2nd time around not getting results

I used myfitness pal 4 years ago and lost about 20lbs. Maintained for most part and was able to get back on my fitness pal and get back on Track if I did gain a few lbs. however last fall I had a hysterectomy which I gained about 10lbs. Once I was physically able got back on lost weight again, I lost about 4 lbs from Jan -feb . Winter hit went on a couple of trips, gained the 4 lbs back wasn't worried at first got back on track in March and now since march I have not lost a lb, and I am using myfitness pal the same way I always have before and the weight comes off. I have changed up my workouts, etc. trying to jumpstart something. This week has been struggle, felt hungry all week, been afraid to eat and afraid not to eat. I am trying to be patient but don't want to wait another 4 weeks only to not lose anything. 5'4 145 I was 140 in Feb.


  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    Sorry to hear about your struggles. I understand that you're using MFP the same way but you have to understand your body isn't the same anymore. undergoing that surgery (sorry you had to go through that) is going to change A LOT when it comes to hormones ... you have to be patient and loving to your body. You have to be patient enough to figure out what works for it now. I wish I can tell u to eat xyz amount of cals but that would be stupid on my part. If you're 100% committed to yourself you'll figure it out I promise...
  • sarabissa
    sarabissa Posts: 22 Member
    Thanks, keep plugging away at it I guess.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    Be patient with yourself. You will get it worked out. :)
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    sarabissa wrote: »
    Thanks, keep plugging away at it I guess.

    Use a food scale for all foods that aren't liquids (even prepackaged food), choose correct database entries the reflect packaging or USDA (green check mark foods are not necessarily accurate). Bar code scanner not necessarily accurate either- double check information.

    Log everything such as cooking oils, marinades, dressings, condiments, fruits and veg.

    Did I mention weigh everything on a foodcscale and use spoons/cups for liquid only?

    Don't be afraid to eat: losing weight is a calories game and NOT about what foods you should eat/shouldn't eat. Relax. Log your food the night before. Eat your calories.

    How many lbs have you left to lose? If you're feeling hungry all the time, it may be too low and/or you've cut out far too much food from your diet. Remember, weight loss isn't about what foods you eat/don't eat; it's about calories.