Help me make a list

Hi guys...Im trying to come up with 100 things you can do to avoid eating (by this I mean over eating of course).
You know some of us eat when where bored, upset, happy, angry and just because there's food.
So what can we do when the urge slaps us in the face and we know it has nothing to do with "hunger"??

Ill start

1. Look at pictures before you started your weight loss journey to remind your self how far youve come.


  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    Go to bed!
  • courtneylwatson
    courtneylwatson Posts: 260 Member
    Brush your teeth. Who wants to eat with that minty taste in your mouth?
  • crazyladym
    crazyladym Posts: 26
    brush ur teeth, nothing tastes good after tootpaste. lol
  • knowmydestiny
    knowmydestiny Posts: 104 Member
    don't buy the junk food you can't stay away from.
  • Fochizzy
    Fochizzy Posts: 505 Member
    Go to bed!


    5/6 (dunno how counting repeat). Get up and go for a walk
  • crazyladym
    crazyladym Posts: 26
    lol, we were thinking alike
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Usually I get those urges when I am sitting relaxing watching TV so I either (i) get up and go for a walk or (ii) :blushing: tickle and wrestle with my husband (it also gets him off the computer:wink: ).
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    20mins of excercise!
  • Daffydilly
    Daffydilly Posts: 29 Member
    Imagine how cross and disappointed you'll be with yourself if you give in.
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Do some exercise and then decide if you really want to eat afterwards.
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    Do a quick water drinking challenge!
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    Log it in your Food Diary...perhaps if you see just how bad it is, you'll be less tempted to eat it
  • sibbets37
    sibbets37 Posts: 9
    Xbox live Call of Duty! You can't beat it and it takes your mind of everything!! lol
  • anberlingasm
    anberlingasm Posts: 177
    Go to bed, definitely, my cravings hit hardest at night time so I try to sleep it off!
  • Janie5605
    Janie5605 Posts: 182 Member
    drink a glass of water

    if you have to overeat do it on something healthy like veggies.
  • mrscjwilson
    mrscjwilson Posts: 252
    Have sex....hehehe!
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    groom the dogs - I have yorkies, this is a never ending job.
    Give yourself a facial/pedicure
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Here are a few of my top tips to prevent snacking

    * Drink a glass of water
    * Brush my teeth
    * Do some household chores
    * Run a huge bubble bath
    * Paint my nails
    * Straighten my hair
    * Have a cuddle with the cat (this is my fave!!)
    * Have a cuddle with the OH (my second fave LOL)
    * Go out for a walk [I do this at work a lot]
    * Read a chapter of a book / a few magazine articles
    * Get rid of all my text messages

    If I am hungry I will eat - if I am bored I will distract myself!
  • tassit
    tassit Posts: 7
    Definitely stay hydrated. If you have to snack have something healthy as noted, or eat something small and WAIT... the feeling of hunger should subside.

    If you aren't hungry just bored, you really have to work on not reaching for that snack and find something to do to take your mind off it. Or eat a rice cake...that should stop your cravings :)
  • lil_pulp
    lil_pulp Posts: 701 Member
    Take a's a twofer because it gets you away from the kitchen AND you'll be forced to look at your naked body.