Just introducing myself

Bzeroj Posts: 1 Member
Hey, my name is Bo. I've used MFP for a while now. Well....actually just got back into it after I realized that my diet was destructive. I started out 327lbs on 4-18-17 and today I'm weighing in at 312. I'm trying to take all of the knowledge I've accrued over the past 5-7 years of being a big fella and put it to good use. First week was only fruits and veggies. Boy was that a shock to my body, lol. That was the initial cleanse. Now I'm just trying to keep my body in perpetual shock by changing up the foods I eat. I'm still keeping my carb count wayyyy low no matter what though. I'm Not working out right now. I've gotten too big to do much cardio. I tore my MCL 2 summers ago and have been pretty dormant since then. I'm getting married in December so I want to at least look and feel good by then. Any advice is welcomed. I've written way more than originally planned. So, hello I guess. Haha
