Need some support

Hi MFP friends,

I recently moved to a new city in a new state. I'm currently out of work, which is its own drama. My husband works 12 - 16 hours a day. I'm trying to keep control over at least food but am feeling isolated in a new place and too many days with no structure. Would love any thoughts you all have for keeping focused and positive on a job hunt and staying motivated on a weightless journey.


Talia (in Dallas)


  • Priscy3456
    Priscy3456 Posts: 13 Member
    I can relate to that but having a little one around has been really helpful for me. There's always something to do where she's concern. But now that school takes up most of her time I'm left bored. Lol. Enroll in a gym and spend some time a the library. Whatever time spent outside the home always keeps you refresh
  • cardiacmommy
    cardiacmommy Posts: 52 Member
    Realizing this is something I can have control over when the rest of my life is a hot mess. Coming here and reading held me keep goals in mind.
  • donth8
    donth8 Posts: 1 Member
    I can't relate on the being in a new place. But I can relate on trying to focus and positive. I have been going threw health injuries that have set me back. It's one of those you take one step forward and 2 steps back. It's hard to stay motivated. What I do is I try to stay away from anything negative. I use Facebook now a days not to keep up with friends. But I joined and liked pages that are poistive. So everyday that I login I see a quotes that bring me up. A story that helps me push forward. Maybe you can join free classes in your area. Like yoga, a lot of yoga studios have a free community class once a week. Some have a work program that if you work a couple of hours at the studio your membership is free. There might be groups in your area that meet up for runs or other things. It is hard to stay poistive! Believe I know. But it's a choice we all have. To stay down and it drains the life out of us. Or be happy and have all the energy. What ever you decide good luck! Don't give up!!