1 pound a week & 60 min a day workout (CLOSED)



  • niebla
    niebla Posts: 71
    Hello Everyone!
    It's MONDAY, so it's starting day and weigh in day!

    I am first:)

    Today's weight: 151.4

  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member
    Hi everyone!

    My name is Ariel. I'm 27 and I've always been slightly overweight. I had a heart problem growing up and wasn't able to be physically active. I'm able to now, and I get excited about trying new exercises and pushing myself to become stronger. :) I'm not sure I really have a goal weight in mind, just a physical fitness level I'd like to attain and maintain (that second part might be the hardest!).

    Looking forward to doing this challenge with all of you! Let's keep each other strong. :)

    Starting MFP: 170
    Current weight: 154.2
    Goal weight: around 145?
    Challenge goal: 149

    25th July FIRST DAY : 154.2 lbs
    1st August
    8th August
    15th August
    22nd August FINAL DAY

    Yesterday I went swimming, which was great in this ridiculous heat! Not sure if I'll swim, walk or run this evening.
  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi all! Sorry to just now post, but my internet was funky all weekend (as were my eating habits!). I'm Leslie--a single, 29 year-old Coordinator of Writing in Richmond, KY. I lost about 35 pounds and have kept it off for over 2 years now. I would, however, like to lose another 20-25 pounds. As I lose wieght, I feel good, but I think I'm a little scared of the changes as I end up eating and gaining it back. Last week, for instance, I was down 4 pounds from my starting weight. I lost focus and let myself have late-night Mexican binges and worked out very little during the week. This morning, I was back up 1.5.

    I'm hoping this accountability to and support from the group will help me stay motivated.

    July 25th: 154.5

    Good luck today!
  • lval82
    lval82 Posts: 21 Member

    We're starting at pretty close to the same weight today! Partners? :)

  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Happy Monday

    Starting MFP: 186
    Current weight: 169 - woohoo... just reached the 160's
    Goal weight: 135
    Challenge goal: 165

    25th July FIRST DAY : 169 lbs
    1st August
    8th August
    15th August
    22nd August FINAL DAY

    I got my 60 minutes in first thing this morning - Plyometrics, it's like circuit training but with reps of aerobics

    Good luck everyone
  • aLatz13
    aLatz13 Posts: 60 Member
    Happy Monday!

    July 25th: 133.5

    this morning I did 20 minutes on the exercise bike as a warm-up (did 3 min warm up, then intervals of 2 min easy, 1 minute hard, then a 2 min cool down), then I did a 20 minute kettle bell workout and then a 20 minute ab workout
  • jamielr84
    jamielr84 Posts: 545
    Morning everyone! Thanks for the birthday wishes! I had a good birthday, but after all the celebrating, I'm ready to get back on track!

    July 25th: 219
  • Hi. My name is LaCosta. I'm 31 with 3 kids, 11, 8 and 17mon. I live in OK and work for Developmental Disabilities for the state.

    My last pregnancy was horrible and resulted in a one month hospital stay, a 27wkr that weighed 1.8lbs and a 30lb+ weight gain for me during her 3mon NICU stay.

    I tend to be an emotional eater. Exercise hasn't been a problem.. eating has. This sounds like the group for me!
  • Evercia
    Evercia Posts: 13
    Morning everyone!! This is gonna be a tough week for me. I have a Final tonight, my birthday tomorrow, and a Final on Thursday. Here's hoping I can stay on track.

    Starting weight: 220
    Current weight: 213
    Goal weight: 185
    Challenge goal: 205

    Didn't exercise all weekend.... but I probably could have cut some time away to. Must try to be more diligent.
  • peariel
    peariel Posts: 91 Member

    We're starting at pretty close to the same weight today! Partners? :)


    Sounds great Leslie! :) Let's do this!!!
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Happy Monday everyone!!

    Starting weight: 156.8

    Here we go!!!
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Howdy group!

    Week 1: 203lbs

    My exercise plan is cardio, I'm starting the C25K, challenge (never really ran before) and light weights at the gym. I'll check in later today to share my workout experience.

    Have a great day everyone♥
  • onehecticmom
    onehecticmom Posts: 299 Member
    Howdy group!

    Week 1: 203lbs

    My exercise plan is cardio, I'm starting the C25K, challenge (never really ran before) and light weights at the gym. I'll check in later today to share my workout experience.

    Have a great day everyone♥

    Good Luck. Keep us posted on the C25K. Thinking of doing it, but haven't commited yet.
  • smahaney1
    smahaney1 Posts: 27 Member
    Good morning everyone from a very humid Arizona (the monsoon season is in full force).

    Starting weight on 07/25: 185

    I will be hitting the gym this evening after work. Good luck today in getting your 60 minutes of working out!
  • Alacey88
    Alacey88 Posts: 486 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!!

    I currently weighing in at 194.2 as this morning. so here are the following goals that I have planned for me as I just joined a gym with my boyfriend:

    SW 195
    CW 194..2
    GW 160

    Gym Goals:
    Workout for 60 mins a day doing running, stepmaster machine and abs work....
  • NicLiving
    NicLiving Posts: 261 Member
    Hello Everyone!
    It's MONDAY, so it's starting day and weigh in day!

    Good morning losers and I mean that affectionately lol.
    My starting weight is......211.5 lbs.
    Already got 10 min of stairs and Mountain climbs done .:happy:
    Plus the weather in Michigan has finally cool'd down a bit so I hope to get outside at lunch.
  • Twilightmom06
    Twilightmom06 Posts: 35 Member
    Good Morning! Today's weight 240 lbs.
  • CoCoMa
    CoCoMa Posts: 904 Member
    Howdy group!

    Week 1: 203lbs

    My exercise plan is cardio, I'm starting the C25K, challenge (never really ran before) and light weights at the gym. I'll check in later today to share my workout experience.

    Have a great day everyone♥

    Good Luck. Keep us posted on the C25K. Thinking of doing it, but haven't commited yet.

    Thanks, will do!!
  • brenott
    brenott Posts: 117 Member
    Did not start off well. Starting weight 220.5 (up from Friday)

    Planned on doing 30 Day Shred in the mornings and CArdio (running or bike) in the evenings. Major sinus headache this morning, so I did not get up in time to do it. But I still plan on 60 minutes tonight...
  • acarter86
    acarter86 Posts: 34 Member
    Sorry but I didn't have a chance to introduce myself this weekend. But my name is Ashley. I am 25 years old. I recently got married and have put on a little weight since then. So I am hoping to lose those few pounds plus the few I already needed to lose. I am a secretary at an energy savings company so I sit most of the day which doesn't help with the weight. So I am hoping that this is going to help motivate me to add more exercise to my daily routine. Good luck to all of you! I know we can do this!

    July 25th- 155