I'm a slave to the scale

Seriously, I need to cut this habit. It's making me crazy! Every little oz up makes my day go bad... Though I understand thst it's a normal daily fluctuation!! Anyone else like me? I've decided to pay more attention to the clothes and mirror and not weigh in until next month... I've asked my husband to hide the scale... Lets see how that turns out haha.


  • jesscowart0501
    jesscowart0501 Posts: 17 Member
    yeah me too. everytime i go into the bathroom i weigh...its a bad habit and it makes me upset when it goes up. but im always happy with the first weight in the morning:)
  • CoachsWife4
    CoachsWife4 Posts: 79 Member
    My hubby hid mine a week & a half ago - it's not coming out again for 4 weeks. I was tired of busting my tail & getting frustrated when I didn't see the numbers move. GOOD LUCK!
  • Athena413
    Athena413 Posts: 1,709 Member
    I often call myself a scale *kitten*. I weigh in just about every morning just because I'm curious what it says. We have an actual medical scale, so it's a little harder to hide. I don't usually get down on myself if it goes up a little bit, though - I know it takes 3,500 calories to accumulate a pound of fat, and I KNOW I don't eat that much in a day, so there's no way that I've actually gained a pound of fat if I see the scale go up a pound - just a reminder that I'm probably retaining a little water and need to watch the sodium and drink extra water and usually it's back down the next day or so.
  • Serenity150
    Me too ... I just can't help it. I really should stop though, because the slightest upward fluctuation is upsetting to me and sometimes discouraging. You're definitely not alone!
  • anikasc
    anikasc Posts: 5
    I am too!!! Every single day I step on the scale and tend to get frustrated when it doesn't say what I want it too!! I'm really trying to only weigh myself every 2 weeks but that's not working!! :(
  • sculptandtone
    sculptandtone Posts: 300 Member
    Please be careful. I developed some very bad habits when I got addicted to the scale. I was completely unable to apply logic and be rational about ups and downs and plateaus. It was a very large part of undereating and then overeating, very unhealthy behaviours. This time, no daily weighing, no weekly weighing. I will weigh myself every couple months through my weight loss and then every two weeks once I'm at my goal so my weight doesn't get out of control. No more, no less for me. I think everyone has to find what's right for them. But, if you're living and dying by ounces, you need to stop weighing yourself daily. It's unhealthy.
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    i know what you mean!!! I threw out my bathroom scale and now only weigh myself on the scale at the gym once a week in the mornings. It's really difficult, but the gym is by my work so even if i dont make it a whole week, i can only weigh myself at the gym, and then when i'm there i can do something about it if i dont like what it says!
  • greenscrapcat
    Also trying to hide the scale :( Not working!
  • Enduranze3
    Enduranze3 Posts: 45 Member
    I weigh myself at least twice a day. It's such a bad habit and something I'm working to overcome.
  • FattyWantADoughnut
    Please be careful. I developed some very bad habits when I got addicted to the scale. I was completely unable to apply logic and be rational about ups and downs and plateaus. It was a very large part of undereating and then overeating, very unhealthy behaviours. This time, no daily weighing, no weekly weighing. I will weigh myself every couple months through my weight loss and then every two weeks once I'm at my goal so my weight doesn't get out of control. No more, no less for me. I think everyone has to find what's right for them. But, if you're living and dying by ounces, you need to stop weighing yourself daily. It's unhealthy.

    I agree with this so much. At my thinnest, I was weighing myself like 10+ times a day. It got really bad. This time around I am being very careful to resist the urge. I keep the scale under the bathroom cabinet and only take it out once or twice a week and no more than that.
  • QBee73
    QBee73 Posts: 53
    I think most of us are like that. I mean we are trying to lose weight. But it is hard on your attitude. I just stopped the daily check-in 2 weeks ago. It is hard not get on it but I just don't. Now I try to get on it Saturday or Sunday morning only. Good luck to you.
  • RichNice
    RichNice Posts: 66 Member
    I used to be that way...and I know someone that weighs herself everyday (according to her her doctor told her to...), but I realized that it was driving me crazy weighing myself everyday. Now I only weigh myself once every 7 days...gives me time to actually put in work to lose some weight...gives me my sanity back.
  • gdortiz
    gdortiz Posts: 169 Member
    you know, the one good thing about weighing yourself everyday is you really know how to read your body and how you process food.

    if you can live with the peaks and valleys, maybe it is not so bad.

    if anything, it keeps you vigilant on your goal. if you still got a long way to go, maybe it helps with motivation.
  • JFamilo
    JFamilo Posts: 22 Member
    I weigh pretty much every day, first thing in the morning. I think it actually helps. Yes, I get a little discouraged when the scale goes up. But it's also good for me to make a connection between how close to my calorie goal I was the day before and the number on the scale today...then I adjust and move on. I'd think it'd be more tragic if I tried hard all week and then saw the number go up on the scale (which happens to me sometimes if I look at one Thursday and then the next there may be an increase due to a bad Wednesday or fluid retention). Then I would have "wasted" an entire weeks worth of work with nothing good to show for it.

    When you're aiming to lose 1 lb per week and your scale only measures in 0.2lb increments there can be some significant swings. I'd hate to be discouraged by a big upswing (which could be back down the next day) and then have to wait a whole week to see again how I'm doing.

    I don't think I'm obsessive about it and I actually think it's health *for me* to weigh daily.
  • ajsdream
    ajsdream Posts: 223 Member
    I'm the same way, the scale dictates my mood for the day.

    Which is why I'm doing my own 90 day, no scale challenge! I'm strictly going by how my clothes fit. I'm about 10 days in and won't weigh in until mid-October. It's kind of liberating! I haven't had any problems with wanting to yet, but if I do, I'll make the hubby take our scale to work with him. haha

  • ahavoc
    ahavoc Posts: 464 Member
    I don't own a scale. I only weigh myself once a week at the gym, so my advice, throw the dang thing out! That'll cure you!
  • _Khaleesi_
    _Khaleesi_ Posts: 877 Member
    I weigh myself every day because I like to see how things are going throughout the week. I only really get worked up when it's getting close to my weigh in and nothing has changed... like today. Tomorrow is weigh in and I am still sitting in the same spot (I was down 2 lbs 4 days ago... no idea where that went). I get even more anxious if I can't place the results, like if I am not understanding why I haven't lost or why I may have gained, etc.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    I weigh pretty much every day, first thing in the morning. I think it actually helps. Yes, I get a little discouraged when the scale goes up. But it's also good for me to make a connection between how close to my calorie goal I was the day before and the number on the scale today...then I adjust and move on. I'd think it'd be more tragic if I tried hard all week and then saw the number go up on the scale (which happens to me sometimes if I look at one Thursday and then the next there may be an increase due to a bad Wednesday or fluid retention). Then I would have "wasted" an entire weeks worth of work with nothing good to show for it.

    When you're aiming to lose 1 lb per week and your scale only measures in 0.2lb increments there can be some significant swings. I'd hate to be discouraged by a big upswing (which could be back down the next day) and then have to wait a whole week to see again how I'm doing.

    I don't think I'm obsessive about it and I actually think it's health *for me* to weigh daily.

    I agree with you. I do the same thing - weighing daily keeps me on track.
  • kfitz10103
    kfitz10103 Posts: 354
    I only weigh on Thursday mornings and maybe if I have overeaten a day I will get on to try to motivate me to get right back on track. I only log on Thursdays though. SO it doesn't matter that this morning I showed 161.8 which is a 1lb loss. All that counts is what I weight on Thursday morning.
  • darconnor
    darconnor Posts: 49
    I often call myself a scale *kitten*. I weigh in just about every morning just because I'm curious what it says. We have an actual medical scale, so it's a little harder to hide. I don't usually get down on myself if it goes up a little bit, though - I know it takes 3,500 calories to accumulate a pound of fat, and I KNOW I don't eat that much in a day, so there's no way that I've actually gained a pound of fat if I see the scale go up a pound - just a reminder that I'm probably retaining a little water and need to watch the sodium and drink extra water and usually it's back down the next day or so.
    That is the exact philosophy I have. It reminds me of sodium, the need to drink plenty of water, the need to get regular exercise, and that I am in this for the long haul. It's just a reminder I need to remain focused. I really don't get upset anymore. My bigger fear would be getting on the scale once a week and that would be the day there was an upward fluctuation and I WOULD be bummed for a week. Clearly, everyone is different. Whatever works for you, is what you shoudl do.