May weight loss challenge begun May 1

This is aimed at the people who enlisted in the May weight loss challenge begun by @pinkVhead

The request is as follows. Those who are in the competition are asked the following:

1) Log food daily and be under calorie goal.
2) Aim to create calorie deficit of 400+ daily.
3) Post daily in a positive way on the challenge message board to motivate and encourage each other.
4) Calculate your daily water requirement based on your weight and hit that daily.
5) Weigh in on May 1 and log here.
6) Rest day for workouts Sunday and Wednesday. (or select and post your alternate days here)
7) Weigh in every Monday and Friday during May! (this helps to make weekend food choices better. A suggestion is to forget about weekend treats this May)

Since I may have missed something, Pink may make alternative suggestions here. o:)

BTW, I'm Lin and am setting this up because the app @pinkVhead is using wouldn't let her establish the group. I will introduce myself below.


  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    Hey thank you Lin for posting this !! :dizzy:
    We can all now be updated about our challenge in this thread :)
    I will let others know about this post
  • chandracurry3
    chandracurry3 Posts: 9 Member
    edited May 2017
    Found it!

    I weighed in yesterday at 148.4, also did my hip and waist measurements.

    How do I calculate how must water for myself?
  • NoMoreAfatChick
    NoMoreAfatChick Posts: 226 Member
    Hey you all wonderful gals....
    I know you have started the party but lets keep it going!!!

    Wanna know a little about me???
    Name: NoMoreAfatChick
    Age: 27
    Height: 5' 3''
    Weight: 154.8lbs or 70.2kgs.. measured on(26/04/2017 went on vacation on that day)
    Goal weight: 120lbs or 54.4kgs

    This is the first time i have started something to lose weight. I did a lot of research and started OMAD(One Meal A Day) on 05/04/2017 and lost around 4lbs. My vacation corrupted me :wink: :wink:
    Right now i am in no position to be on OMAD or to control my food because am tired as hell and i need lot of food and rest.
    I stay at home and usually do nothing much but do a little cooking and a litttttttttle cleaning(my husband loves me so much that he never makes me work). I used to be an IT professional but am on a break now, hope my break will be over soon.
    So pretty much i sit at home, eat, sleep, watch series or movies and have fun.. And i hate going to gym but i am trying to burn atleast 300calories 4times a week.

    Everything aside..
    We all love to lose weight but all we need to do is to get rid of all the lazy habits we have and to work our *kitten* off just for a short period. It took years and years for us to gain weight but try for good "1"year and you will love the number on the scale, i promise.

    Lets do this together and lets shed all those unwanted and unhealthy pounds together..


  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Name: Lin20281 or Lin or Linda
    Age: 66
    Height: 5' 6.5''
    Weight: 209.2 on 4/30
    Goal weight: 150lbs or maybe less. That is heavier than I weighed in 1993 when I was what I considered a normal weight (132) but I'm 24 years older (in 17 days) and I don't know if 132 is reasonable. So I'll get to 150 and decide if I should keep going.

    Otherwise, I am single (well, divorced) and live in Las Vegas, Nevada. I have lived here, mostly, since 1972 when it was much smaller than it is now. When I left my husband in 2007 I went back "home" to North Dakota (very, very cold and lots of snow) for about 4.5 years, but decided I didn't want to stay in the cold. I think what decided me was the fall I took in the driveway and nearly broke my skull. So I came back to Las Vegas where I had a lot of friends, and also my ex-husband and I are good friends. We just like a different home and way of living. So we talk and see each other for a meal once in a while, but I wouldn't want to live with him again. He also has our "children" -- the dogs in the pictures I have on the site.

    I've lost weight MANY times before. For me, losing isn't that hard. It is just about adopting healthy habits. But then I start to think I can eat like a "normie" and have candy or dessert or something. But once I start, I can't seem to stop. With me sugar and refined flour seems to be addictive. I remember being off sugar for 18 months and deciding at Christmas that I could indulge and get back on track the first of the year. I ate some "treats" and couldn't stop. I even went to a counselor to talk about my eating because I was terrified I'd go back over 200 pounds. I probably weighed about 134 or so, up from 121 (yes, too thin!) and she just asked if I thought I was fat. Well, no, but I knew I would be and didn't know how to explain it. This was about 183. Well, I went from 121 to 240 in less than 2 years. Having repeated the process, I now accept I have to stay away from sugar and most flour. I don't keep it in the house at all, so if someone is visiting, too bad.

    I also have some health challenges that create problems with weight because of medications. At different times I have needed to take corticosteroids in massive doses for extended times. That makes weight control more of a problem, but I am trying to remember this is a lifestyle, and just how I need to eat and also exercise as best I can. Since October 2, 2016, I have lost from 274 to my current weight. I am hoping in the next month or so to be 200 or less.

    K, my belief is that OMAD is not healthy. We all need to find our way and what works for one won't necessarily work for someone else. I know that. But I decided that I needed to just adopt a way of living, something that I can keep doing. Yes, maybe with changes and "tweaking" here and there, but I know that I couldn't ever do just one meal a day in the long run. I guess more I'm looking at it as something I couldn't do for long -- not from healthy point of view.
  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    Found it!

    How do I calculate how must water for myself?

    I think how we calculate water is 1/2 of our body weight in ounces. I could be wrong -- I hope so! That is an awful lot of water!!!! I have always accepted 8 glasses (8 ounces) 8 times a day. 64 ounces is far more doable for me. 105 ounces sounds WAY beyond what I can do. (I don't like water. Now, coffee, tea -- those are great!
  • Chicabear1
    Chicabear1 Posts: 38 Member
    Hi there.
    I'm also in the May Weight Loss Challenge with Pink and Lin. I'm Chica.
    Day # 1 - 5/1/17 was a success for me. Open diary to all my friends.
    Goals: 1) to lose 10 lbs. now in May 2017
    2) reach my daily Fit Bit step goal of 10,500 steps per
    day no matter what, 3) no snacking or cheating after diary is closed for the day, currently set at 1,200 calories per day AND not eat back my exercise calories, 4) drink at least 64 oz. of water everyday, 5) inspire my beautiful friends, 5) Weight strength training 3 x per week, Tuesdays, Thursday's and Sunday's, Zumba twice per
    week on Mon and Wed. Best of luck my friends! Hooya! Let's do this!! :)
  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    I have to say, you guys are all so very beautiful!! I have a confession to make. I have had weight problems all my life and while there were times I was a normal weight (I'll put a couple of "skinny and young" pictures in my photo thing) I never got thin and just stayed there. It was always a fight. But I thought slender, thin, pretty women were just lucky and born that way. I never realized how hard most of you work at it. I owe everyone an apology because you do work at it. You weren't just gifted with the beautiful bodies you have.

    I will also put, in my photo portfolio a picture from now. Please do keep in mind that I am OLDER than you guys! So don't expect a beautiful young chick like the rest of you. OK?

    Yesterday was a success.
    1) logged all my food
    2) walked 8073 steps. It should have been more, but yesterday was a medical day and I was tied to an IV for 6 hours. They frown on you going outside for a walk. :D
    3) I did walk when I got home which is how I reached the steps.

    Today my goal is:
    1) Log my food and eat healthy
    2) Drink more water
    3) Walk 10,000 steps or more (Right now I'm around 3900)
    4) For the Harry Potter challenge I'm in I did a 37 minute FitnessBlender Cardio HIIT workout (whew!! It was hard and I really couldn't do some of the moves so I just did the best I could)
    5) I will be walking 2 miles later to finish up the last part of the relay challenge
    6) Tomorrow and Thursday will be weight training and workout with my Personal Trainer
  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    OK my dear friends, I posted some pictures in my profile but should try to explain them. First one in a red top with big smile. That is from 1993 when I was 43 years old. I weighed 132 then. The next one of a human (after all the dogs) in a white top holding a camera. I was 32 then and into running. Weighed 121 and was too skinny. To the right of that is picture in maroon top with double chin and my glasses on. That was taken April 6 of this year according to the cell phone. And in last, in the second row, is a picture with a really fat face. That is the before picture and was taken September 17, 2016.

    I still have a long way to go. I know it. But when I see that before picture and where I am now, I'm so happy at the progress, and just try to focus on that.
  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    Finished the challenge in my other group and think I will break and have some lunch and rest! Whew -- we worked like demons, and did come in second. Those slippery Slytherins came first. But you gotta love Harry Potter and Hogwarts.
  • Chicabear1
    Chicabear1 Posts: 38 Member
    Day # 2 was a success for Chica.
    Today, Day # 3 - things are looking good!
    Let's give Day # 3 the best we have!
    Keep getting after it my friends! 28 days more after today to the finish line! Who's going to be the biggest loser? Me?
  • Lin20281
    Lin20281 Posts: 355 Member
    Hi Chica and everyone!

    Day 2 was good for me as well. Walked more than 13,000 steps. YEAH!! Not bad for an old lady. Food was good and healthy. Today so far has been really good. My other challenge asks me to go 2 days with water only -- no coffee, tea, soft drinks, etc. I can do it. I can do it!! Maybe. Workout with trainer good this morning. Must have impressed someone because a woman came and asked for his card while he was working with me. He told me people at the gym are impressed because they don't think someone my age can do some of the things I do. Well, I have news for him -- I often don't think I can do it either. But then prove myself wrong!!

    I'm missing NoMore(K), Pink and Chandra. Where are you guys? How is it going? Tell us your challenges and successes.
  • Chicabear1
    Chicabear1 Posts: 38 Member
    NoMore, Pink and Chandra, where are you? Yoo-hoo?
    Day # 3 here. Lin and I are here looking for you.
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    Omg!! I missed this!! No more missing!!! I'm reaaly having tough time handling my toddler! Will b back!! And text more... gawwwddd
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    Its great to know about you guys :smiley:
    Sorry for being invisible for past two days!
    Honest words:: every time I tried hard I fell hard these two days :neutral:
    But man this I call it a battle now I know it takes work a lot of work and sacrifice!
    About me::
    Name:: varshah aka pink
    Age:: 28
    Current weight:: 258 lbs I'm probably heaviest of all
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    I typed a big post now all I see is half of it!!! :(
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    Today day #4
    So far I'm eating excellent food.
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    I was testing what spoiler means
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
  • pinkVhead
    pinkVhead Posts: 42 Member
    I'm trying to post image here ❤ pls bare with the failure posts