PiYo (Beachbody) Results: Share with Me!

A friend purchased me a year membership to Beachbody on Demand; I don't do well with high intensity workouts, jumping excessively, etc. so when I read about PiYo which claimed low intensity fat burning, muscle building workout, I was skeptical.

Oh. My. God. I'm in the middle of the second week and I'm already seeing progress. And not scale progress. To be honest, it hasn't budged. But I'm performing exercises easier than before. Simply sitting up without using my elbows to push off the ground is more than I could do before. My core is already stronger, my strength is coming back and I'm super excited to get through the next six and a half weeks.

I would love to hear some PiYo success stories or honestly, any Beachbody success stories since once I'm done with PiYo, I plan on finding some of those hybrid calendars to try new things. Please share with me!


  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    Still hoping to see some success stories from PiYo and Beachbody! ❤️
  • SilverSheWolf55
    SilverSheWolf55 Posts: 95 Member
    THANK YOU so much for posting this. I am waiting for my PiYo DVD'S to come in. I ordered them this past Sunday :) I, too, have problems with HIIT workouts. I need more low impact. Of course, I'm twice as old as you, ;) , but I feel after watching the infomercial on TV, I feel I can do it, especially since they show the "improvised" version of it. I may have to use the chair to begin with.

    Please keep posting and let me know your results. This gives me hope that maybe an older woman like me can actually do something besides walking. I am so happy and proud for you. Keep it up! B)
  • anewwoman1962
    anewwoman1962 Posts: 5 Member
    I got my DVD's and hope to start on Monday. I am 54 and not an active person at all, so I hope this won't be too difficult. I'm giving it my best shot! I'm so happy to hear that you are already getting results.
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    I weighed myself today after getting through a week and a half and FINALLY I broke through my plateau of no weight loss. Lost about a lb and as I said before, I'm feeling myself getting stronger and can see improvements in the exercises I can do.

    ALSO! I am not following the good program portion of it so you might get faster results weight loss wise if you do. I'm just keeping up with eating 1500 calories a day and trying to make smarter choices with better portion control. At the very least, I'm being honest with what bad stuff I eat and fixing what I do instead. Hell, yesterday I had a full size candy bar and I felt sick afterwards. Maybe I'm not following the food plan to a T but just trying to eat better is affecting how much my body tolerates the bad stuff.

    Keep going, ladies! (And any gents that do the program) From what I've seen, not many men are interested in PiYo since it is such low intensity but the male modifiers that do the advanced moves to break into a good sweat in the videos!
  • kaylou
    kaylou Posts: 375 Member
    I just ordered the BOD and I love it! I am currently doing the 21 day fix
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    I tried the 21 day fix before but for me, I couldn't do 21 straight days. I needed my one day off a week like I get with PiYo. But if you've got the willpower then I'm cheering you on!!
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    I'm a dude and also ordered the PiYo DVDs (for over 50% off on eBay) recently and should receive them shortly.

    Wanted to try the program because I can't dance (no rythym) and am too old for the high impact and/or high intensity routines.

    I don't need to lose weight (already lost 36# and am in maintenance now) and have gotten strong thru lifting but I lack flexibility and think that PiYo may be able to help w/that.

    Just wanted to try something more interesting than basic stretching as well as something less regimented than Yoga or Pilates that I could do at home on my own schedule and at my own pace.

    We'll see how it goes.
  • Jaimeclmt
    Jaimeclmt Posts: 20 Member
    I've been doing PiYo since May 2015 and love it! That, combined with 10,000 steps a day and eating better, helped me lose 25 pounds. I still do it to increase my strength and help me stretch combined with running. I didn't do the food plan either, but I highly recommend the workouts!
  • ja20102004
    ja20102004 Posts: 349 Member
    I am thinking of getting PiYo. My classmate has done it and seen results.
  • Italiana_xx79
    Italiana_xx79 Posts: 588 Member
    I have never heard of this one before. I am interested in seeing other's results/thoughts. :)
  • SpotLighttt
    SpotLighttt Posts: 174 Member
    anyone have the free workout plan?
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    Oh wow I love the before and after pic! I'm not really comfortable with pics myself BUT I did take measurements and weight when I started so in sixish weeks I will share those :)

    I've definitely noticed flexibility improvements already and from what I've read, you don't even scratch the surface of butt kicking until the second month.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    DaniDoll57 wrote: »
    Oh wow I love the before and after pic! I'm not really comfortable with pics myself BUT I did take measurements and weight when I started so in sixish weeks I will share those :)

    I've definitely noticed flexibility improvements already and from what I've read, you don't even scratch the surface of butt kicking until the second month.

    Take the pics whether or not you "feel comfortable" with it. Most people don't. You'll be glad you did and they will serve as a helpful remind you of where you came from. Of course you don't have to post them. That's a purely personal decision.
  • sgt1372
    sgt1372 Posts: 3,988 Member
    Just got the PiYo DVDs. Interesting combo of pilates and yoga but you still need some rythym to follow the DVDs.

    Think I just learn the moves that I want to do and do what I want to do the way I want to do it, rather than just mimic the moves on the DVDs.
  • DaniDoll57
    DaniDoll57 Posts: 72 Member
    lorrpb wrote: »
    DaniDoll57 wrote: »
    Oh wow I love the before and after pic! I'm not really comfortable with pics myself BUT I did take measurements and weight when I started so in sixish weeks I will share those :)

    I've definitely noticed flexibility improvements already and from what I've read, you don't even scratch the surface of butt kicking until the second month.

    Take the pics whether or not you "feel comfortable" with it. Most people don't. You'll be glad you did and they will serve as a helpful remind you of where you came from. Of course you don't have to post them. That's a purely personal decision.

    I guess that's not a bad idea. I'm definitely not in the realm of sharing them comfortably but I would like to see the difference.

    I know I already see a difference from this point last year but that's unrelated to seeing a PiYo difference :)
  • Bmomma2C
    Bmomma2C Posts: 1 Member
    I got piyo recently and did a few random sessions but started today with the 8 week plan. I did the Turbo Fire since I already knew the basics. I will be traveling for 2 weeks at the end of June so my consistency will suffer then but I hope to see some results before I head out.
  • mrscandyv
    mrscandyv Posts: 8 Member
    does piyo come with the on demand program?
  • HoustonStrongMT
    HoustonStrongMT Posts: 22 Member
    I'm on week 3 of Piyo and definitely notice a difference. Not in scale weight but exercises are getting easier, clothes are looser, and my core feels firmer.
  • IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt
    IdLikeToLoseItLoseIt Posts: 695 Member
    I watched the first PiYo DVD, the introduction/how-to part, and I was so overwhelmed! The moves seemed so specific, regarding how to position your body, which muscle you should feel working, etc. It was intimidating.

    Did anyone else feel this way? Did it/does it get easier and make more sense if you keep doing it? I don't have prior experience with Pilates and I've only done yoga a few times, so I'm worried it's too advanced.

    Also, does it matter whether my form is perfect or not? I got the sense I wasn't quite doing anything the correct way she described. :D