Lchf macros help please

Hi can anyone help me find my macros ratio please. I've used many sites but they all seem to contridict each other. I'm 89.7kg ,5 ft 5 inch, sedentry to light exercise (I do 100 kettlebell swings a day over 5 sets @ 10kg weight & walk between 2-7 mile a day depending on work )
My average calorie consumption is 800 at a push, MFP is set to 1200 & for first time I'm just short of it.... I have an anorexic mind from previous anorexia years ago so have to push to eat otherwise I'd happily go without. Info and advice greatly appreciated. I've so far in 2 months gone from 98kg to 89.7 so I'm chuffed at that.


  • deannalfisher
    deannalfisher Posts: 5,600 Member
    you should really focus on just getting required calories before you start focusing on macros
  • kshama2001
    kshama2001 Posts: 28,053 Member
    Sorry, I've got nothing. But I bet you'll find it in the Low Carb group:
  • jennjensp25
    jennjensp25 Posts: 29 Member
    Easier said than done to hit calorie target with how I think about food. I need to know my macros so I have a goal to aim for that I know will result in weight loss not just calories, I've counted calories in anorexia at 160 a day sometimes less. Now I'm at the other end of the scale over weight and have tried everything over last two years and lchf is working but I'm stalling hence I need to know my macros
  • jenboop20
    jenboop20 Posts: 4 Member
    try these
    Calories 1200
    Carbohydrates 15 g 5 %
    Fat 100 g 75 %
    Protein 60 g 20 %

    they are working for me. I'm 5ft7
  • allyphoe
    allyphoe Posts: 618 Member
    You've lost more than 18 pounds in two months, more than two pounds a week. There's no stall in there. Also, walking 7 miles a day is more than "lightly active."

    There's no level of calories low enough to guarantee a constant downward movement on the scale. Macros is not the problem here. Mindset is.
  • jennjensp25
    jennjensp25 Posts: 29 Member
    I can walk upto 7 mile a day which is usually 1-2 times per week... and average is 3 mile a day... ish.... sorry predicted text changed the number. Is 3 months I've post over but nothing for past 2 weeks.
    When I have my mind focused on something I stick to it like I have done so far. Because of my way of thinking (I have had councillor for this to try and improve it but hard when u spent 16 years being totally degraded told your fat and bullied by your ex after I got out of it all) I can't count calories, last time I counted calories it was 160 a day and I was scared go over them.... macros I'm sticking too and seems be working, it's new thinking and a new woe so I think this works
    Thank you jenboop I'll give it a go...