What is going on?

So I was very upset about gaining my ~2 lbs back all of a sudden despite all the diet and exercise. No matter how much I tried, the weight would just not go away (yes, I know about weighing food and all that). I started thinking something was wrong with me. This weekend I didn't really restrict what I was eating (about 2000 on Sat and 1700 on Sun with the goal of 1200, so not careful at all) and didn't do much exercise apart from chores like cleaning the house. I should also mention that I am 5.1, so every ounce counts. Anyway, lo and behold, one pound just disappeared on Saturday and the other one was also gone this morning. I am aware of possible fluctuations, but this one was too strange of a coincidence. Also I should mention that I am approaching TOM and was not drinking nearly enough water on the weekend. I still came out 0.5 lighter than last week so I guess this is a win. Was that a long awaited whoosh? Water weight? Coincidence? Should I expect even more to fall off once I am done with the TOM? Should I drink less water? What do you think?


  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    So many things can affect it. Sometimes it's actually throughput if you get my drift. Eating more can make things move through faster. Sometimes it's just a matter of sleep or water or whatever. I understand your concern because I've been bouncing back and forth on two pounds myself but experience tells me it will eventually move. Looks like your finally did. I wouldn't think that eating more consistently will cause you to lose faster though. That just doesn't add up.
  • veronikamellon
    veronikamellon Posts: 42 Member
    @cheryldumais Right, I understand that. But things like that do mess with one's head. Besides, it is so difficult to stay in a calorie deficit with a fit husband, who has an active job and maintains at around 2300. Arrgh. Cheat days are almost unavoidable.
  • cheryldumais
    cheryldumais Posts: 1,907 Member
    I feel your pain. I built a cheat meal every couple of weeks into my plan at the beginning. It really helped me to stay on track. Knowing I had a meal coming where I could indulge made me wait. Now I am really close to goal so I usually only have a cheat meal once a month or so but it still helps.

    My husband isn't fit but he eats anything and everything all day long. Drives me nuts! The coffee table is full of his snacks, M&M's, chips etc. It makes it really hard to deny yourself. Hang in there kiddo it's worth the suffering.
  • veronikamellon
    veronikamellon Posts: 42 Member
    @cheryldumais I'll try... Thanks for your kind words. TOM is coming up and that means i can't exercise for at least 3 days. This is going to make it that much harder. Just have to pick up the pace later I guess
  • veronikamellon
    veronikamellon Posts: 42 Member
    @jemhh because a) he's the cook in the family b) we have at least 2 meals together every day c) we both freaking love food, tasting different flavors etc. When he tries to cook according to my calorie deficit, he ends up hangry and starving, or eating unhealthy snacks to fill up. It's a canandrum. I wonder how other couples handle that.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    Buy these problem solved.


    But really, you gained the weight back because you ate more than normal, and depending on the type of food, and the lack of hydration probably caused you to gain water weight. These are just natural fluctuations that happen, but if you keep going well over your calorie goals it's not always going to bounce back like that.
  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    @cheryldumais I'll try... Thanks for your kind words. TOM is coming up and that means i can't exercise for at least 3 days. This is going to make it that much harder. Just have to pick up the pace later I guess

    Why does TOM stop you exercising?

    On the food part. I eat around 1600 a day, my husband 3000. I cook us the same meals just he has more of it than I do.
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    @jemhh because a) he's the cook in the family b) we have at least 2 meals together every day c) we both freaking love food, tasting different flavors etc. When he tries to cook according to my calorie deficit, he ends up hangry and starving, or eating unhealthy snacks to fill up. It's a canandrum. I wonder how other couples handle that.

    You just need to eat less food. At any time, my husband is 70-100 pounds heavier than I am. I lost over 50 pounds while he ate plenty more than I did, both foods that I ate and foods that I skipped. We just eat different amounts of food. There's no such thing as cooking according to a calorie deficit. There's cooking and then there is eating portions that fill your calorie allowance.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    @jemhh because a) he's the cook in the family b) we have at least 2 meals together every day c) we both freaking love food, tasting different flavors etc. When he tries to cook according to my calorie deficit, he ends up hangry and starving, or eating unhealthy snacks to fill up. It's a canandrum. I wonder how other couples handle that.

    I'm the cook in my family, and it is extremely easy to cook something, and serve two different serving sizes, he doesn't have to cook to your calorie goals. I guess I don't understand the problem either.
  • veronikamellon
    veronikamellon Posts: 42 Member
    @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Because of pain, diarrhea and debilitating fatigue. I can barely get through the work day in the beginning of TOM, exercising is out of the question.
  • veronikamellon
    veronikamellon Posts: 42 Member
    I think the biggest problem is that he loves cookies and pies and I am quite good at baking. So every once in a while he requests something yummy and I just have to comply. As for his cooking, he leans towards Mediterranean cuisines which is ok except for the occasional detours into fried potatoes and the like. We both kind of use food to express our love I guess. He used to be offended when I turned down some of his dinner suggestions because they involve way too much cream or butter. I finally explained to him the calorie needs and bmr and all that, so we are trying to work it out. He seems to feel sorry for me. Which is sort of funny if you think about it.
  • veronikamellon
    veronikamellon Posts: 42 Member
    edited May 2017
    bagge72 wrote: »
    Buy these problem solved.


    But really, you gained the weight back because you ate more than normal, and depending on the type of food, and the lack of hydration probably caused you to gain water weight. These are just natural fluctuations that happen, but if you keep going well over your calorie goals it's not always going to bounce back like that.

    The thing is that I didn't eat more than normal. I stuck to my calorie deficit and pushed myself exercising every single day. I ate more only on Sat and Sun and that's when the weight came off. Just trying to understand what was going on.

    Edit: I also made sure to drink at least 60 oz of water during the day, which is supposed to be a recommended amount for my size.

  • RuNaRoUnDaFiEld
    RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Posts: 5,864 Member
    @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Because of pain, diarrhea and debilitating fatigue. I can barely get through the work day in the beginning of TOM, exercising is out of the question.

    Period pain it is best to exercise through.

    Your periods give you diarrhoea and debilitating fatigue, I'e never heard of that before. What was your Doctors explanation?
  • veronikamellon
    veronikamellon Posts: 42 Member
    @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld the doctor ran $800 worth of tests and said that "hormones are all fine, it can be anything, everyone is different". I just learned to live with it.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    2 Lbs either way is well within the realm of completely normal body weight fluctuations...hell, I've swung up and down 5 Lbs since Friday...
  • ad28517
    ad28517 Posts: 27 Member
    My weight seems to trail my diet by a day or two. I can eat badly today, and eat well and work out Thursday, but the scale Friday morning will punish me...
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    edited May 2017
    @RuNaRoUnDaFiEld Because of pain, diarrhea and debilitating fatigue. I can barely get through the work day in the beginning of TOM, exercising is out of the question.

    Period pain it is best to exercise through.

    Your periods give you diarrhoea and debilitating fatigue, I'e never heard of that before. What was your Doctors explanation?

    Prostaglandins (produced in the uterine lining) cause the uterine muscles to contract. What I have read is that high levels of them may cause contraction in other areas as well and that can lead to diarrhea.
  • Iamnotasenior
    Iamnotasenior Posts: 234 Member
    I previously lost 60 pounds over the course of a year through calorie counting and exercise. When I hit a plateau, (usually every few weeks or so) sometimes I would go to my local country buffet and have a really good cheat meal complete with dessert. Then, I would go back to my normal calorie intake and I could almost guarantee a weight loss of a pound the following week. Not sure why, but it sometimes worked for me.