Ripped in 30 starting July 4th



  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    JustBreathe418: I did take a look at Week 4 but I can't remember what I saw! Maybe I blacked it out? LOL! Anyway, I figure if we were scared by what we previewed in Weeks 2 and 3, but we're doing those weeks anyway (however badly, in my case!), we can do Week 4. Maybe I'm kidding myself, but I'll find out soon enough. I just did Day 4 of Level 3 and I'll probably try Level 4 in two or three days. I don't think I'll ever be able to do those rock n roll squat things from Level 3, though!

    Keep going everyone! I can't face doing Level 4 without any buddies! :smile:
  • SDV219
    SDV219 Posts: 106
    I just wanted to say CONGRATS to you girlies for this awesome thread!! I'm so pumped to start this now ... just from reading everything I can only imagine what I'm up against! I think I'm going to wait to start it on August 1st though, although I may start so I can finish before school starts up for me again!! Very excited and loved the motivation you all have!! Keep on rippin!! Good for you!!
  • Srivera40
    Srivera40 Posts: 9
    Hi Ladies!

    Started Ripped in 30 on July 18. Finished Week 1 yesterday. Weighed and measured myself this morning. I will tell it is soo important to measure yourself because if I hadn't I would have been so frustrated this morning.

    These are my results:

    Lost 2 lbs.

    Chest - 1 inch
    Upper waist - 1.5 inches
    Waist (belly button) - 2.5 inches
    Thighs - 1 inch
    Lower thighs - 1 inch

    For a Total of 7 inches in week!!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    I only have one more day of W3 to do, then time for the dreaded W4! I was supposed to do my last W3 day today, but throwing in an extra 30 minutes of cardio everyday has finally caught up with me... Time for a day off :).
    Has anyone started W4 yet?? I'm terrified! I was wondering if I should keep trying W3 until I feel more comfortable, but I think it'll be best for me if I just be brave and go for it! :)
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    alexwalper - Good luck getting into week 4! We'll be there with you soon :)

    Did day 4 of week 3, still not getting any easier! I was planning on doing week 3 for another day and moving on to week 4, but I might give it another day or two, depending on how I feel tomorrow. My quads are in so much pain lol.

    Keep on Rippin' it!
  • ridgellmomof3
    ridgellmomof3 Posts: 83 Member
    Hey everyone I have been MIA because I have been at the beach. Totally missed my workouts, however I actually put on a swimsuit and it looked decent. I know now I have to keep working, I hope everyone is hanging in!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    For those who were wondering about Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Level 4--I did it for the first time tonight--and I survived! I did go down to 3 lb. weights, though, and had to modify some of the moves (e.g., renegade row pushups and chautaranga pushups on my knees, not on my toes).
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    For those who were wondering about Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Level 4--I did it for the first time tonight--and I survived! I did go down to 3 lb. weights, though, and had to modify some of the moves (e.g., renegade row pushups and chautaranga pushups on my knees, not on my toes).

    Great job! :)
    I attempted W4 D1 this morning too.. Oh my, it was intense! Usually I'll feel any soreness the next day, but I can definitely already feel it. I also had to modify both of those moves (I've never been able to do the renegade rows.. I can't seem to lift my arms while in plank without falling flat down!) along with doing a lot of beginner stuff, and the random yoga stuff kicked my butt. I am INCREDIBLY inflexible, so this will definitely be a long week for me. I'm already eyeing some yoga to help with this inability to reach my toes thing :embarassed:.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    W2D2 done 334 calories burned.I really had to push myself today! I ahve been really out of energy.So happy to have the rest of the day to play with my kids!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Yay, everyone! I did Day 6 of Level 3 last night and will attempt Day 2 of Level 4 sometime today. I am seeing results, I think (at least insofar as the mirror goes). How about everyone else?

    9 more days for me and then maybe I'll move on to Supreme 90. Has anyone tried that?
  • HarmonyNLife
    HarmonyNLife Posts: 47 Member
    Oh my goodness! Week 4 is my favorite workout. It was a hard workout, but I enjoyed it. I have 4-5 more days left, woohoo. Even though, I can't see a difference my husband can. This morning my husband said, "Babe your jeans fit different":happy:. That makes me feel very happy.

    Thank you ladies for all the support. Keep it up! You all are doing great!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    3 days left! This has been a wild ride, but well worth it. I rent uniforms at work, and just had to call them to exchange me down a size!!! YES!!!!!!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Just did Day 2 of Ripped in 30 Level 4. Kind of crazy, but I like this level--except for the chatauranga pushups and the renegade row pushups.
  • Jessicapages
    Jessicapages Posts: 427
    Today was W2D3 went to the pool this morning and still had energy to do my workout! I used 8 pound weight today also,and it was not as bad as I thought it would be!
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    Yay, almost done! I had to take my two days off in a row because I hurt my knee spending waaay too much time walking at Disneyland, but I attempted W4 D2 today. I had to modify quite a bit, but I still made it through! I've decided I really love the supermans with a shoulder press, but my do those chaturangas hurt! I still can't do burpees either, like not at all haha.

    My eating has been really poor and my scale just broke, so I probably won't have a good weight loss (or even a knowledge of it! ha!), but I've become A LOT stronger, and I can see some inches gone. I'll just be proud to have finished! Yay!
    Great job everyone!
  • JustBreathe418
    JustBreathe418 Posts: 355 Member
    Just did Day 1 of Week 4! Geeeeez Jillian is really mean in this one lol! I actually like this week more than week 3 even though its tougher and crazier. I REAAAALY felt it doing the supermans with the shoulder press. It hurt so bad but felt soooo good haha. Alexwalper I think that's my favorite move too!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Just did Day 3 of Rin30 Level 4. I'm only using 3 lb. weights with this one. Just out of curiousity, for those on Week 4, what poundage weights are you using?
  • alexwalper
    alexwalper Posts: 81
    Did Day 3 of Week 4 this morning! I'm housesitting this week, and I was worried I wouldn't be able to pull it off.. I moved their dining room table and busted it out :). It was the first time I did it on carpet, and I much preferred it to the wood + yoga mat at my house! I still can't do the burpees haha, so I did punches or jump roping instead. I'm heavily modifying a lot, but I can feel myself getting better and stronger still! Yay!

    @bathsalts I'm using 5 lbs. because I forgot to bring my 3s haha. They are killing! Too late to change now :).
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Did Jillian Michaels' Ripped in 30 Level 4, Day 4. Only 1-3 more days to go, depending on whether I want to Level 4 for 5, 6 or 7 days total. Good luck everyone!
  • fairfieldbeach
    fairfieldbeach Posts: 261 Member
    Jillian Ripped in 30 Level 4, Day 5 with 5 lb. weights (thanks for the inspiration alexwalper!) :smile: The supermans (supermen?) were pretty tough with 5 lb. weights. Now I'm trying to decide whether I should do the last three days of Rin30 to get to the full 30 days. What do all of you think? So far, I've done 8 days of Level 1, 7 days of Level 2 (my least favorite level), 7 days of Level 3 (my next least favorite) and 5 days of Level 4 for a total of 27 days.

    Then I have to decide what to do next. How is everyone else doing?

    I'm thinking of trying Supreme 90 next; it's a series of 10 DVDs promising results from muscle confusion--I get the impression it's like Jillian plus--anyone want to do it with me? Here's the link:

    I bought it for 19.99 at Target.