How many calories burned during Insanity?!



  • Thank you so much for that breakdown! It really helped!
  • bsevin
    bsevin Posts: 2 Member
    On my 3rd day of the first month of insanity. Kicking my *kitten*! Just got my HR monitor, it showed right after I finished Cardio Power & Resistance. I found some good calculators once you get data on your average HR for the workout. See or or this site actually gives you the formula (again you need average HR) but I punched it into excel so I can calculate myself now - I must have to dig deeper, I don't think I'm burning 500 cal yet. Looking forward to the recovery day tomorrow.
  • fsugirl26
    fsugirl26 Posts: 207
    I just did that workout last night! My HRM said I burned 532 calories...having an HRM is definitely one of the best investments I've made!! :) (ps - I have the Polar FT7 - well worth the money!)
  • go4it2009
    go4it2009 Posts: 1
    From what I got from the website, its suppose burn 468 calories of 42 minutes. I spoke to one my coworker. He stated from what he remember reading that it can burn up to 600-700 calories per workout, if you do full intense. I hope this will help.
  • What model monitor are you using?
  • Lucianna_D
    Lucianna_D Posts: 84 Member
    I am on day 3 of insanity & yesterday I burned about 320 to 35o calories..
  • kris0812
    kris0812 Posts: 65 Member
    I am in recovery week about to start month 2. I have a BodyMedia Fit armband, and only burned between 330-400 cals during the workouts in the first month. I was a little shocked to discover that! I did get closer to 500 on the Pure Cardio/Cardio Abs days. I was kind of discouraged when I saw people posting much higher burns. But I know I'm giving it my all and am totally drenched by the time I'm finished! Everybody just burns calories differently!
  • :happy: hey girl if youreally pushed your self I bet you burned about 1000 calories ,don't you absolutely love it ,my heartrate gets up to 175 during the PLyometrics circuit .I have never been in this kind of shape before .I am 40 years old .And will be getting my insanity shirt soon and I will wear it proudly .
  • Hey guys just got insanity in the mail today and was wondering what time of the day would be the best to do the workout.
    Thanks in advance.
  • i wake up and eat then wait a hour before doing the insanity. i think it's better to just get it done and out of the way :)
  • ErikM
    ErikM Posts: 1 Member
    Hey guys just got insanity in the mail today and was wondering what time of the day would be the best to do the workout.
    Thanks in advance.

    i prefer morning workouts, on an empty stomach (fasted w/o)...maybe a pre-workout drink (White Flood, etc, to get the body pumped, so to speak)...white flood has arganine akg, and a few other kick-in-the-pants-get-you-going-stuff...nothing like jack3d

    if you eat, regardless of the time of day, and then workout (wait an hour, etc) then you're actually burning that food/etc and not as much fat as you would if you worked out in a fasted state

    fasted state exercise = burns more pure fat

    g/l with insanity...day10 for me today...oh em gee is about all i can say about it
  • reelykr
    reelykr Posts: 2
    I had the same questions. Thanks to all your posts I've got an idea. I started the Insanity workout for a week then went back East to visit for a month and forgot the DVDs. Now I'm starting over. But I want to wish everyone here the best of luck and DIG DEEPER! You can do it!!!
  • reelykr
    reelykr Posts: 2
    Oh and thanks to fsugirl26. I was checking out the Polar FT7. Now I will most likely get it since I have seen someone's input about it.
  • Blessed917
    Blessed917 Posts: 82 Member
    I plan to start the Insanity today. I have had it for a while just never took time to do it. I have been doing the Zumba for the WII and using the treadmill. I'm glad that other people have done it and it has worked for you all. I will keep you posted.
  • i did 116 minutes of Insanity today. for the first time.
    i run about 75 miles a week, but decided to do this ONCE per week for up to 120 minutes. only made 116, but i dug deep.
    I am looking for a cal burn too.
    i believe w/ running a 10 min mile, it is about 100 cals per mile.

    so i put in the cardio section, as i was at HIGH hr, did 8 min mile for half, a 7 min mile for 1/4 and the other bit a 9 min mile. i was thinking in terms of sprint intervals, and all that.

    i think it was pretty accurate. but it is always better to underestimate cal burn, overestimate food eaten, in my opinion, rather than the opposite, which can get you into weight-loss or maintanance trouble!!!

    insanity is insane! but so fun, and super quick. i swear the LONG time flew by
  • shgarcia74
    shgarcia74 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I just started insanity last night with my husband. Boy did we sweat! I sweated more than when I run for an hour! My core is the weakest part of my body, hence why I wanted to give this a try. I must say, I didn't complete as many reps as I would have liked within a minute, but I'm proud of myself for trying. I just need to dig deep today.

    Question, for those of you that run, do you run and do the insanity? I'm not sure at this moment if I can do both. I run about 2-3x a week but Insanity requires you to work out 6 days a week. Any thoughts? Thanks!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Question, for those of you that run, do you run and do the insanity? I'm not sure at this moment if I can do both. I run about 2-3x a week but Insanity requires you to work out 6 days a week. Any thoughts? Thanks!

    I would take the first two weeks to get acclimated to Insanity without doing any extra workouts, such as running. It is possible to do both, but you HAVE to keep your calories up. You should follow a high protein diet. After the first two weeks of Shaun kicking your butt, you can look into running a couple of times. You don't want to over train.
  • natashaamee
    natashaamee Posts: 17 Member
    I'm doing it too, and starting shakeology tomorrow for breakfast. A few of my friends swear by it. So awesome!
  • natashaamee
    natashaamee Posts: 17 Member
    I'm actually cancelling my gym membership with having this DVD series. This is so much better.
  • I started Insanity 9-4-2011. I am a little sore, but I am so excited to change my body. I feel like I can real the world after I completed the Ploymetrics Cardio. I gotta work on my form. But its the greatest workout I have ever gotten. I am so excited to be transformed! I burned 370 calories doing the video.
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