Struggling to lose 5lb

Hi I'm struggling to lose any weight I'm 9stone 1lb I have been exercising 25 minutes everyday on a treadmill, for health reasons I can't do running or high impact so have been at a steady pace. I eat below my 1200 calories but at the weekend it goes up to 1600, I haven't even lost 1lb.Any advice will be appreciated


  • neldabg
    neldabg Posts: 1,452 Member
    It's a good idea to look at both sides of weight loss. Make sure you're using accurate entries and weighing everything. If you eat out, err on the side of caution. If all you need to shed is 5 lbs, you cannot afford to be off by extra calories accumulated throughout the day.
    Also, do not aim to eat below the 1200 minimum if you're not medically supervised. Focus instead on accurately hitting 1200 calories (if and only if you have checked that 1200 is the correct goal for your age, height, activity level).
    Finally, those five pounds will likely not come off very quickly. It could take months. If you're doing everything right, trust the math and you'll get there.
  • Aloha199
    Aloha199 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you : )
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    So are you averaging 1200 per day by eating more on weekend and less in the week?
    On the treadmill are you just walking then? For 25 minutes? Are you adding that as exercise and eating back the calories or including in your steps for the day?
    Are you logging accurately? Weighing everything not guessing stuff?
  • Aloha199
    Aloha199 Posts: 10 Member
    No I eat normal at weekends and stick to 1200 during week sometimes under. I walk fast on treadmill and burn 100 calories a day which I use towards my food allowance. I have scrambled egg with salmon for breakfast and a latte then salad for lunch with water then meat and veg for dinner or fish and another latte, I tried giving my latte up but couldn't. I eat normal sizes also.
  • NadiaMayl
    NadiaMayl Posts: 496 Member
    You don't sound like you're logging precisely. What does 'eat normal sizes' mean? I'm not trying to be rude, but a normal portion size may look different to someone who grew up with a traditional US meal to someone in Japan or someone in Denmark. You need to input your stats on MFP, weigh all your food to make sure you know exactly how much you've eaten, and be consistent. If you only need to lose 5lbs and you're already at a normal weight range, you'll have to be super disciplined, as the last pounds are always the hardest! Good luck!
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    How tall are you?

    How long have you been dieting?
  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    OP how long has this been going on for and how are you measuring your portions?

    5 lbs is within the normal fluctuation range so it may take several weeks for you to see it show up on the scale. Water weight fluctuations can easily hide any fat loss that may be happening.

    Your best bet is to tighten up your logging and accept that you are going to stay on this train for 2 or 3 months and can't live and die by what the scale says from one day to the next. Good luck!
  • Aloha199
    Aloha199 Posts: 10 Member
    Thank you for the advice : )
  • Aloha199
    Aloha199 Posts: 10 Member
    edited May 2017
    Hi Jemh i'm 5ft 2 and have been dieting 4 weeks
  • Aloha199
    Aloha199 Posts: 10 Member
    Just an update I recently was diagnosed with an under active thyroid. So even though I was trying really hard I now know what the problem was.
  • yirara
    yirara Posts: 9,839 Member
    Sorry, that is not the problem. An underactive thyroid makes you more tired and more hungry, but it does not magically pull more calories out of food. You don't lose because you're not logging acurately.