Weight stall! Correct me if I'm on the wrong path!

I've cut my calories for so long, I feel my body is used to eating like this.

I weighed 11st 3 at the start of January. And ever since it's a yoyo and I'm currently 11st8. I then got a slipped disk which took a couple of weeks to recover from but no excuse.

Any tips to restart my body. Or what exactly my macros/calorie intake should be.

Please no cheeky just "don't eat as much" comments please. I would really appreciate the helps doctors tell me to eat less and move more. I think 1400/1500 calories is what I should eat to lose weight ... I think.

I used to be around 16 stone and drastically dropped to eating 1200 calories. I lost muscle and not much fat. Anyway I'm rambling...



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    You don't need to restart your body. Just start logging accurately. Correct entries, food scale, recipe builder, etc.

    What do you mean by you think you should be eating 1400-1500 calories? How tall are you and how much do you want to lose?
  • RelCanonical
    RelCanonical Posts: 3,882 Member
    What did myfitnesspal say you should be eating when you entered in your stats?
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    What did myfitnesspal say you should be eating when you entered in your stats?

    Yes, this. That "I think" could be the problem. Maybe you need to eat less than that, OR maybe you need to measure more accurately. The most likely reason here is the simplest one: you're eating equal to what you're expending. I know that's not what you wanted to hear based on what you said in the post, but that really is the explanation. Find out what you should be eating first, then go from there. :)

  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    Coming out of a diet by slowly increasing calories to where MFP suggests maintenance could be might be useful.
    Probably get more energy to be more active daily for one thing.
    Workouts might get better too.
    Stress of being in a deficit might be useful too.

    Of course an adapting body can take you out of a deficit too - unless you just keep eating less and less, eventually the deficit will win.
    Body will usually lose in more ways than one, more than just fat weight though.
  • Luna3386
    Luna3386 Posts: 888 Member
    Weighing your food will help you be more accurate. This should be the first step before dropping calories anyways. You need to know what you are accurately eating.
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    Thanks guys for all the comments. I weigh everything and count everything. I don't always log on mfp but I keep a food diary.

    I'm just worried that I'm slowly putting on weight and get into a rut. I feel I constantly cut calories and just wondered if anyone has experienced the same. According to MFP I should eat 1350 and another site 1400.

    So best advice is carry on, count everything, don't eat more than 1400 and don't worry about macros?
  • lshand28
    lshand28 Posts: 45 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    What did myfitnesspal say you should be eating when you entered in your stats?

    Yes, this. That "I think" could be the problem. Maybe you need to eat less than that, OR maybe you need to measure more accurately. The most likely reason here is the simplest one: you're eating equal to what you're expending. I know that's not what you wanted to hear based on what you said in the post, but that really is the explanation. Find out what you should be eating first, then go from there. :)

    So it's just as simple as this? What about macros? Or training days? I'm happy to hear anything as long as it's helpful.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2017
    lshand28 wrote: »
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    What did myfitnesspal say you should be eating when you entered in your stats?

    Yes, this. That "I think" could be the problem. Maybe you need to eat less than that, OR maybe you need to measure more accurately. The most likely reason here is the simplest one: you're eating equal to what you're expending. I know that's not what you wanted to hear based on what you said in the post, but that really is the explanation. Find out what you should be eating first, then go from there. :)

    So it's just as simple as this? What about macros? Or training days? I'm happy to hear anything as long as it's helpful.

    What about them? You haven't given us much information. :) What does a training day consist of? What macros are you aiming for?

    I think it IS helpful to point out that you don't actually know how many calories you need to be eating in order to lose weight. Isn't that the first place to start? I'm not being snotty, I just don't understand and I don't want you to feel frustrated.

    Figure that out first. If you don't know that one factor how can you hope to be eating under your daily expenditure?
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2017
    lshand28 wrote: »
    Thanks guys for all the comments. I weigh everything and count everything. I don't always log on mfp but I keep a food diary.

    I'm just worried that I'm slowly putting on weight and get into a rut. I feel I constantly cut calories and just wondered if anyone has experienced the same. According to MFP I should eat 1350 and another site 1400.

    So best advice is carry on, count everything, don't eat more than 1400 and don't worry about macros?

    Oh, I didn't see this.

    Are you eating 1350 and still not losing, then? Did you double-check how you entered your activity level and so on? For instance, if you're working out (you mentioned training days but you also mentioned you have a slipped disc, don't know whether that means you've not been working out or what), do you list your activity based on that but then also enter your workouts? That sort of thing.

    If you are working out, are you listing your workout activity levels very honestly and accurately? Are you then eating back all of those calories? One thing some people do is to only eat back a percentage of their workout calories, to see if that will create the deficit they're looking for. But if you're saying you're not working out at all right now since you have a slipped disc then this part is an N/A.

    The best advice is, IMO - because nobody actually knows you and we only know the very basics: if you're not losing, lower your calories in increments until you do, AND make 100% sure your logging is ACCURATE. :)

    I can't say whether you should "ignore" macros or not...what do you have them set to? What have you tried so far? Some people aim for certain macros - some people are big on protein, for example. Others for whatever reason or reasons want to keep their carbs to a certain level. And so on. I don't know whether messing with your macros will help you, or in what way. You're asking for help - the best help...IMO...is to start by being TIGHT about your measuring and logging, being 100% honest about your activity level settings, and going down in calories by increments until you start losing again.