Overcoming Mental Roadblocks

Hi everyone! I'm having a VERY bad day mentally...I just feel so defeated, like I'll never be the person I want to become, like my goals are unattainable, that its too late to change and I'm just setting myself up for disappointment. I was feeling OK yesterday and have been having a good week diet wise and am not sure why today sucks so hard... maybe its because I saw myself in the mirror this morning and feel like I got a good dose of reality. I haven't seen myself that close up (in a full length mirror while getting dressed) in a minute....

I was always thin and athletic, then, well... life showed up and smacked me in the face. Then it drop kicked me. Then it made me listen to Lorde live till my ears bled. Basically, I coped with stress by binge eating and gained a TON of weight in about a year and a half. I am so ashamed and disheartened. Losing the weight slowly now but the mental battle is not one I had anticipated. How to ya'll deal with the 'bad days' and feelings of depression/self-doubt? Thanks <3<3<3


  • ReapingMyHarvest
    ReapingMyHarvest Posts: 28 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    The good news is that you realize it's just a bad day. There are going to be bad days along the way and it's okay to wallow in self pity for a bit. Just remember that whether you are working towards your health/fitness goals or not, the time will pass anyway. Might as well keep working because you don't have to believe you can achieve your goals all you have to do is work towards them anyway.

    You're still alive, it's not too late.

    Yass! What they said! I sent you a friend request : )
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    If you hadn't gained all the weight, you might still have a bad day. A draining, mentally yucky day. It could be a hormonal thing, it could be that your sleep cycle got interrupted and things affect you more today than they did the day before! You are here now and taking control. Allow yourself to accept that you will have a bad day, but stay here and continue to be in control.
    We're human and days will go up and down and that's OK. Love yourself enough to not
    Mind when these fluctuations happen. But stay and keep in control. The weight will come off if you do the right things and you'll feel empowered. You can do this!!!!!!
  • xmarye
    xmarye Posts: 385 Member
    I am personally trying to overcome depression and anxiety trying to lose the baby weight. I have about 55lbs to lose and that's not even the most of my worries. At this point, I see this whole weight loss as a change in perspective and changing my life in general. I have to stop worrying, but it's hard to do. With everything, I think you have to think not only about the things you want to eliminate, but most importantly the things that are missing in your life. Make room for those positive things (such as exercising, spending time on things that make you happy, going out of your comfort zone, building trust in yourself again and generally getting out there and living life) by ditching other habits that aren't beneficial to you or that don't reflect the life you want to live/the person you want to be. I think that every time I have tried to lose weight, those much needed change just became more and more obvious to me until there was nothing I could do but give into it and take a leap of faith.

    For me, it's being tired of being tired, sad and worried. I had to get mad about myself for worrying so much and deciding that enough is enough and I'm going to stop living in the future and start embracing the present.

    I think that being overweight is manifested by generally not being well in your situation and avoiding issues. To lose the physical weight, you have to lest yourself of the mental weight. This is why weight loss is so much more then just losing weight... And why you're so happy when you have lost the weight. It's not just because of the lost pounds... it's because of the person you have become in order to achieve the weight loss.

    Good luck oxox I just added you so we can support each other :)
  • long_for_me
    long_for_me Posts: 184 Member
    usmcmp wrote: »
    The good news is that you realize it's just a bad day. There are going to be bad days along the way and it's okay to wallow in self pity for a bit. Just remember that whether you are working towards your health/fitness goals or not, the time will pass anyway. Might as well keep working because you don't have to believe you can achieve your goals all you have to do is work towards them anyway.

    You're still alive, it's not too late.

    Yass! What they said! I sent you a friend request : )

    So have I!
  • PrincessMel72
    PrincessMel72 Posts: 1,094 Member
    Hey there. Sorry to hear about your tough day. But like others have said, it's just one day and hopefully you'll have better ones after this one. I get down on myself a lot. I lost over 100lbs and slowly over the course of 3 yrs, put 65 back on. But I'm back at this again and already have lost 13. It's a slow process but we're all here to lend support and a helping hand. Feel free to add me. :)
  • cheverejones
    cheverejones Posts: 6 Member
    Wow! I hadn't expected such a quick outpour of support. Ya'll are so sweet and kind and your words have turned a bad day in a good one :) Thank you everyone so much.
  • CoachJen71
    CoachJen71 Posts: 1,200 Member
    I ignore the mirror. I also count my blessings and successes so as to fight the negative thoughts that are trying to pull me down. Staying busy and being useful to others really helps pull me out of myself!

    Just keep at it. You can do this one day/hour/minute at a time, one new positive thought at a time. *hugs*


    Down 140lbs: My story.
  • UnicornAmandaPanda
    UnicornAmandaPanda Posts: 161 Member
    I wish I had advice. Been dealing with binge eating for the majority of my life now. I have good weeks and bad weeks.. feel free to message me...❤
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm alive. Michael Jackson's dead. I win.

    I know it's an odd way of trying to see the bright side of things, but hell, I am alive and that does beat the alternative.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    Bad days happen. Follow your plan regardless. You'll be glad you did.
  • clicketykeys
    clicketykeys Posts: 6,570 Member
    Feelings aren't facts. They're often very illogical. But fortunately, they change.

    Stick with it despite how you feel, and you'll come out the other side feeling better :)
  • brb_2013
    brb_2013 Posts: 1,197 Member
    I remind myself that regardless of how I feel, following my plan means I WILL GET THERE. My feelings are often negative but fleeting, I may feel better in 5 minutes or maybe an hour but I always do feel better eventually. Having very little self esteem is hard. My depression makes getting out of bed hard. But I have goals and those goals and the steps to achieve them drive me. My feelings may say "you're a crap person, you've done horrible things to your body and it hates you now and there's nothing you can do to change it" but you see.. It does change, every day. Those thoughts are invasive but jot accurate.

    Some days I sob through my workout. But I did the work. The results will come. The negativity will fade. I will improve. And so will you.