Looking for motivation /accountability friends

3cutiepies Posts: 8 Member
edited April 2017 in Getting Started
Hi there. Looking for some friends to help keep me accountable and motivated, as that's what I lack the most. I'm a 35 year old happily married, sahm to three kids, that needs to lose 50+pounds. I have never been able to lose and maintain my weight loss because I get frustrated and give up.


  • jen_bush
    jen_bush Posts: 679 Member
    Hi, feel free to add me. I have only 25 left to lose, but I've lost over 30lbs already, so we can motivate each other x
  • Snyderm0m
    Snyderm0m Posts: 4 Member
    Your post stood out to me am a SAHM of three busy boys! Love my hubby but he can lose weight so much faster than me. So hard when your hungry and fixing grill cheese for kids to stop and say eat healthy!
    Please add me to your group.
  • freshstart4liz18
    freshstart4liz18 Posts: 8 Member
    Your all more than welcome to add me :)
  • michelletherain
    michelletherain Posts: 1 Member
    Same boat here! 4 years ago I lost 50 pounds and gained back 42 of it. Needing to get back in the game and stay there.
    PKAKE Posts: 2 Member
    I'm in :-D
    Im new!.... how does this work? .... what do we do next?
  • debraraymond1
    debraraymond1 Posts: 1 Member
    I'm new too. Starting tomorrow and getting setup. Just saw nutritionalist today and feeling excited but anxious. I want to lose 50 lbs. She told me to use my fitness to track meals as a food journal is very important so I am ready. I am willing to share her information if anyone would like me to
    PKAKE Posts: 2 Member
    I'd definitely appreciate if you shared debraraymond1! Awesome of you to offer :-D
  • Sally4Change
    Sally4Change Posts: 21 Member
    Feel free to add me. I don't have any two legged kids...but I do have two dogs, am 35 (almost 36) and looking to lose 50 pounds. Am looking for more friends.
  • celestestar
    celestestar Posts: 41 Member
    Feel free to add me to, i don't have any two legged children, but i do have a four legged one and looking to loose 40 kg
  • lucyanne6807
    lucyanne6807 Posts: 1 Member
    3cutiepies wrote: »
    Hi there. Looking for some friends to help keep me accountable and motivated, as that's what I lack the most. I'm a 35 year old happily married, sahm to three kids, that needs to lose 50+pounds. I have never been able to lose and maintain my weight loss because I get frustrated and give up.

    In the same boat here. A little older at 39 but I have 3 kids too and am happily married as well! Need to lose around 3 stone if I can after a ridiculous accident that put me out of the gym for nearly 8 months. I would love to help motivate and definitely need some back too.
  • jmarx33
    jmarx33 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi, I'm new. I completelely understand. I lost 40lbs 4 years ago and gained 30 of it back due being on heavy doses of steroids. I'm soon to be 47 and my 26th anniversary is in a week in a half. Have just lost 10lbs giving u all the sweet stuff for Lent and have Addison's disease and so many other health problems and need to improve my health.
  • dawnellemom
    dawnellemom Posts: 75 Member
    Add me also, I'm 41, mom, need to lose about 40!
  • Kikilarue59
    Kikilarue59 Posts: 81 Member
    Hi, Feel free to add me as I am being very accountable... I am very serious about losing the weight. my mindset is in the right place. and I am working to have it stay that way.