Looking Forward

Heni300 Posts: 19 Member
Hi, my name is David. I downloaded MFP a few years ago... I gave up a week later. That has been my story with weight loss in the past I start strong, i then hit a bump in the road and fall off.
This time I want it to be different. This time I will be a success story. I realize that every time before I did my weight loss journeys in secret, if I failed no one would know, and I'm still me. That's where I went wrong... I need to be held accountable, need friends to support me and keep me on track.
So, here is my story so far. A few weeks ago me and my fiance split up... so long story short, i am working on becoming a better person/man. I had faults, she had hers... I am on a journey to correct mine. When it was over i stepped on a scale for the first time in probably over a year, which I tried to avoid at all cost. I looked down and couldn't believe my eyes...351.2!!! I said this is what I need to do. I am doing this for two people, and no one of them isnt her. For my 2 year old son and for myself. If I continued at the rate I was going... I wouldn't see him graduate high school.
So, if anyone wants to send me a friend request feel free. I need support and accountability.


  • mark_asher
    mark_asher Posts: 6 Member
    Dude, you can do this! I'm struggling too but I've been using this app for more than 2 weeks now and i've lost around 16 lbs. Dont give up!
  • rdgfit
    rdgfit Posts: 98 Member
    Hang tough buddy. Different stories but my kids are the driving force behind me now - like you I want to be around for them. Add me as a friend and we can help each other be accountable.
  • Heni300
    Heni300 Posts: 19 Member
    Thanks... I have gone from 351.2 to 329.8 as of today. That is from 4-17-17. So I am on my way