Suggestions for lunch on the go?

AutumMego Posts: 6 Member
Hi everyone! I work a job where I'm constantly on the go and I dont ever have a microwave available for my lunches. I get so tired of packing cold sandwich wraps. Sometimes I stop for fast food just for a change of pace, but I've noticed I've been doing this a lot more recently. Do you have any ideas for healthy lunches that I can eat straight from my lunch bag on the go? I would really appreciate it! :)


  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    saltines/crackers with egg salad/chicken salad/fish salad/tuna salad or with hard-boiled egg and dijon mustard or with cottage cheese.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    half a Clif bar/protein bar with some peanut butter.
  • ritzvin
    ritzvin Posts: 2,860 Member
    yogurt parfait
  • AutumMego
    AutumMego Posts: 6 Member
    Chicken salad might not be a bad idea :)
  • sharonleitch2016
    sharonleitch2016 Posts: 4 Member
    Love the above answer. I agree wholeheartedly.
  • sharonleitch2016
    sharonleitch2016 Posts: 4 Member
    AutumMego wrote: »
    Hi everyone! I work a job where I'm constantly on the go and I dont ever have a microwave available for my lunches. I get so tired of packing cold sandwich wraps. Sometimes I stop for fast food just for a change of pace, but I've noticed I've been doing this a lot more recently. Do you have any ideas for healthy lunches that I can eat straight from my lunch bag on the go? I would really appreciate it! :)

    I'm going to say something a little controversial..... but there is a lot of value in teaching yourself that you're eating for survival not enjoyment. I have eaten the same exact thing every day monday through friday for about a year. My daily diet monday through friday is just shakes during the day and a small normal food snack before bed when I'm actually home and able. Due to my schedule I just don't have time to meal prep, and do not have space to store all the food (three meals a day) at the office.

    You don't have to have shakes, but there's tons of transportable 'unconventional' meals you can be eating. Home made trailmix or granola for example. Beef jerky, dehydrated fruit. If you have a fridge all sorts of dairy, heck you can even get whole salads premade from the supermarket. Some salads like egg salad actually stay 'okay' at room temperature for a few hours. Peanut butter and jelly on fiberous bread. Oatmeal pancakes. Protein bars. Most veggie out there except for leaf based ones will stay just fine at room temperature for a day. Same with fruits.

    If you've been eating cold sandwich wraps, they meet your macros, why stop now? Make ham instead of turkey, spinach instead of lettuce. Honey mustard instead of dijon. Etc. Do what works. Commit to it.

    Excellent response
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    Baggies with prepackaged salad (lettuce, carrots, cucumber, sprinkle of feta cheese) with 1/2 pita bread. Boiled egg with a few WASA crackers, Pure Organic bar (they're similar to Lara bars, just a bit less sugar and organic, green smoothies if you have a fridge to store and give it a good shake before drinking (I make mine with cucumbers, lettuce, green apple, inch of ginger, 1/2 beet, pineapple chunks, ice). Quinoa with peas, pine nuts and balsamic. Lentil salad. Tabule Salad. But agree with person above, I don't mind eating the same over and over, I'm usually happy with a sandwich daily.
  • hotteawhoney
    hotteawhoney Posts: 10 Member
    Sometimes when I know I'll have to pick at my lunch, I'll pack a snack bag of carrots, bell pepper slices, crackers, cheese, almonds, Olives, and some berries. It keeps all day, and having a small amount of many different flavors and textures can trick your brain into thinking you're eating much more than you are.

    Plus it's easily customizable to fit your macros. And delicious. Screw boring survival meals. ;) If eating healthy was just supposed to be boring I wouldn't have lost a pound!
  • Lizakabibbis
    Lizakabibbis Posts: 370 Member
    I eat a wrap pretty much every day for lunch - and I just switch up the meats, cheeses, veggies, and condiments I put on there. Just make it interesting! My current fav is roasted red pepper, spinach, roast beef, provolone, and a spicy mustard. I usually eat the same sandwich for a week and then switch it up. If I don't eat a wrap - it's usually a salad that is basically what I put in my sandwich just more veggies added. I like to keep my lunches simple since I don't have access to a microwave and 99% of the time I eat at my desk.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    edited May 2017
    There are a ton of meal type salads so you really change up the flavor profile. I just like to make sure I get protein in my salad, and most you can add rotisserie chicken to if they don't have much protein in the recipe. To me protein is more than a few nuts sprinkled on top.
  • cellosmiles
    cellosmiles Posts: 680 Member
    I like to make homemade pizza/flatbread for dinner and have enough for lunch the next day.

    Cottage cheese with veggies and/or fruit was my go to this week.

    Taco fixings is another idea....can do as hard or soft shell, chips or just as a salad. Just bring the fixings and assemble on the go.

    Deviled eggs. Or even quiche.

    I don't often make wraps or sandwiches cause I hate the soggy bread. Lol. But if I do....i bring the items and then assemble. ;)

    Also when I was young and in school we had a thermos to bring a warm lunch to school. You can always do that if you wanna have warm leftovers :)

    Just remember to pack a fork. :p

  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,280 Member
    Buy a good thermos. That increases your options like crazy.
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    Try mixing up your sandwiches, half an avocado with cheese and some garlic salt is yum. A PB&J hits the spot.

    Also find a good protein bar you can keep for emergencies. I take the Premier Protein bars and shakes with me when I forgot to prepare something better. For snacks I usually bring a couple string cheese.
  • teeenabeana
    teeenabeana Posts: 92 Member
    Sometimes I'll make a cold pasta salad with pasta, some pesto and a handful of cherry tomatoes. I really like the Banza chickpea pasta at Target because it has a good amount of protein!