Keto beginner and blowing it!

I've done my research on keto and have the hardest time meal planning. I've lost ZERO weight so far since I'm unable to reach ketosis. I've come to the conclusion that doing this without meal prepping is out of the question. Anyone have any advice or a week log I could use as a guide? MUCH APPRECIATED!!! :)


  • elizarizo
    elizarizo Posts: 489 Member
    I'm about 4 weeks in and have lost 10 lbs so far
    I don't meal prep just eat different meats with some low carb veggies lots of eggs and ect.. so it's kinda the same foods without being the same?
  • imjustpeachiekeen
    imjustpeachiekeen Posts: 11 Member
    I also just started about 2 weeks ago, but I'm already down 13 pounds...that being said, I have a total of about 80 I want to lose, so that's why. I think one of the things that I've found really helpful is the intermittent fasting. After I eat dinner, no later than 8, I wait on my first meal the next day until I'm truly hungry. I'm still drinking water and I will have coffee, but my first meal is usually around 11:30. The reason why this helps me is that I have fewer hours to eat so I'm not having to spread it out so far. I would be happy to have you friend me on here. I make my diary available to my friends. It sometimes helps to see what others are eating. I would make sure your carbs aren't too high and make sure that you are hitting your macros as much as possible.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    tara_ddy wrote: »
    I've done my research on keto and have the hardest time meal planning. I've lost ZERO weight so far since I'm unable to reach ketosis. I've come to the conclusion that doing this without meal prepping is out of the question. Anyone have any advice or a week log I could use as a guide? MUCH APPRECIATED!!! :)

    Are you eating in a deficit?
  • laurens47
    laurens47 Posts: 117 Member
    tara_ddy wrote: »
    I've done my research on keto and have the hardest time meal planning. I've lost ZERO weight so far since I'm unable to reach ketosis. I've come to the conclusion that doing this without meal prepping is out of the question. Anyone have any advice or a week log I could use as a guide? MUCH APPRECIATED!!! :)

    Are you eating in a deficit?

    This! Regardless of what diet you follow, for weight loss, you would be in a deficit to achieve that.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    OP, what do your macros look like? Also, I'm not sure if you have any medical issues but those who do often lose slower to begin with.
  • LowCarb4Me2016
    LowCarb4Me2016 Posts: 575 Member
    Asking for tips as a newbie is not the same as being unable to stick to a way of eating.
  • ent3rsandman
    ent3rsandman Posts: 170 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    If you can't stick to keto... don't do keto.

    Exactly. OP, you may believe what they preach, but the diet is definitely not for everyone and should only be viewed as one of several strategies out there to maintain a caloric deficit. If you're doing it in lieu of counting calories, you're going to have a bad time.
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 27,982 Member
    edited May 2017
    @tara_ddy how long have you been at this?

    Have you also started a new exercise program?
  • DaveC29
    DaveC29 Posts: 232 Member
    I have changed to a Keto friendly diet a few weeks ago... a website I found the had a lot of good recipes: and thier app: Total Keto Diet. I tried a couple already and they were great! Stick to it and make sure you have your macros set right to eat at a deficiet.

    I am somewhere between a true Keto and Paleo diet most days- it's tough to get that much fat in your diet without the protein. My macros have been averaging about 60% Fat and 30% Protein. I am athletic though so a little extra Protein is not a bad thing!

    Add me as a friend if you like! Good luck!
  • the_new_mark_2017
    the_new_mark_2017 Posts: 149 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    If you can't stick to keto... don't do keto.

    Oh Gawd - this is me all over! I love it, and had great success years and years ago, however I simply can't stick to it, its so restrictive when all you want is a sandwich! :)
  • KateTii
    KateTii Posts: 886 Member
    I've just started Keto and i've found meal prep is vital, but I also found meal prep vital for calorie counting/weightloss in general.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    As others have said, ketosis is not necessary for weight loss. It seems to help a bit in some, but people can lose on a high carb diet too.

    Make sure you are in a caloric deficit. Try a TDEE calculator.

    If you are in a deficit, you may just need to be patient. Some don't lose quickly right off the bat.

    Good luck.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,401 MFP Moderator
    We really need more information. How long have you been doing keto? Have you tracked calories or just followed general keto guidelines? Have you also started exercise?
  • carbkiller1971
    carbkiller1971 Posts: 1,426 Member
    Keto works no doubt if you work it right my rule of thumb for kickstarting keto stay away from all carbs possible only foods with may one or3 total so meat cheese eggs after you reach keto sis stay her steady then add 2 or 3 super low carb choices
  • ashlinmarie
    ashlinmarie Posts: 1,263 Member
    Eating keto is not as easy as some people make it sound, especially at first. My husband and I started 10 weeks ago and we had to meal prep for the first few weeks to get past the cravings. We also both went through keto flu (me more than him) and that almost made me quit right there. You also will likely be hungrier the first week. I averaged 1700-1900 calories a day and now, due to the appetite suppression, I average 1100-1400 a day. We found a lot of our recipes on and once I felt confident, I branched out to making some of my old favorite foods in a keto way. Now I have waffles, ice cream, mozzarella sticks, and so much more while staying at 20g or less of carbs. If you google "keto macros calculator" you can also figure out what your macros should be. Finally, make sure you are getting plenty of electrolytes. Don't wait until you feel like crap a few weeks in. I take daily magnesium and potassium and get plenty of salt. I've heard people suggest upwards of 5000 mg of salt a day but I usually stick around 3000 mg.

    Feel free to shoot me a friend request if you'd like for any questions or to get some recipe ideas. I log all my food, and I don't always meal prep but there is enough there to give you some ideas. Good luck!
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    edited May 2017
    KateTii wrote: »
    I've just started Keto and i've found meal prep is vital, but I also found meal prep vital for calorie counting/weightloss in general.

    Yeah, I basically agree with this. I started lowering my carbs a couple of days ago, but it's not hard since I was already cooking a lot. I just switch up starches for more fats (and it's fun for me to be able to cook with more fat). Whatever you do this part of it and watching macros and calories and getting them right is going to take a few days to get the hang of.

    When I'm cooking a lot and know generally what I have available for meals I plan well in my head, but if all this is new to someone or they don't naturally plan in their head, the MFP tool makes planning pretty easy. There are websites that can help, like, too, which has a keto (and med diet and various others) option.

    None of this determines whether the eating style itself will actually work for you, but the logistics should not be more difficult.