Mamas? Losing weight (while not losing your mind) with young kids....



  • JChole
    JChole Posts: 24 Member
    Yes! I have two girls, 2.5 years and 6 months. I need to lose about 60 lbs total. I lost most of my weight after first pregnancy, then gained it back, lost 20 lbs after second baby, but have gained 10 lbs back. Anyone can feel free to add me as a friend, as well!
  • Becboo86
    Becboo86 Posts: 5 Member
    Add me! :smiley:

    I turned 30 late last year. I have a 6 year old son and twin 4 year old daughters. Working casual, hospitality late nights on weekends not finishing til 2am. :neutral: So tired all the time, and I know I'll have more energy once I get going and in a good routine - but I struggle too and opt for easy choices.

    BTW you ladies are all amazing for not giving up. xo

    Smiles, Bec.
  • LizComeOut86
    LizComeOut86 Posts: 4 Member
    Your all more than welcome to add me, I am 30 years old with a two year old daughter :) Trying to work and go to school part time,friends are so needed :)<3
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    SAHM of 5 with the youngest being 5 months. I know the struggles of trying to fit it all in.
  • kms234
    kms234 Posts: 132 Member
    Please add me :) I'm a full time working mama of 2 boys (7 and 5).
  • jpear45
    jpear45 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Mamas, I have a boy turning 5 in 2 weeks and an 18month old daughter. I've really struggled with having the energy to workout after chasing them around all day and working full-time and then taking care of the house. At work I sit all day, which just leads me to feeling more tired. To overcome these two obstacles I have started implementing the 80/20 rule with clean eating and scheduling into my day exercise.

    Eating clean has really helped give me more energy. And since eating clean requires more prep time in the kitchen, l have my son help me. He's been cooking with me since he was around 2 years old. It's really helped allow us to spend more family time together, build life-skills for him (what lady in the future won't love a guy who can cook) and he has an appreciation for what we eat. These are great times to talk about healthy eating habits too. So my first suggestion to you mama's out there is bring the kids into the kitchen with you. Be the best role model for them, guide them, talk to them! Don't force it, let them come and go as they want to help, but encourage them to join you.

    My second struggle is the time to workout. I've been squeezing in mini workouts throughout my work day like squats and walking. The Fitbit really helps me get those extra steps in each day! And I'm working on setting that alarm a tad bit earlier each day to get a 30min workout in. I love quick & fast body weight exercises. My go to quick workout... 30 squats, 10 pushups, 1min plank, 20 lunges (each leg), 15 tricep dips, 1min wall sit, 30 squats... if I'm feeling good I repeat. I also try to get outside with my kids as much as possible and kick a ball around or race my son across the yard.
  • kaseaward
    kaseaward Posts: 5 Member
    Love this ladies!!!! Lets be on here supporting each other. Today I have all my meals planned out, am going to have an advocare spark around 1 ;) and plan to get a workout video/walk with my dog in. I plan to update with my weightloss for the week on Thursday :)
  • swatidch20
    swatidch20 Posts: 1 Member
    I am having two boys age 4 year and 1 year old and need to loose 40lb. Everyday I struggle to find time to exercise and eat healthy. It is hard and I need support of this group. Please count me in too.
  • kjm_723
    kjm_723 Posts: 66 Member
    You all can do it! I have two kiddos (almost 6yo and almost 2yo) In the years between the two I lost 80lbs which wasn't baby weight! If I include baby weight then it's more like 110lbs. I gained 50 back with my second pregnancy and all but 5 is gone again. For me the keys were consistency, portion control and no deprivation. I can't eat as much as I want of whatever I want whenever I want to like I did back in my obese days but I haven't eliminated any foods completely. If there is something I really want I find a way to have it. It isn't easy, but it can be done. Having kids doesn't make it easier but for me having kids has been the biggest motivator. I decided I wanted to set healthy examples and be able to be active with them so we can all have a better life. Feel free to add me if you'd like!
  • RoteBook
    RoteBook Posts: 171 Member
    I don't know whether I can call mine young anymore, as they're 10 and 5, but I'll put myself here anyway. My youngest loves to go with me on his bike when I do my Couch to 5k workouts.
  • redd_dayspring12
    redd_dayspring12 Posts: 41 Member
    I have two boys. One almost 3 and the other just turned one in Feb. I've lost almost 90lbs since July and still have some to go. If you need support or food ideas or motivation add me. Also, i have a weight loss group on fb. Just women. We post food pics, tips and quotes to stay motivated and accountable. Message me if interested
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    I have a two-year old, and I'm 9 lbs from my pre-pregnancy weight and 16 from my goal. I've yo-yo'd all over the place since he was born, and have only been consistently on track the last few months.
  • roboliciousbob
    roboliciousbob Posts: 134 Member
    Three kiddos (7,5,2) and stahm. I have gained lost and then after the third just kept gaining and gaining and gaining. It was incredibly hard to find time for myself with 3 little at home and night time never works because I have no energy to workout and most nights fall asleep putting kids to bed. My youngest has always been a crummy sleeper and she insists on cosleeping. I put her in her bed at night, get her to sleep, but she always ends up in bed with me in the middle of the night. I am like a security blanket for her and she DOESNT stop petting me(very lightly touching over and over on the shoulder). If she is not doing that she flips and flops everywhere. I am a terribly light sleeper. SO in short this momma has been sleep deprived for years and years now and I don't feel like I ever have me time. The only thing that has helped is my Ymembership and Daycare while I workout. It has allowed me some ME time. Not only to get my physical wellbeing back in order but my mental.... sometimes mommy just needs an hour to herself in the 24 hours of a day. Better yet, she gets to be around other kids her age, socializing, and playing. It has been so beneficial for her and she LOVES going now(she had some separation anxiety when we started).

    I have been at this since January and I am feeling fantastic. Last night I did start adding 30 Day Shred at night to the mix. I actually got it done, stayed up(because I drank a cup of coffee at 4 but then it was hard to fall asleep so I may have to drink coffee a touch earlier.

    Anyways, where there is a will there is a way. You can do this ladies!
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    I am like a security blanket for her and she DOESNT stop petting me(very lightly touching over and over on the shoulder). If she is not doing that she flips and flops everywhere. I am a terribly light sleeper. SO in short this momma has been sleep deprived for years and years now and I don't feel like I ever have me time. The only thing that has helped is my Ymembership and Daycare while I workout. It has allowed me some ME time. Not only to get my physical wellbeing back in order but my mental.... sometimes mommy just needs an hour to herself in the 24 hours of a day. Better yet, she gets to be around other kids her age, socializing, and playing. It has been so beneficial for her and she LOVES going now(she had some separation anxiety when we started).

    I have been at this since January and I am feeling fantastic. Last night I did start adding 30 Day Shred at night to the mix. I actually got it done, stayed up(because I drank a cup of coffee at 4 but then it was hard to fall asleep so I may have to drink coffee a touch earlier.

    Anyways, where there is a will there is a way. You can do this ladies!

    This is like my son during the day. He is constantly on my lap, hanging of my back etc. I work as a content development manager from home, so this can make teleconferences really difficult lol.

    I also get "touched out" like I love the affection but sometimes I just don't want to be touched for an hour or two. Personal space is basically nonexistent these days.
  • HisLadyBug83
    HisLadyBug83 Posts: 11 Member
    edited April 2017
    I'm a mom of 4. I have a son who just turned 15, and three daughters ages 13, 6, and 2. So far I have lost 21 lbs and still have about 60ish to go. Anyone feel free to add me. :smile:
  • sammyjo0218
    sammyjo0218 Posts: 108 Member
    It can get crazy with kiddos. I have 2, oldest will be 3 years old and a 10 month old baby. I workout at home since no access to gyms at the moment but with planning, multitasking, and a routine you can work your way around it!! My starting pregnancy weight was 115lbs and at 9 months I got to 130lbs labor was super quick from being active and he was happy and healthy! Now at 10 months I'm at 114lbs and I've been around that weight since he was only a few months old. Breastfeeding can help melt the weight off. You have to play around to see what works best for you a strict long term diet isn't sustainable it's about choices for a healthy lifestyle. As with meal planning think ahead in advance what you want to make so you can set a timeframe to cook and portion out things.
  • roboliciousbob
    roboliciousbob Posts: 134 Member
    Yyyesss "touched out"!! I always say we have an invisible umbilical cord that was never cut. I lloooooove her so very much, but sometimes man I need just a little bit of space and someone NOT touching me. Before I started working out/getting some me time, I was constantly getting to the point of getting dang near twitchy from not having some space. My poor sweet husband too. We would go to bed at night and he would try to start something( if you get my drift) and I just had NO desire to be pawed at. Like I just wanted to lay down in my bed and SLEEP. And NOT be touched for just a little piece of my day and have some peace. Sex was the last thing on my mind, I felt *kitten*, felt *kitten* about myself, and just a moment of space from everything and everyone. Thankfully for all three of us, this has gotten loads and loads better.
  • megdnoorman
    megdnoorman Posts: 282 Member
    Yyyesss "touched out"!! I always say we have an invisible umbilical cord that was never cut. I lloooooove her so very much, but sometimes man I need just a little bit of space and someone NOT touching me. Before I started working out/getting some me time, I was constantly getting to the point of getting dang near twitchy from not having some space. My poor sweet husband too. We would go to bed at night and he would try to start something( if you get my drift) and I just had NO desire to be pawed at. Like I just wanted to lay down in my bed and SLEEP. And NOT be touched for just a little piece of my day and have some peace. Sex was the last thing on my mind, I felt *kitten*, felt *kitten* about myself, and just a moment of space from everything and everyone. Thankfully for all three of us, this has gotten loads and loads better.

    This is basically the exact same scenario in my home lol. Way better now, but there was a period where I would basically cringe whenever some hugged me, put their arm around me etc. I just wanted to scream "don't touch me!" It starts to feel like everyone else owns your body -- especially after having rented out your uterus for 9 months! My poor husband lol.

    Thank goodness things have gotten way better.
  • mkmarte
    mkmarte Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 8 weeks postpartum with my son and also have a 2 year old daughter. I've lost 30 pounds so far and want to lose another 30 pounds to get to a weight of 145 lbs. I've found that planning my day for meals and calories helps and getting in short spurts on the treadmill as much as possible throughout the day helps (nap time and bed time for the most part).
  • Ironandwine69
    Ironandwine69 Posts: 2,432 Member
    I love the mommas on my FL. Add me.
    I'm 35and have a 5 yo lil terror. I call him my lil dictator.