Lost my motivation :(

I need serious help..... I have come so far. I know my tracker says I've only lost 5 lbs, but I've actually lost over 20, but didn't join the site until I had already lost 17 or so. This is my first time logging in in over a month and since my last login I've lost .8 lbs and I am completely to blame.

I am still exercising a lot- I have a half marathon coming up in less than a month so I am constantly training for it. I'm strong and in good shape- for the first time in my *life* I am able to do chin ups, yes, it's only 2, but pulling myself over that bar for the first time ever was the greatest feeling in the world.

What is completely out of control is my eating. I have very little self control and if I want something, I eat it, diet or no diet. All the running and exercising I'm doing is keeping me from putting weight back on, which is GREAT, but I am only 7 lbs from my goal weight and I am too close to quit now.. I am in the Navy and my ship will be deploying in the Spring, so right now we go out to sea a lot, there is no blender for me to make my flax and berry breakfast smoothie, no whole grain chips in my pantry, no california sun tempting me to come out and play. I am a stereotypical female who eats when I get bored, and when you are out to sea for weeks at a time floating on 500' of grey steel...well....it gets boring, so I run to the vending machine. Also, our internet on the ship goes down a lot so logging on to this site when I'm out to sea is impossible sometimes. I just need some inspiration, some motivation, someone to tell me to stop whining and set the chocolate down. :(


  • Inkedsquid
    Inkedsquid Posts: 42
    Oh and another thing that is killing me is my (wonderful) new boyfriend, who brings me frozen yogurt when I'm sleeping and takes me out to lavish dinners. I love him to death, but he doesn't realize that I can NOT eat like him. :(
  • 2ht2hand1e
    2ht2hand1e Posts: 116 Member
    Hi...What snacks do you have on the ship that would be healthiest, most filling? More protein is better (and I hope you are strength training). Also, what are some things you do on your downtime...i know its VERY limited, but that you might be able to do with your hands, etc. when you find yourself wanting to snack? I know sometimes a snack seems WAY more satisfying than other stuff, especially when you feel bored. Remember - The only way you can fail this is by quitting. Don't give up on the goals you make for yourself. Do this for yourself. I know you started this journey for reasons that mean something to you. I am sure your bf appreciates your beauty too. I let mine know that I don't look the way I do by accident, but that can be tough lol. You go!!

    P.S. You inspire me as a woman in the Navy. You are strong!!
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Maybe just set yourself to maintain for now - that will give you an extra 500 calories a day (assuming you are trying to lose 1lb/week) to play with in terms of eating.

    Honestly though its not like you are doing bad at all - losing .8lbs in a month without even TRYING is pretty great. I wouldn't fret too mmuch. Take a pair of tight jeans on board with you and put them on every few days - that will remind you to keep off the chocolate.
  • Inkedsquid
    Inkedsquid Posts: 42
    Well they always have fresh apples, oranges, etc on board but they get sooooo old after being out to sea for weeks at time. I am able to bring healthy snacks with me, but it has to be things that are packaged and cannot spoil (like fruits, veggies, etc) as I don't have access to a fridge. I usually bring almonds, whole grain crackers, mandarin oranges in water, etc....but it never fails, I *always* go to the vending machine for chewy sprees or dove chocolate bars.

    Yeah, I do strength training, also. I do bodyrock 3 times a week and have built up a lot of ab/arm strength with that.

    Honestly, I've thought about taking up crocheting again, it keeps my hands busy and I enjoy doing it, but the guys in my work center already give me crap (jokingly, of course) about being the only chick there, I can already hear them ripping on me for crocheting on a warship haha.

    Tight jeans...*never* thought of that one....that's actually a REALLY awesome idea. I think I'm going to do that when I leave on Friday. :)
  • Inkedsquid
    Inkedsquid Posts: 42
    P.S. You inspire me as a woman in the Navy. You are strong!!

    And thank you, you have NO idea how much it means to me (and other service members) whenever I hear someone say something like that, it makes it worth it when I'm away from home for what seems like forever. :)