Trying to maintain after losing 127lbs scale is climbing up, look 4 friends going thru same journey

Started off my journey at 253 and got down to 125lbs with extra skin to boot. So I was at the bare minimum for my weight... I started off losing my weight healthy then at the end developed an eating disorder. I restricted myself from all processed foods. No sugar no salt. Nothing completely raw and even went a hundred percent vegan.
I malnourished myself at one point. Then when I joined my fitness pal and realized I want eating enough and working out to much.. I lost my period and now I am on hormone pill to get back on my cycle. It's making me eat more and retain weight.. on but before this I am currently eating dairy in moderation and I am eating so much more! I am eating by far so much more and eating whole grains and I starting introducing sugars and salts and processed food into my diet and found I am creeping up the scales. I used to be a hundred percent restricting to even the times of day I could drink water to when to eat and exercise.. now I lost all that and eat when I'm hungry and what. I don't work out as much but I don't walk now a mile and a half each way back and forth to work. I don't do vigorous works out either. I have a lot of energy and feel normal. But I feel myself slowly going back to my old fattening eating behavior and have a fear of going back to my old weight or going back to starving myself. Which I don't want to do... my mind set towards food had completely change but I see myself unhinging and just indulging in foods that I shouldn't more and more. Want friends that understand my mind and what I am going through


  • littlebabekitty
    littlebabekitty Posts: 388 Member
    I started at 240 and now i am at 140s itsvso hard to lose pass the 140s . I am an emotional eater. I also suffer from a bad pms that gives mr anxiety and depression and makes me overeat. I am struggling to lose weight . I am vegan noe and i still dont lose weight easily. Its hard for me to be motivated. I reccomend slowly transitiononing to healthy lifestyle you had going before ,without the extreme parts. Its gokd to be eating healthy. Being vegan isnt bad either if you do it right. But u dont have to be vegan if u dont want to. Just make sure you eat variety of foods and vitamins. Try doing a detox to reset your system and get rid of the bad cravings for proceseed junk. I like the dr oz 3 day smoothie detox. I did it once and had great results. After the detox slowly add good healthy food, eat balanced and keep track of portion sizes. Its never to late to change and go back to health.
  • thechaoswithinme
    thechaoswithinme Posts: 66 Member
    I understand a lot of what you are going through. I started at 212 (250 at my highest after the birth of one of my kids) and lost 90 to get down to maintenance range of 122-127. I will say that I lost weight in a fairly healthy way, not starving myself or restricting the types of foods I ate. I still ate "junk food" every day, just a moderate amount.

    I've been maintaining the loss for about a year now. The last few of months have been really hard for some reason. I've been in this cycle of either binging and overeating so I gain several pounds in one weekend, or I'm eating at a deficit that my body doesn't enjoy. I lose the weight but then as soon as I get down to maintenance again I start overeating again. It's been really hard for me to figure out how to get out of the cycle and even harder to figure out why I'm in the cycle in the first place after doing so well all year.

    I decided to take a logging/scale break. The first couple days I did it, I know I over ate. My instincts told me I should start logging again and restrict but I didn't. The past few days have been better where I'm not logging my food but I can tell I'm eating a relatively healthy amount. I've been continuing with exercise as usual. Part of me feels more free not obsessing over calories and my weight. Part of me still worries that I'm gaining and I need to step on the scale and start logging again. Eventually I will check in on my weight and see how things look but i feel strongly that I needed this mental break. I was getting too obsessed and I didn't like how it felt.

    Not sure if any of that was helpful but that's been my experience and I know what you're going through! Maintenance is tough after you've lost a large amount of weight especially.
    @victoria_1024 I understand where you are coming from.. I'm slowly starting to loss thatobsessiin with food. I sorta want to go without my scale everyday and counting calories but then I don't at the same time. To keep myself accountable. I just want to eat normally and still be in control ya know find that balance. But I keep finding myself. Just picking on everything al the time. She I think you checking in on ur weight. That's the healthy way and that is what most people do. And I think how you eat as well. With the binge eating. I think a lot of people do that as well.. people fluctuate with their weight It's tougher for someone I believe who lost a lot of weight because of the fear of gaining it all back

  • amzblitz
    amzblitz Posts: 310 Member
    You are making it a little complicated.Simply but ...why don't you follow the golden rule "calories in vs calories out"?

    That way you don't need to over think things if you will

    The thing which is missing here is exercise

    Burn calories and enjoy the food

  • kristikitter
    kristikitter Posts: 602 Member
    The hormone thing is tricky, I know. I get it bad enough during TOM when I could literally eat all day...

    I would aim to get to maybe the middle of your Healthy BMI range, and aim to stay within 2lbs/3lbs of this range, to give yourself some wiggle room. Stick in some exercise even if it's once a week, then build from there, then at least you have some calories to eat back if you want.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    Would you consider meeting with a therapist ? You have been through a lot of changes, and it is not just a matter of "knowing" what is healthy, it is also a matter of finding the right mentality.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    did you get support for your eating disorder?

    what are your stats now, how many cals are you eating?
  • Gamliela
    Gamliela Posts: 2,468 Member
    If you are young usually the amount of calories you can eat to maintain is quite high. Something that throws off the balance is undereating for a long time, then not quite eating enough. Remember, if you are feeling guilty, bloated and jump on the scale after a couple of days of eating at maintenance after undereating, you will see a gain. The gain showing on the scale and how you feel isn't representing fat gain, it is just the reaction to overeating, extra salt, so its a combination of swollen tissues and extra food in your body.
    Getting adjusted to the higher calories of maintenance takes a few weeks, or a couple of months for most people here from what I am reading of their experiences. I know its hard but try your best to eat your full amount of maintenance calories for a month or two and see where your weight stabalizes. Then you will be able to make future decisions about what you can do. Also, if you are excersizing very much one day, be sure to eat the calories you burned, or you will be extra hungry and it can cause overeating. You can do this! Keep trying your best.