workout calories

Hi everyone. I've just started doing a quick workout twice a day but I'm having difficulty working out the calories that I burn. I'd really appreciate anyone's help!

3 mins jogging
30 star jumps
20 sit ups
30 seconds moutain climber
10 push ups
10 hip bridges
30 seconds mountain climber
30 star jumps
3 mins jogging


  • I would time it and enter the total minutes under circuit training. That's how I log JM 30 day shred and it is along the same lines of cardio bursts and strength moves.
  • louisewills
    louisewills Posts: 10 Member
    So I shouldn't concentrate on how many I do of each one, but time how long I do them for? Thanks! :smile:
  • lozfisher
    lozfisher Posts: 36
    You could always keep a record of hoe many you do as over time you will do more in the same space of time and be able to see how your fitness has improved!
  • louisewills
    louisewills Posts: 10 Member
    That's a great idea, thanks. I was hoping to do 2 sets of the workout at once when I first started but I'm definitely not fit enough for that yet! Twice a day I can do (am and pm) but certainly not 2 in a row lol