are there any beachbody coaches here?



  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    I have heard good things about FitnessBlender as well, and I believe it's free (don't quote me on it though, I haven't used it).

    fitness blender is free but they do have programs you can buy,but you dont have to. the site and the workouts are free otherwise.
  • Zuzurillo
    Zuzurillo Posts: 80 Member
    I'm not really sure what dewd2 is talking about but maybe he's just easily influenced by advertisers. LOL. It's really not that different than walking into a gym and having water bottles or t-shirts with studio logos displayed to buy. They advertise their stuff at the end of the DVD's, no big deal - just turn it off. I've done P90X, P90x3 and loved them. I owned the DVD's and was in the best shape of my life doing them. Dropped off the regular habit and Just got Piyo to try out. I have never personally felt compelled to buy anything else that the company tries to sell. I own a lot of different series/workout DVDs by different companies/trainers. George St. Pierre ( UFC fighter) has a series I liked a lot too, RushFit. Different company than Beachbody. Just for reference, I'm currently I'm doing Orange Theory workouts in a studio in conjunctions with the Piyo at home. Best of luck to you!
  • skylarwalsh
    skylarwalsh Posts: 9 Member
    I'm finishing up week 4 of Slim in 6. I really like it so far and it's perfect for beginners! I'm not totally sure if the On Demand is worth the price, but I've been using and paying for it nonetheless.
  • xmusic_lover211
    xmusic_lover211 Posts: 17 Member
    I love Beachbody on Demand. I like that I can stream any program whenever is convenient for me, I have a toddler and my husband works crazy hours so it's very hard for me to get to a gym. I'm doing my second round of 21 Day Fix (just the workouts) right now and it's kicking my butt! In a good way haha. I've also done Country Heat, Cize, T25, and Core De Force.
  • PikaJoyJoy
    PikaJoyJoy Posts: 280 Member
    mrscandyv wrote: »
    dewd2 wrote: »
    There are coaches salesman everywhere for this junk. Any particular reason why you think you need it?

    Edit to add 'coaches' are sales people. No special training. The workouts may be OK - Just don't get pressured into the shakes other nonsense.

    I need to find a workout that I can do at home...preferably 5am while kids and dh are still sleeping. I thought that the on demand would be something with variety

    Here are a few free suggestions for workouts (I'm assuming you're looking for mostly bodyweight related ones):

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