Im trying Meal prep for Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner, Thoughts or ideas?

So I plan to cook once a day all the food i need for a week and store in my fridge or freezer, not sure yet
I'm drinking water or this Iaso detox tea with each meal... and my goal is too lose weight

So far I for breakfast i have egg whites, turkey bacon, and sprouted brown rice(I did so much research on rice, i decided to use brown over white), I haven't found how much exactly measurement wise to eat daily to get me threw the day til lunch or exercise

For dinner I would have chicken breast(baked or fried), broccoli, and sprouted brown rice.. and if i don't want to eat the same stuff everyday i would switch out the chicken breast or some other meats with low fat

I don't really know what to eat for lunch yet... might eat the same thing for dinner? im thinking about Potatoes, Some low fat meat.. ugh i dont really know yet...

Thats all i have to far... is it looking good??? share you thoughts on what i have so far...

And if i need a snack or something ima just eat a banana
Oh I will be using cooking coconut oil and the regular kind...


  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    edited May 2017
    Sounds boring as bat poop to be honest. Why such a limited range of foods? Why so much low fat? I'd rather add tasty fatty foods over cooking in oil (like whole eggs, nuts, avocado, fatty fish, cheese etc)

    And get off the detox tea. Pretty sure, from other discussions on the forum, that it just contains a laxative...
  • savontewdy
    savontewdy Posts: 3 Member
    Sounds boring as bat poop to be honest. Why such a limited range of foods? Why so much low fat? I'd rather add tasty fatty foods over cooking in oil (like whole eggs, nuts, avocado, fatty fish, cheese etc)

    And get off the detox tea. Pretty sure, from other discussions on the forum, that it just contains a laxative...

    thanks for the information about the detox tea...

    im a very picky eater, i really have a small amount variety of foods i like, i can count on 4 hands all the food i eat... Im afraid to try any new foods... so i made this from what i like...
    Im still trying to get use to eating vegetables and fruits, berries (i only like Banana's and Potatoes atm) anything else is hard for me to stomach cause of the texture and taste...
    I don't want to blow what little money i have on something i don't like, so im taking it slow for right now.. before all i ate was meat, cheese, cheese, cheese and bread.. no greens on my food.. i never ate a salad... i haven't really tried broccoli but im forcing myself to eat something green and then maybe ill like it it start from there... ><
  • spydergirl47
    spydergirl47 Posts: 36 Member
    I too am a very picky eater and there is very few veggies I like. If broccoli really doesn't suit you much, try cauliflower instead. Not to mention, you can do some really creative low-cal things with cauliflower to substitute out some of the carbs in your diet, and it's as good as eating broccoli. I am not a huge broccoli fan, but I do like cauliflower. Just do some Google searches to see all the stuff you can do with cauliflower. Green beans is also another good one and replace those potatoes with sweet potatoes if you can.
  • savontewdy
    savontewdy Posts: 3 Member
    I too am a very picky eater and there is very few veggies I like. If broccoli really doesn't suit you much, try cauliflower instead. Not to mention, you can do some really creative low-cal things with cauliflower to substitute out some of the carbs in your diet, and it's as good as eating broccoli. I am not a huge broccoli fan, but I do like cauliflower. Just do some Google searches to see all the stuff you can do with cauliflower. Green beans is also another good one and replace those potatoes with sweet potatoes if you can.

    thanks, ill remember this after trying broccoli, why sweet potatoes hmmm? those are healthy? ill look into it, thanks again
  • need2belean
    need2belean Posts: 356 Member
    edited May 2017
    savontewdy wrote: »
    So I plan to cook once a day all the food i need for a week and store in my fridge or freezer, not sure yet
    I'm drinking water or this Iaso detox tea with each meal... and my goal is too lose weight

    So far I for breakfast i have egg whites, turkey bacon, and sprouted brown rice(I did so much research on rice, i decided to use brown over white), I haven't found how much exactly measurement wise to eat daily to get me threw the day til lunch or exercise

    For dinner I would have chicken breast(baked or fried), broccoli, and sprouted brown rice.. and if i don't want to eat the same stuff everyday i would switch out the chicken breast or some other meats with low fat

    I don't really know what to eat for lunch yet... might eat the same thing for dinner? im thinking about Potatoes, Some low fat meat.. ugh i dont really know yet...

    Thats all i have to far... is it looking good??? share you thoughts on what i have so far...

    And if i need a snack or something ima just eat a banana
    Oh I will be using cooking coconut oil and the regular kind...

    Great job on starting to meal prep. I recommend if you're meal prepping, to pre-log your meals ahead of time into myfitnesspal. If you are a picky eater and don't like to venture from a lot of foods, meal prepping and pre-planning should be super easy!
    By pre-planning your meals, you'll be able to figure out how much you need throughout the day.
    I recommend weighing your solid foods on a cheap food scale you can get online or at Walmart.

    So, breakfast:
    1/2c of egg whites, 2-3 slices of turkey bacon and 1/4c of cooked brown rice.
    130calorie whole wheat wrap, turkey breast or chicken breast or tuna with some added fixin's like light mayo, sugar free relish, tomatoes, etc. Make sure to weigh and log the fixin's. Especially the sauces because those calories will add up quick.
    Chicken breast/ salmon/tilapia/mahi mahi 4-5oz of each. Make sure to log them as cooked if you weigh them after their cooked. And then, for the broccoli, add some shredded cheese to make them easier to eat or I like to eat mine with no-added sugar ketchup to spice them up. Just make sure you weigh and log the cheese/ketchup.
    Maybe instead of the brown rice, you can spice it up with 1/2 a sweet potato or 1/2 a regular baked potato. Maybe add quinoa instead of the rice also if you want to switch it up. The possibilities are endless.
    Also, if you have calories left after you log those big meals, try adding in a small 200g of apple for a midday snack or string cheese, or greek yogurt. I eat (6) 200-300 calorie meals a day so I never feel like I'm starving. But, if that doesn't work for you, do 3 big meals and maybe just one snack. But, I certainly recommend pre-logging the day before to see what and how much you can eat that next day. It takes all the guessing out of it! Good Luck!
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    I meal prep and really enjoy it! I bought a ton of reusable tupperwares from Amazon and use those to make pre-portioned servings.

    As I cook, I weigh my ingredients and write down the values. Then when everything is divided equally into my containers, I input my recipe into MFP so I know the exact calorie count of each meal.

    You can prep basically anything that will stand up well to re-heating. Casseroles, quiches, chili, soup, pasta, lasagna, curries, stews, roasted/steamed veggies, rice dishes, etc.

    I usually make anywhere from 10-24 servings per recipe. I keep enough in the fridge for my fiancee and I to eat within the week and freeze the rest. Then pull a few out of the freezer as needed. This keeps everything tasting fresh.

    Detox teas and special recipes really aren't needed... just cook whatever you want and divvy it up, and track your calorie amounts per meal. Then fit it into your daily goal.
  • RamboKitty87
    RamboKitty87 Posts: 272 Member
    Hey, could have cold boiled eggs, takes 4 mins in the microwave with boiled water, cooked from the night before, just pop in the fridge till the next day? or boiled/steamed mixed veg for lunch? it takes me 6 mins in the microwave in a microwavable bowl with the lid, you don't have to limit yourself to be honest, all about moderation, working it into your calorie goals etc overnight oats? Link: honestly google is your best friend when it comes to healthy, nutrious, low calorie meals, what else.... if you don't have much time to eat in the morning/lunchtime you could have a meal supplement shake and a piece of fruit... dry toast, Weight watchers danish is 204 calories for 4 slices and its not all that bad once you get used to not having butter, allrecipes website is my go to for ideas.... Link:, also you could google low calorie meal prep ideas... link to a useful website I found:
    I hope this helped, I wish you all the best in your weightloss journey :) Take care x
  • ksz1104
    ksz1104 Posts: 260 Member
    I actually bought a pack of frozen all white turkey meat burgers and cooked a few for lunches during the week. I roasted a sweet potato and cut that up and added it to the meals along with a bag of frozen spinach. Got a few good meals like that.
  • DamieBird
    DamieBird Posts: 651 Member
    It's tough to feel like you *should* eat something, if you know you don't like it. If you don't like many vegetables, try cooking them in different ways to see if you like them better. IMO, roasting veggies brings out the best flavor and steamed broccoli is just . . bland. As another poster suggested, cauliflower is a good option, it has a mild flavor and mixes into other foods extremely well (and is also super yummy roasted with garlic!). Fresh baby spinach is very easy to get down, as well, if you feel like you HAVE to have more greenery. It has a very mild flavor if it's raw, and works great with eggs or smoothies that you can make in advance.
    The key to meal prep is to pick something that you don't mind eating several days in a row. For me, that usually means that my meals have lots of different components, because I like variety. If you tend to like a smaller set of foods, that hurdle will be much easier for you!
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Check out the meal prep thread in the recipes forum!
  • BWA468
    BWA468 Posts: 101 Member
    Im quite fussy when it comes to meat and I also prefer to eat the same things most of the time. I have wraps for lunch. Lettuce, ham, tomato but then I add stuff like mayo and hummus to give it some flavour. Sauces are god!! Just make sure to weigh them properly. Im living at home at the moment but when I was on my own Id make a big pot of chilli and split it up then reheat it and cook some spaghetti add some cheese. It was yum and super low calorie. I still make it now if I have to fend for myself. Otherwise itd be like frozen crumbed fish and some veggies. Pork chops and veggies. Get creative with spices. I hate bland veggies and dont find them enjoyable. Chicken breast and pasta, chicken breast with anything is good too. I eat whatever else I like and make it fit. If it doesnt I have more of a calorie deficit the next day :)