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Drinking tea is a better choice



  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    Like ice tea. You can keep hot tea and coffee,.never touch those.
  • Evamutt
    Evamutt Posts: 2,424 Member
    I drink fruit tea every day. I add fresh ginger, occasionally I add a little raw honey. Hot or cold. I usually add a little to my water too
  • ladyreva78
    ladyreva78 Posts: 4,080 Member
    edited May 2017
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    For whom?
    Compared with cold water, tea is more tasty.
    I agree. Tea is tasty. I'm a huge tea drinker, that doesn't mean I won't drink water. It's not an either/or situation. It's a 'what you prefer at a given moment' situation.
    Besides, tea without sugar is zero-calorie, so it's better than those sweeten drinks if you don't intend to put on weight.
    Coke Zero also has zero-calories, meaning drinking that won't make you magically put on weight. If that's what you prefer, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it.
    Also, hot tea is much more stomach-friendly than black coffee.
    Black tea can be just as irritating for the stomach as coffee. Peppermint tea and fruit infusions can trigger my acid reflux. So in this case, it really depends on the person/situation.
    I used to drink coffee to accelerate metabolism and blood circulation, but two cups of coffee can cause palpitations and headaches.
    For you, this might be the case, so it's a pretty good reason to avoid it. For other people triple that amount does next to nothing. I drink 3 cups of coffee per day, more when my migraines are troubling me as the caffeine helps me absorb the pain meds faster, meaning I'll need less of them. Nothing like pain medication washed down with a shot of espresso. Also, 3-4 cups of tea have the same amount of caffeine than 1-2 cups of coffee, unless you are taking decaffeinated tea or drinking only infusions and naturally caffeine-free teas like roiboos. Drink too much green tea and you'll be as jittery as if you'd drunk too much coffee.
    Then I found tea is a better choice, aside from suppressing my appetite and stimulating my satiety, tea also helps boost my metabolic rate.
    How does tea boost the metabolic rate?
    Having a cup of tea before a meal helps a lot when I want to eat less food. Most improtantly, with 3-4 cups of tea a day, I have less desire about junk foods.
    Good for you for finding something that helps. I often drink tea in the afternoon when I would normally reach for something to munch on. I also often reach for coke zero or coffee or water for the same reason. It keeps me from giving in to the boredom munchies.

    Bottom line - find what works for you, but be careful about generalizing. What applies to you, will not necessarily apply to someone else.

    Wow, thank you for your awesome comments. I totally agree with your points.
    There are so many kinds and brands of tea, as for me, I would suggest jasmine tea.
    And green tea is fine. On account of caffeine, 2-3 cups a day would be appropriate.
    I've heard that our metabolic rate would rise by 4% if we drink 3 cups of green tea everyday.

    Well, look at it this way.
    My estimated BMR (basal metablic rate) is at around 1550. So If I'm in a coma, that's what the estimates say my body would burn to keep me alive.

    4% of that is 62kcals.

    If you like drinking green tea, great. But I'm not sure that an additional 62kcals per day is what is going to drive my fat loss. That falls into the margin of error for estimations.

    ETA: I assume that that 4% is a best case scenario as measured in a lab setting. Real life is a whole lot more messy than a lab setting, so it's probably less than that.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    Not for everyone.

    Sure, water suits everyone's taste. :)

    No it doesn't.
  • domeofstars
    domeofstars Posts: 480 Member
    I gave up coffee for Lent recently and I turned to tea instead. I loved it. I enjoy black tea with skim milk and stevia. I also really like peppermint tea and chamomile tea and I have both of these without sugar. Caffeine-free tea can be a great substitute for water so I'm glad you enjoy it too.
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    I like water, I like making iced tea at home (chilling brewed tea) from various teas, and I like drinking tea hot sometimes, but it will never, ever compare with coffee in my mind. Coffee (black, or on very rare occasion with some sort of dairy) is my favorite beverage, no question.

    I don't personally care for any of these beverages sweetened.

    Yeah, different beverages make life colorful. Coffee has so many fans :)
  • everstrong55
    everstrong55 Posts: 56 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I usually drink cold water or cold unsweetened tea. I like both.
    I sometimes drink unsweetened hot tea. There are lots of flavors to choose from.
    I don't believe tea has properties that help me lose weight other than not drinking calories.
    Some tea has caffeine. You might want to avoid that if you get headaches.

    It may not help you lose weight, but as a beverage, it helps you keep fit.
    Don't drink much strong tea if you're afraid of caffeine.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,135 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I usually drink cold water or cold unsweetened tea. I like both.
    I sometimes drink unsweetened hot tea. There are lots of flavors to choose from.
    I don't believe tea has properties that help me lose weight other than not drinking calories.
    Some tea has caffeine. You might want to avoid that if you get headaches.

    It may not help you lose weight, but as a beverage, it helps you keep fit.
    Don't drink much strong tea if you're afraid of caffeine.

    How will drinking tea keep me fit?
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I like hot tea. I drink hot tea. A variety.

    I like coffee. I drink coffee.

    I like water based drinks flavoured with Crystal Light and low calorie "squash" as we call it in the UK.

    I like cold tea but only really drink it when I'm in the US, so rarely.

    None of them keep me fit. None of them stop me eating "junk" food because I don't really care in the context of my overall diet and within my calories.

    The claims about green tea boosting the metabolism are overstated, you'd have to drink buckets of the stuff every day for any noticeable effect and well, you'd probably be dead as a side effect due to hyponatremia.

    In short. Drink what you like within your calories. Nothing you drink is magical.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    How is "tea is nice" a debate? Is there a contingent of anti-tea people? Does it offend the keto gods or something?

    How does every topic seem to inspire comments about keto by people who don't eat keto? Besides, nearly every debate here ends up being mostly about personal preference anyway, what's one more?

    Because it's the flavor of the month.
  • heiliskrimsli
    heiliskrimsli Posts: 735 Member
    ladyreva78 wrote: »
    For you, this might be the case, so it's a pretty good reason to avoid it. For other people triple that amount does next to nothing. I drink 3 cups of coffee per day, more when my migraines are troubling me as the caffeine helps me absorb the pain meds faster, meaning I'll need less of them. Nothing like pain medication washed down with a shot of espresso.

    Caffeine is also a mild vasoconstrictor and since vascular pressure in the head can be a component of migraine headache pain, the effect helps. My migraine specialist said if I can stand to drink coffee with a migraine, go for it.
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    Lounmoun wrote: »
    I usually drink cold water or cold unsweetened tea. I like both.
    I sometimes drink unsweetened hot tea. There are lots of flavors to choose from.
    I don't believe tea has properties that help me lose weight other than not drinking calories.
    Some tea has caffeine. You might want to avoid that if you get headaches.

    It may not help you lose weight, but as a beverage, it helps you keep fit.
    Don't drink much strong tea if you're afraid of caffeine.

    How specifically would tea help you keep fit? Do you mean it helps you perform better in exercise/athletics if you drink tea vs another beverage? If so what is your source of that information?

    People have reasons other than fear to limit or avoid caffeine. Not everyone may be aware that tea can also have caffeine. There are a lot of caffeine free herbal teas- which is what I favor. If you want caffeine there are teas with more caffeine. http://www.teavana.com/us/en/discover.

    If you enjoy tea why does it have to be better than another beverage?
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I drink liters of tea every day because I've always loved tea. I loved it when I was morbidly obese and I still love it now. It will never replace water for me, though. I can't wrap my mind around comparing water to anything else because it's a whole different category for me. I drink tea because I like it and I drink water when I'm thirsty. The two don't mix for me. I'm never going to use a hot drink for thirst...
  • Theo166
    Theo166 Posts: 2,564 Member
    For me, I fill a 32oz travel mug with hot water and throw in a single tea bag, then I keep refilling with hot water. I find it easier to sip this weak tea flavored water than straight cold or hot water. For caffeine, I pound down regular coffee.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    I drink liters of tea every day because I've always loved tea. I loved it when I was morbidly obese and I still love it now. It will never replace water for me, though. I can't wrap my mind around comparing water to anything else because it's a whole different category for me. I drink tea because I like it and I drink water when I'm thirsty. The two don't mix for me. I'm never going to use a hot drink for thirst...

    Finally! I feel the same way. I drink tea when i feel like tea and plain water when when I'm thirsty. I also drink Litres of tea, and coffee... But neither replace plain old water.
    I can tell a difference when i drink my usual amount of tea and no plain water, compared to when i also finish my 2-3L water bottle.
  • dfwesq
    dfwesq Posts: 592 Member
    Different kinds of teas also have some nutritional and health benefits, and that's something to consider as well. Here's an article: http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/tea-types-and-their-health-benefits#1

    Also, some people seem to eat out of boredom, and something flavorful but low-calorie like tea or coffee may help with that.
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    I can't stand tea. Any kind. Different strokes for different folks. I'm happy with my coffee (sweetener and milk) and diet pop and water.
  • Sivadee00
    Sivadee00 Posts: 428 Member
    edited May 2017
    To be honest, I have been fortunate enough to find teas that do more than hydrate me.

    I went to a fair some years ago and bought a tea, from a vendor, to help me sleep. I wanted off sleeping pills. The tea worked. I slowly went off the tea and started a normal sleeping rhythm again.

    Also, there is a brand I use called Traditional Medicine's and their laxative tea (smooth move) does better than any prescriptions or harsh pills. They have a variety of other teas that do other things. No, they don't taste very savory or sweet but they got the job done. :smile:
  • TaraTaraTara76
    TaraTaraTara76 Posts: 89 Member
    I was never a tea drinker but this year; at age 40, I became one. I love yogi brand teas and they help suppress my appetite.
  • JeepHair77
    JeepHair77 Posts: 1,291 Member
    You can pry my coffee out of my cold, dead hands.