first week down but feel like giving up.. is this normal??



  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    If you already want to give up, your goal is too aggressive. Reduce to 0.5 kilo a week.
  • DietPrada
    DietPrada Posts: 1,171 Member
    1kg a week is actually not taking it slow, it's an aggressive target - especially as you're only 20kg overweight. 0.5kg a week is more realistic.

    I've been doing this over 4 years, and the way you make it work is by finding an eating style you can embrace, making that mental change that "this is how I eat now" not "i'm on a diet". After 20 years of yoyo dieting, low carb worked for me. More protein, more fat, less carbs means I don't get that hunger that makes me want to binge anymore. Find half a dozen recipes you like that fit in your plan and rotate them - if you can do it without having to obsessively plan it gets easier. I still weigh and track my food, but I don't stress about it anymore. I also find it easier to skip breakfast and have a snack after dinner instead, rather than going to bed hungry.

    Make whatever you're doing a routine. Allow yourself to "have a life" but also take care of yourself. I still manage to eat out (steak, salad or vege, glass of wine) and not miss out on anything.

    And if you're exhausted, maybe go easy on the exercise, don't do it every day. I've lost 90lb and the only exercise I do is walk to and from the bus stop (about 7000 steps a day) and ride my horse once a week. I hate working out, and I'm not going to take on anything I can't commit to and enjoy.
  • SweatsOnSunday
    SweatsOnSunday Posts: 514 Member
    Francl27 wrote: »
    If you already want to give up, your goal is too aggressive. Reduce to 0.5 kilo a week.

    Agree with this. We all have rough days. But if EVERY day is a rough day, you might want to reconsider your goals. And once you start, even if its a small change, you will naturally want to increase over time.
  • cheriej2042
    cheriej2042 Posts: 241 Member
    I know the two weeks of starting a weight loss program are really tough for me too! I felt tired too but I think it was just my body adapting to my new food regime and exercise program. I just set my sights on getting through the first two weeks and by then I felt a lot better and had started losing weight. Also get enough sleep because it's tough to feel motivated when you're already tired at the start of the day.
  • WeightLoss3809
    WeightLoss3809 Posts: 7 Member
    You're giving up because you are starting your weight loss with an unrealistic goal.
    It takes time to gain weight and it takes time to lose weight. If you are tiring out within the first week you're not eating the right diet, and you're over exhausting yourself to that point of feeling that way.
  • lemonychild
    lemonychild Posts: 654 Member
    Your calories are too low, no wonder u don't have energy. Start of slow, gain momentum and then try for more aggressive goals.