intaking 1000 calories bad?

well I'm not too sure.

My day will be, sitting all day since I go to school, and after school I study at the library so that's more sitting, then go home and sit and study then go to sleep and most likely do 30-60 mins of strength training.

ATM my meals consist of:

breakfast: none no time, usually 2 cups of water.
Snack: apple + yogurt
Lunch: pasta with tuna
snack: apple
dinner: pasta or rice with a curry.

so yeah, what would your thoughts be?


  • brittg7
    brittg7 Posts: 146 Member
    eat more...your body will thank you and help you lose weight...oh and your brain needs fuel
  • tfranceen
    tfranceen Posts: 11 Member
    It doesnt take long to eat. Do you want sympathy for a busy schedule? This is 2011, everyone is busy. I have 3 kids and run my own business. Take a few minutes to plan your diet and make it happen. You had time to post your concerns, which means you had time to plan your diet.
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    You need to eat more without a doubt - plan healthy food that if you 'haven't got time' yuo can pull out of your bag and eat when you sit down. Like someone else said - we are all busy. I have two kids, two step kids, my own business and my up and coming wedding to sort out but I know I won't do any of it well if i don't eat.
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Very bad, i have tried the undereating (unintentionally) and it stalled my weight loss.

    Breakfast, every day, no excuses. You have to keep the digestion going throughout the day by eating little and often, if you let the fires go out then your metabolism slows.
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    It doesnt take long to eat. Do you want sympathy for a busy schedule? This is 2011, everyone is busy. I have 3 kids and run my own business. Take a few minutes to plan your diet and make it happen. You had time to post your concerns, which means you had time to plan your diet.

    Agreed. I have three kids and am in law school so if I have time to eat breakfast so do you.

    Your diet looks nutritionally bare and I doubt you are eating up to your calorie alotment.
  • tonmoii
    tonmoii Posts: 12
    well the main problem I'm trying to overcome is that I'm trying to figure out how many calories I burn whilst walking around at school/ sitting for about 12-14 hours of the day, since I don't have much time at the moment to exercise regularly, so yeah.

    MFP says I should intake a minimum of 1200 calories but with my home made meals which includes lunch and dinner, I'm not sure how to calculate the amount of calories inside the meal.
  • bigfatbino
    bigfatbino Posts: 136 Member
    There must be time for breakfast. It takes 5 minutes to mix up a protein shake with some fiber and snag some toast out the door. I cannot stress how important to your nutritional success eating ANYTHING for breakfast is.

    Snack one looks good. An apple and some yogurt, good protein, fiber calcium and fruity nutrients there =)

    Lunch: good carbs, good protein, I'd add some fruit or nuts for variety though. What about some green salad?

    second snack: I'd go for a little more than just an apple. Sure the sugars and fiber is good, but some roasted almonds will really help you keep some energy up for the rest of the afternoon

    Dinner: more protein.

    You're exercising doing strength training. I would also look into having a protein source immediately after you complete your workout. A shake or a can of sardines (yes, they do taste good, I swear), or some chicken breast. Your body needs that protein to help build muscle back.

    1,000 calories is not enough, unless your doctor has diagnosed you with hypothyroidism or low Basal Metabolic Rate. You are likely starving yourself with that low of an intake, which will not help you at all. It's about being healthy, not getting a fast "Biggest Loser" drop on the bathroom scale numbers.

    I hope that helps =)
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    well the main problem I'm trying to overcome is that I'm trying to figure out how many calories I burn whilst walking around at school/ sitting for about 12-14 hours of the day, since I don't have much time at the moment to exercise regularly, so yeah.

    MFP says I should intake a minimum of 1200 calories but with my home made meals which includes lunch and dinner, I'm not sure how to calculate the amount of calories inside the meal.

    When MFP set up your profile you probably picked "sedentary" so that accounts for the normal activity you do during the day. With homemade meals enter each ingrediant. Estimate if you don't measure. You can always google "what does 3 ounces of chicken look like?" if you don't know.
  • goldnanoparticle
    goldnanoparticle Posts: 37 Member
    Whoa - I totally empathize with the busy schedule. I put on most of my weight during the school year because I am studying from 5:30 in the morning until midnight.

    I am currently taking in about 1000 calories per day, but I am not sure if this is right or not (MFP keeps telling me not and many members have noted they've had negative results with undereating).

    I would recommend a little more pizazz in your diet (it will make it easier to diet over long periods of time) and you should try doing something for breakfast! If I'm rushed out the door, I usually grab a Fiber One bar - it's probably not the best, but just something to get the metabolism running.

    More importantly, all bodies are different, you just have to find the right balance.
  • tonmoii
    tonmoii Posts: 12
    well is it wise to have a protein shake for breakfast ? Or even after a workout if I'm gonna sleep almost instantly afterwards,

    i might begin to have oats with some milk for breakfast, but yeah. and for my 2nd snack would a apple + a yogurt fruit bar thing be suitable? the uncle Tobys ones?

    I work in grams and kilograms in my country. so unfortunately I have no understanding what a ounce looks like :/
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member
    well the main problem I'm trying to overcome is that I'm trying to figure out how many calories I burn whilst walking around at school/ sitting for about 12-14 hours of the day, since I don't have much time at the moment to exercise regularly, so yeah.

    MFP says I should intake a minimum of 1200 calories but with my home made meals which includes lunch and dinner, I'm not sure how to calculate the amount of calories inside the meal.

    i make home made meals most of time and have pain stakingly sat for half an hour and worked out what was in it ie cals carbs protein etc by putting the individual items into database and adding it all together. I then weigh it out and put it in tubs to take with my so i know just what i'm having
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    well is it wise to have a protein shake for breakfast ? Or even after a workout if I'm gonna sleep almost instantly afterwards,

    i might begin to have oats with some milk for breakfast, but yeah. and for my 2nd snack would a apple + a yogurt fruit bar thing be suitable? the uncle Tobys ones?

    I work in grams and kilograms in my country. so unfortunately I have no understanding what a ounce looks like :/

    Well then I would suggest googling "what does x grams of tuna look like." The point I was making was that you can enter each ingrediant you use in a home cooked meal.
  • lbgano
    lbgano Posts: 234
    well is it wise to have a protein shake for breakfast ? Or even after a workout if I'm gonna sleep almost instantly afterwards,

    i might begin to have oats with some milk for breakfast, but yeah. and for my 2nd snack would a apple + a yogurt fruit bar thing be suitable? the uncle Tobys ones?

    I work in grams and kilograms in my country. so unfortunately I have no understanding what a ounce looks like :/

    What could be unwise about having a protein shake for breakfast? Seriously, I don't get you.
  • Charger440
    Charger440 Posts: 1,474 Member
    Big fat can of Canadian night crawlers, Just eat 1200 + and go with it. You can fine tune it to your body as you go. Most people on here just want to harp about how you are not doing what they think you should be doing. That's why even though I love this site I NEVER ask these people anything!!
  • hush7hush
    hush7hush Posts: 2,273 Member
    You can eat pasta twice a day and stay under 1000?
  • Baileys83
    Baileys83 Posts: 152 Member

    What could be unwise about having a protein shake for breakfast? Seriously, I don't get you.

    I don't think this is very encouraging - we are all meant to support each other. My partner drinks protein drinks, once in morning and once after he has trained but when he started I had to ask why he did it, if it actually did any good etc. It's not something you naturally know
  • tonmoii
    tonmoii Posts: 12
    well is it wise to have a protein shake for breakfast ? Or even after a workout if I'm gonna sleep almost instantly afterwards,

    i might begin to have oats with some milk for breakfast, but yeah. and for my 2nd snack would a apple + a yogurt fruit bar thing be suitable? the uncle Tobys ones?

    I work in grams and kilograms in my country. so unfortunately I have no understanding what a ounce looks like :/

    What could be unwise about having a protein shake for breakfast? Seriously, I don't get you.

    Well the thing is protein does 2 things, help build muscle, but if there's nothing to repair it turns into fat?
  • tonmoii
    tonmoii Posts: 12
    You can eat pasta twice a day and stay under 1000?

    My point being I'm not sure how large each serving is in terms of calories.
  • becka63
    becka63 Posts: 712 Member
    I think it's too low. When I first started on MFP I sometimes had difficulty in reaching 1,200 Kcals, but on hindsight I think I was under-logging my calories, especially as I make all my own meals and hadn't got into the whole 'recipe builder' thing yet.

    Once I did, I realised that I had been underestimating my calorie intake. Now I eat about 1,700 - 1,900 kcals a day, which includes my exercise calories.

    Perhaps you could spend some time going through the database finding calories per food? You say that you have no idea what an ounce of food looks like, well, google it! Find an imperial to metric convertor.
  • Persipan
    Persipan Posts: 85 Member
    My point being I'm not sure how large each serving is in terms of calories.
    I mostly think in grams rather than ounces, and there are plenty of foods on here measured in grams (or, as others have suggested, find an online converter).

    Weigh your food, just for a day or two, as you prepare it. That way you'll know exactly how much you're taking in calorie-wise, and can work from there. The site allows you to enter your own recipes, so do that for the things you commonly eat and then you won't have to keep entering all the ingredients over and over again, so it doesn't take a lot of time to do.