet6567
    janet6567 Posts: 129 Member
    bikemom06 wrote: »
    We have someone at my work that comes in and is a smoker and tries to cover it up with perfume. It is the worst smell ever. She smells like she rolled around in an ashtray and dumped the perfume bottle on her. It give me a headache every time she walks through my office.
    I'll take your perfumed lady if you take my smoker dude.

    Anyone who thinks they can hide the fact that they smoke with perfume or that horrible cheap body spray is seriously deluded. I despise the smell of cigarette smoke ( I'm an ex-smoker) and putting on perfume to cover the stench is just silly. I'd rather smell honest sweat on someone working out than perfume, dryer sheet smell, or "gasp" stale cigarette smoke!
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    That's the worst. I don't have scent-based allergies but the do give me headaches now and then. When I was pregnant, I was really sensitive to smells and one of my coworkers wore a cologne that I could not handle. I had to leave a meeting because I was seated next to him and couldn't stop feeling that rising gagging. I ended up vomiting in the trash right outside the door. After that my boss said I could work from home and web conference in for calls
  • Sp1tfire
    Sp1tfire Posts: 1,120 Member
    Perfumes trigger headaches for me. I agree that talking to management is best. A general informative sign won't single anyone out or hurt feelings. We had a guy in my show choir who smelled like serious BO and the director just reminded everyone at the beginning of rehearsal to take 5 minutes to 'freshen up' and put more deoderant on. Sometimes general announcements work!
  • mhwitt74
    mhwitt74 Posts: 159 Member
    Definitely say something to gym management. I haven't experienced it but my gym does have signs posted in every workout room.